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The Organization XIII

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Rehab, no. Dead.
Opponent’s Serebii name: Kamoarc119
Your rank: Fortuneteller
Opponent’s rank: Soldier
Result: 3 - 0 (W)

The Last Jedi

Stalling is Cowardly
Opponent’s Serebii name: Kamoarc119
Your rank: Fortuneteller
Opponent’s rank: Soldier
Result: 3 - 0 (W)

Confirming And thus my 8 game winning streak dies :-( gg though :)


Rock Ultimate
On my quest to defeat Pokemon Blue Version and complete the Pokedex, I have 8/8 badges and 101/151 pokes. Danger are you playing red right now or not?


New Member
I've been repeating a popup game for 2 hours to prove that you are a human in order to start chatting in our Xat . Is there any way through this ? After I complete the game , followed instructions and when I click the Sign in button , voila ! It's there to piss you off again .


Rock Ultimate
i didn't know you needed me to, i was playing crystal

It's fine, I might have an irl friend who completed a red rom who'll help me out

I've been repeating a popup game for 2 hours to prove that you are a human in order to start chatting in our Xat . Is there any way through this ? After I complete the game , followed instructions and when I click the Sign in button , voila ! It's there to piss you off again .

You don't need to sign up for xat in order to chat, half of us aren't. Just follow the link in I think Maka's sig.


Hit 1900 on the ladder because I'm a pro. I'd assume this would count for either 1800 or 2000, because there's nothing for 1900.



King of the Monsters
leaving due to my life being in the way. Wish I was able to have battled with all of you. GL with the clan c:

The Last Jedi

Stalling is Cowardly
leaving due to my life being in the way. Wish I was able to have battled with all of you. GL with the clan c:

Sorry to see you go, good luck in your future endeavors.

Also, um where can I get the buttons for the guild?


New Member
Oh gahd , it seems like I would never get in the Guild Xat at all . Seems like a bug on my part or Xat just doesnt like me . Does someone play Pokemon Online here ? I heard that majority of the guild uses PS ( Might as well download it immediately )


Rock Ultimate
Sorry to see you go, good luck in your future endeavors.

Also, um where can I get the buttons for the guild?

If you right click on the button in someone's sig, you can select copy image to get the address.

Oh gahd , it seems like I would never get in the Guild Xat at all . Seems like a bug on my part or Xat just doesnt like me . Does someone play Pokemon Online here ? I heard that majority of the guild uses PS ( Might as well download it immediately )

Actually a lot of the guild uses both, to my knowledge, as PO supposedly has a somewhat less crappy ladder and has a lot more tiers for older gens. As for PS, it's actually in browser so there's no need to download it.


i finally beat du!
opponents name: dragonuser
your name: flexs
opponents rank: samurai
results: bo3- 2-1 victory for me!
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New Member
My bad for playing too safe and avoided to predict those jellicent switch ins hahahaha ended up in soldier rank but it's all good ( even tho win ) . More battles for me then .
Thanks for the game tho GG
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Also, how do i post pictures. i took a picture of my completed pokedex but can't seem to post it here
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Rock Ultimate
Yeah I got a second alt above 1600. I'll try and get it higher but with my mad skillz who knows what'll happen.



Rock Ultimate
xat went poopoo

and i wont move till i catch all pokemon in the area... who else is doing that

Nobody. Also I just got my copy of X from a friend, so I'll start once I finish my hw

The Last Jedi

Stalling is Cowardly
xat went poopoo

and i wont move till i catch all pokemon in the area... who else is doing that

I'm doing that, it's worth it though because I got a shiny skorupi in the hordes after hours of hunting for a goomy lol
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