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The Other Side

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Sweet Pinpuku

Happy Happiny
Hey there folks!

Chapter One is kinda shorter than I had first intended, but I think it would work out better this way.
I don't wanna say too much about the fic except that it is set in a region I created myself and features "altered" versions of the Pokémon we all know and love.
Hope you enjoy it :D

Chapter One - The Escape!

I was generally a good person. I had a mother who loved…well loved isn’t the word I would use…and a wonderful boyfriend. My mother did not approve of my relationship, but we managed in our own way. It was difficult to live for a time, but I was getting through it. So I tell myself anyway. But, one day, the routine of everything just got too much, I couldn’t live my life anymore. I needed a new world to live in because I could not live in this one.


“Mum?” I called out as I left my room, “Mum? Are you here?”

I closed the white wooden door and locked it - I was the only one with a key. I headed down the olive-papered hallway and down the stairs. The lush white carpet was so soft between my toes. I opened the door to the living room.

“Mum.” I said, surprised to see her, “I thought you’d be back at work by now.”

“Where are you going?” she asked, nodding to my black backpack hanging over my shoulder.

She sat there on the terracotta couch, wearing a blue denim skirt and white blouse. Her brown her sat flatly on her head, curling slightly as it reached her shoulders. She simply sat there, looking like mum, but her eyes were hollow.

“Out.” I said plainly.


“To a friends house.”


“No-one. . .just a friend.”

“You’re going to see him aren’t you?”

“Maybe. So what if I am?”

She took several steps towards me, her blue skirt dancing around her ankles.

“I don’t want you to go.” she took hold of my arm, “I don’t want you to leave me.”

“Mum, it’s fine,” I pulled at her hand, trying to get her to release me, “I’m only going to stay with him for a few days, then I’ll be back, we’ve been through this.”

I pulled away from her and headed for the door.

“No!” She grabbed me again, her grip tighter this time, “You’re not going, not with him! I won’t let you!”

“Please, mum! Let me go! Ow! Stop it! You’re hurting me!” I struggled to break free of her grasp.

“No! I’ve already lost your father, I won’t lose you too, not to him, not to anyone!”

“Please! Please let me go!” I cried out as she dug her nails into my arm.

I wriggled and pried her hand loose and bolted for the door.

“Don’t leave me!” she screamed.

I turned back, but didn’t stop running. She simply stood there in the doorway, crying so much. I wanted nothing more than to go back to her, hug her and tell that it was ok. It wasn’t though. Ever since dad left…she’s just been a different person. The woman I see before me is no longer my mother…


It had been several days since I left home. I’d probably go back soon, even though I knew it would turn out the same again. I would stay for a few days, everything would be perfect and as it should. But, then, he’d call and ask me to come over, to be with him. I always say “yes”. And then, I’d leave, she’d try to stop me, but would always fail, and then I’d come home.
I had been asked by several people to move out, even before dad left us. Mum was always quite controlling and had to everything perfect and the way she wanted. Everyone thought she was a wonderful mother. My father was happy, he worked hard, a cooked meal was always on the table for him when he got home every night. And me, study good, good reward, that was my mother’s philosophy. It wasn’t until just a few years ago that I began failing in all of my classes. My mind was on other things.
Then dad left and she changed. I was going through changes of my own and found comfort in places I could never speak to my mother of. When she found out, she felt that she had failed in raising me. She said she was a bad mother and had failed.
Sometimes, I can’t help but wonder if she’s right. Maybe I am a failure. I have been told that I am evil, a bad person who does not deserve the life I have been given. I don’t belong in this world. But, I found comfort. Growing up, I always had six loyal friends who always cared for me and protected me from bad people who said I didn’t belong:

Angel, my wonderful cheery Teddiursa who loves to play hide and seek.
Bruce, my Walrein who always washed my tears away with a giant hug.
Talia, a snuggly warm Ninetales with a fiery temper.
Sakura, my Gardevoir and the one who guards my heart from those who wish it harm.
Lord Wai, a Wailord who lives in the ocean near my home. He’s always up for a swim.
And Terra, my loyal Blaziken who has been with my since I was just eight years old. She was a pet at first, but now she battles for me and helps me out when I need it most. She is my best friend.

I’m so sorry that I had to leave them all behind…


“I need to go!” I yelled.

“No!” Professor Oak snapped, “It goes against the border agreement!”

Even though he now walked with a cane, Sam was always up for a good fight.

“Do you remember what happened to…”he began.

“Yes! I know!” I said impatiently, “You’ve told me the story like a thousand times already!”

“Don’t you dare!” Sam shouted, tears forming in his eyes, “He was one of my best students, now all that is left of him is this…this…”he couldn’t speak anymore.

“I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to…”I took several steps back.

I took out my six PokéBalls and PokéDex and left them on a workbench. I headed for the door. I turned back one last time to see the laboratory, boxes pilled up everywhere. It hasn’t been the same since Tracey left…


I took the new magnet train to Vermilion City. It passed through every town in Kanto and Johto. Not many people use it though, mostly the non-trainer types.
I hopped off the magnet train and headed through the city towards the harbour. The buildings all looked so huge from way down on the ground. I usually walk here, with my Pokémon friends. God, I'll miss them so much, especially my sweet Angel...

Before long, a great white ship, the SS.Anne, stood before me. It iwas a giant luxury cruise-liner that took passengers from Slateport to Olivine to Vermilion. There you can change to get another boat, the SS.Tidal, to Lilycove and then onwards to Sinnoh if you wanted to.
No matter what though, you have to depart the SS.Anne. It is the only ship allowed to pass the border. Today, I intended on sneaking aboard and heading to a region I only knew by name - Kinso. I had no idea how I was going to do this, just so long as I tried.
I headed up the ramp to the main door of the SS.Anne.

“And where do we think we’re going?” a female voice piped up.

“Someone is being naughty!” a male voice too.

I slowly turned around.

At the foot of the ramp, a tall, slender woman, probably in her thirties, stood. Her jade curls danced around her pale face in the breeze. An incredibly tight dark violet outfit, consisting of a short skirt and simple top, hugged her body; I was really unsure of where to look.
Next to her stood a man, also in his thirties. Her wore similar clothes, only his were maroon colour. He had soft, shiny lemon hair, which he kept tied behind his back by a blue band.
Both of their tops had a red ‘R’ on them.

“Team Rocket!” I gasped.

“Well done genius!” the woman sneered.

“Is someone going on a boat-ride?” the man asked.

“Just leave me alone! I want to leave, don’t try and stop me!” I yelled.

“And, why should we?” the woman smiled, “I say we take your Pokémon and turn you over to the authorities.”

“Do you really wanna take me to Officer Jenny?” I smiled back at her, “Genius?”

The woman rolled up her sleeve, her face was red with anger, “Just you come down here and I’ll show you who’s genius!” she took several steps up the ramp but her colleague stopped her.

“Hold it Kath, we could use this opportunity.” he whispered in her ear.

“What?” Kath asked angrily “What are you saying?"

“We take him with us and when they come looking for us, we'll give him to them and we'll be seen as heroes!.” Zack said.

"Excellent! Truly excellent!" Kath gasped, her blue eyes gleaming.

"We'll be glad to help you escape." Zack said as the pair made their way up the ramp, “We’ll take you to Kinso and make sure no-one who follows bothers you again.” he laughed.

"Yes, we shall do all we can to keep you safe and secure, but on one condition!" Kath smiled.

"And what's that?" I asked, nervously taking a step away from them.

"While in Kinso, if you see us, you do nothing, you stay out of our way!" The pair said in unison.

"Fine!" I said and shook her hand.

"It's a deal then!" Kath cackled.

Was this really such a good idea? Helping Team Rocket can only lead to trouble...


The SS.Anne departed for Gisona dock. Standing atop a building near Vermilion harbour, a woman with blue hair and black cape watched.

“This could be trouble, but works to my advantage.”

She pulled out a small red and white orb. She pressed the button on the front, causing the ball to double in size. She threw it out towards the ocean.
A brilliant white light emerged from the ball and dived into the sea. It took on the form of a ferocious blue dragon-like creature. It had three horns on its head, like a trident, and its back was lined with large white spikes.
The mysterious woman jumped onto its back and chased after the SS.Anne.

“Gyarados, follow that boat, but do not let them see you!” she ordered her Pokémon, “We cannot alert Team Rocket to our present…at least not yet anyway.” she sneered.


So, please, tell me your thoughts.
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Well-Known Member
Well.. Dscription is a tad..lacking. I mean sure the descriptions do..suffice, but ever so minimally.

A woman with short, curly green hair stood at the bottom of the ramp. She wore a short black skirt and a very tight top, allowing me to see more than I particularly wanted to.
Next to her stood a man with yellow hair tied behind his back. I wore baggy black trousers and a black t-shirt. I would’ve personally preferred him in the tight outfit.
Both of their tops had a red ‘R’ on them.

Ok, let's start from the top.. Not very good when describing. It's just ok. Boring. Bland.

A woman with short, curly green hair stood at the bottom of the ramp.

Yawn.. You can use better adjectives than that! Search on google and your sure to find a splendid list of such. The descriprion you have above is making me say, well I guess she has green hair, its curly and wears tight clothes. So? ANYBODY could have that description. A quite large person? Or a very thin one? Your only describing a mere fraction of her, and poorly at that. Let's say if you described her more and used much more describing adjectives,it migh look like this;

The young woman, around her mid-twenties, was a medium build of weight with a stinging olive tan complexion, and a blissful dark green locks trailing down in curls to the front end of her face. She wore a simple black entourage but in a collection of some quite tight clothing, it showcased more than I would wish to see.

See? Much more fluent and inviting than the drab sentance you had before. They may not be important characters, but they should none-the less have an everlasting image in the readers mind. Work on this alot before continuing.

Now I'll nitpick a little bit about the story here and there. Overall, pretty ood except for what is said above. Sounds like it could evolve into something spectacular if treated nicely.

Angel, my wonderful cheery Teddiursa who loves to play hide and seek.
Bruce, my Walrein who always washed my tears away with a giant hug.
Talia, a snuggly warm Ninetales with a fiery temper.
Sakura, my Gardevoir and the one who guards my heart from those who wish it harm.
Lord Wai, a Wailord who lives in the ocean near my home. He’s always up for a swim.
And Terra, my loyal Blaziken who has been with my since I was just eight years old. She was a pet at first, but now she battles for me and helps me out when I need it most. She is my best friend.

You really didn't give a real history for any of the other pokemon beside Blaziken, and that left us in the sort of dark about how important these pokemon were to her, and how painful it was to leave them behind, which I notice you didn't elaborate on..

My friend Andrea usually carries me with her anywhere on the back of her Pidgeot.

What? I thought you said her six pokemon were her only friends.

“Yes, and in return, you stay out of our affairs!” Zack said.

All she did was board a boat, they could've just left her there to be captured while they caprutred the boat. She didn't hav enough time to go to the cops anyway seeing as how the boat as leaving..I really don't she how she 'meddled' in there affairs anyway, but I suppose it all amkes sence if not complicated.

Anyway, sounds..ok so far. Keep it up and work on it.

Sweet Pinpuku

Happy Happiny
Thank you for the description advice! I've asked so many people for help there but never got anything in return, thanks :D

Just to point out, the main character is based on me, not a she, a he. I know I didn't say but I didn't really want to.

A more detailed history of the Pokémon was going to be included, but decided I decided to leave it for chapter two, the character questions his decision to leave and thinks more on what he is leaving behind.

About Team Rocket, their affairs and what you said about that. They had to take the main character with them, that's all I'm going to say on that.

Thanx again for your help, I'll be sure to update it asap :D


The Pokémon Weaver
Hi! I am doing some work for this fanfic. When I first saw the framework in the Ideas thread, I asked him if I could work on it. He agreed. I am starting some work, but I can't tell what I'm doing until the next few chapters come online. I hope to see this fanfic flourish!


Sweet Pinpuku

Happy Happiny
I've made some edits to chapter one, based on CrystalSaurTower's comments (thanx again :D). Please let me know if they're better, I'd really appreciate it :)
Chapter 2 will be up over the next few days (I plan to write as much as possible before college work really piles up).

Sweet Pinpuku

Happy Happiny
Chapter Two

Well, I've finally finished chapter 2.
Just so everyone who reads this knows, text shown like ~this~ is a Pokémon talking to the main character, but it won't happen with every Pokémon, just the ones he understands the words of. And, everything in italics is a flashback (except for the recap bit at the start).
Anywho, here it is:

002 - Anger of the Abandoned

Ok, so let’s recap…
I thought stealing the SS.Anne and heading across the border to the regions on the other side of the world would be so much better than my life. But, after leaving my Pokémon behind and teaming up with Team Rocket, I’m pretty sure this was a bad idea…


I sat down in a corner on the bridge of the ship. The Team Rocket member named Zack took the wheel; for a stick-thin guy, he sure could handle the ship easy. The female member, Kath, squatted down in front of me.

“You ok, hon?” Her scarlet lips curved into a smile, her eyes sympathetic.

“I-I’m not sure.” I stammered.

I didn’t know what to think. What had I done?
It’s not too late to go back, I told myself. You can still fix this. You can go home…home…

“Come on Terra!” I screamed as I ran about in the garden.

It was the first days of summer and I had just gotten a baby Torchic for my eighth birthday. Her body was covered in soft amber feathers, with little tufts of orange curling out from her neck. She couldn’t walk very well, she was just hatched a few weeks before and had spent most of that time in a PokéBall. But, what I remember most about her, was that I could not stop pulling at the three little feathers that sat on her head…

When I was ten, I left home with my sweet Torchic and headed for Viridian City. It took several days for me to walk there and I forgot to take any PokéBalls. Terra protected from everyone and everything we encountered. I’m surprised we made it to Viridian City. Nurse Joy was kind enough to heal Terra and give me some PokéBalls too.

One day, Terra collapsed. We were on our way to Vermilion City at the time. She simply fell to the ground and couldn’t move. I remember thinking she had died. I managed to reach Vermilion and left her with Nurse Joy for several days. When I next saw Terra, she wasn’t the baby Torchic she had always been, she was a Combusken! She was so happy to evolve!

When we reached Cinnabar Island, Terra ran away. With the help of Gardevoir and a Gym Leader named Blaine, we found her deep in the volcano. I battled with Blaine there, one on one, Terra against Magmar. We were doing so well, firing flurries of Embers and Double Kicks. But, then, Magmar just got the better of her and knocked her into the pool of lava that surrounded the battlefield. Just when I thought all was lost, Terra jumped out and struck Magmar with a Sky Uppercut. She landed on her new, more powerful legs. She had become a Blaziken.

I’d come to rely on her so much throughout my travels around Johto and Hoenn. She’d been by my side since day one. What a fool I was for leaving her behind…

“Hey, are you ok?” Kath snapped me out of my memory.

“Yeah.” I said as I wiped tears from my eyes, “I’m fine.”

“What’s your name?” she asked.

“My name?” I echoed.

“Yes, your name, what is it?” she repeated.

“I’m Will.” I replied absently.

“Well,” Kath rose to her feet, her outfit creaking as she did, “You seem to have a lot on your mind, you should get some rest.”

She helped me to my feet.

“You sure? I can stay…” I said.

“No, don’t be silly,” she argued and ushered me out of the room, “We’ll handle things from here.” her lips curled up into an evil grin as she locked the bridge door behind me.


My aunt Anne, her husband and their daughter had taken us out to help my mum have some fun and relax. It wasn’t long after my father and brother had died. My mother was obviously very distraught and stressed, but I was too young to understand it all. I had no idea they weren’t coming back.
Mum had been through so much the past few weeks and needed to get away from everything. It was actually working until…

~Will!~ Terra screamed, ~Stop, please no!~

“Oh God! No!” I heard my mother scream.

Her sister, Anne, turned swiftly, “Oh no!” She put down the hotdog she was holding and turned to her husband, “Derek, do something! Quickly!”

“Ah!” my cousin, Andrea, screamed, “Will!”

We were at Pallet docks, a newly constructed ferry point to allow travel between here and Cinnabar Island. I was playing to close to the edge and had fallen off.
My uncle Derek ran as fast as he could to where I had fallen, but he was too late. I hit the water hard, my body stung so much. I curled into a ball and simply drifted under the water.

A large azure floor formed beneath me. I was standing! In the water! A voice spoke to me, I could understand him!

~You’re ok now, my friend~ he said.

Who are you, I thought.

~Time to go back to the surface, friend~ the voice said.

I felt the water flow off me as we surfaced. I opened my eyes and realised that I was standing on top of a giant Wailord.

~You are safe, friend~ Wailord smiled happily.

“Whee!” Andrea cheered, “Wailord, Lord of the Sea, to the rescue!” she stuck her arms out and begin running around like an aeroplane.

“Lord…of the Sea?” I asked.

~Yes, I am Wailord, friend~ he said, ~You may call me Lord Wai~

“Lord Wai?” I looked down at the creature beneath my feet.

~Yes, lord Wai, my friend~ he laughed…


I had fallen asleep in my cabin. It actually wasn’t a bad place. I lay, not quite peacefully, under a large lavender duvet, on a king-sized bed. Although, the walls were all cold and metal, it was cosy. I couldn’t believe I was asleep…

~You didn’t say goodbye~


~You left…and you didn’t say goodbye~

I felt tears, not mine, someone else’s.
Who are you?

I woke up, startled by my dreams. Someone was crying. My sweet Angel used to always cry, she was so cute it was unreal…

~URSAHAHAHAHA!!!~ a something sobbed.

“What was that?” I asked as I looked around.

~ What?~ Terra looked down at me, puzzled.

I looked up at her, “You don’t hear someone crying?”

~No, I don’t~ she said and continued to walk.

~Why? Why, momma, why?~ the thing cried out again.

“Ok, I heard something and we’re gonna go check it out.” I said to Torchic.

~We don’t have time, we need to get home~ she argued.

“We’ve got plenty of time.” I told her as I wandered off deeper into Viridian Forest.

~Oh for…fine!~ Terra said grumpily and followed m, ~But your mother is gonna be very made if we’re late, it’s not everyday you turn eighteen.~

“Careful Terra.” I turned to my first Pokémon, now a formidable Blaziken, “You’re beginning to sound like a mother.”

~I find that insulting!~ she folded her arms in front of her chest.

I ignored her comment and continued the search for the wailing creature.

“Hey, Terra! Come see!” I shouted excitedly.

~What now?~ she asked as she headed over to my position.

“I think I’ve just found a new member to join our family.” I gleamed.

Terra looked over my shoulder to see cuteness sitting before her.

In front of us sat a small, sepia-coloured bear with a creamy crescent on its head. It had pitch-black eyes that were glistening with tears.

~Momma!~ she cried and pointed away from us, ~Momma gone!~ she began to sob again.

“Oh, no…” I fought back tears as I scooped up the baby Teddiursa, “It’s ok.” I said as I rocked her, “It’s gonna be ok, don’t cry sweet angel, don’t cry…”


I lay back down on the bed. A speaker above the door crackled.

“Hey, kid, we’re halfway there, just a few hours and that’s us.” Kath’s voice came through clearly, “We’ll let you know when we’re ready to dock.”

The intercom switched off after that.

I guess it’s too late to go back now. It didn’t matter. I did not doubt my decision. Had I not left, it would’ve been far worse for me.
I rolled over onto my side and feel asleep once more…

~Why did you leave, you owe us at least that!~

I woke up screaming.
What was that? Who was talking to me? I got up out of the bed and stood calmly. A force seemed to knock me slightly.

A voice shouted ~Tell me!~

A form began to take shape in front of me. It wore a ball gown-like outfit that swirled around its slender ivory legs. It had long emerald arms and bouffant-like hair. Red half-heart shapes sat out from its chest and back.
It was the embrace Pokémon - Gardevoir!

~You left us!~ she yelled at me, ~Tell me why!~

“I couldn’t…” I tired to begin an explanation but could not find the words.

~We have been loyal to you for years, you have no idea the pain you’ve caused!~

“I’m sorry, I couldn’t stay, I had to go!” I tired to explain.

~You could’ve stayed, we could’ve gotten through this together!~ Sakura argued, ~You’ve always taught us to never give up and that’s what you’ve done!~

I began to sob.

~You gave up and you left us! You left your Pokémon and your mother, you’ve got no idea what this is doing to her!~

“Please stop.” I pleaded.

I could barely speak I was crying so much. It hurt to breathe.

~No, I will not!~ she raised her voice, ~You abandoned us for this new life, you don’t even have any idea what is coming, you won’t survive without us!~

I looked up at my old friend, my eyes begging with her to stop saying such cruel things. I know they were true, but I just didn’t think I’d have to deal with it. I didn’t want to deal with it. I was done dealing with things!

~Do not expect us when you return, we will not be waiting for you, you have no right to call yourself our trainer!~

“Argh!” I collapsed, a sharp pain in my chest.

I could feel her anger. I could feel everything she felt for me. There was more to what she was saying though. I knew they wouldn’t wait, but this would not be the last I saw of them.

~However, you have been our master for many years, I will tell you this - do not trust everyone you meet, those who initially appear to be your friends may turn out to be your foes, never forget that…~

With those final words of warning, Sakura vanished…


“We’ve arrived at Gisona Dock.” Kath’s voice came through the speaker.

I left my cabin and headed straight for the exit. I pushed a small green button and the door opened. A ramp slid out onto the steel port. I ran off the SS.Anne and did not look back.


Kath and Zack, the Team Rocket members, also departed the ship. They slid silently away like shadows. They vanished with the cold breeze.


The giant blue sea dragon came to a stop. The caped woman jumped off of it and onto the steel port of Gisona Town.

“Gyarados,” she held out a PokéBall, “Return!”

A red beam fired from the ball and engulfed Gyarados. The light the shot back into the ball, taking Gyarados with it.

“Now, let’s see.” the woman brought out a device that looked like a PokéDex, “First order of business, inform Professor Cacao of the intruder.”

She put away the device and headed into town…


I'm glad that it was longer than chapter one. The next chapter will really get into the main bulk of the story, featuring the the first 6 of the altered Pokémon! YAY! *Sakura and Will dance*
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Sweet Pinpuku

Happy Happiny
Chapter 3

Well, here's Chapter 3 (hope you like it :D). I was gonna carry on the whole "recap" thing I had at the beginning of chapter 2 but decided against it, I'll only do that for chapters that are divided into several parts.
Chapter 3 is again longer than the last (I hope they don't continue to get longer and longer cos then I'll run out fo room!!) but I did enjoy writing it nonetheless.
PokéDex entries, which feature from this chapter onwards, will appear in this font, Century Gothic.

Anyways, without any further ado, here's Chapter 3:

003 - The Truth

It wasn’t a long walk to the town. A few white-stone buildings with thatched roofs were scattered throughout this “town”. However, one building did stand out - it was similar in style to the other buildings except it was bigger, by several times, and had fencing that seemed to stretch for at least a mile. It was obviously the Pokémon lab of this region.

I decided that it would be best to head there first and pose as a beginning trainer…


Inside, the lab was quite scare. Firstly, there was a long steel corridor with about five sealed rooms on either side. Through some double doors from there took me into the main body of the lab, which contained many devices and machines I didn’t recognised and a desk, with a computer sitting on it, for the Professor to do his work at.
In the centre of the room sat a small round table. On top were four orbs - the top half was green and the bottom white, they also had a black strip across them, dividing the two sections. This ring came to a point at the front of each ball where it formed a white square-shaped button.
The one on the far left had the symbol of the land engraved on it, the one on its right had a fireball on it, the one next to it had a black eye on it, and finally the one on the far right had a purple eye on it.

“Ground, Fire, Dark and Psychic?” I said as I gazed at the symbols.

“What?” a elderly voice cried out, “Who are you?”

“I…” I started as I began to turn around.

“Stay where you are!” she ordered, “Do not make me do something I’ll regret!”

“I…I’m a new trainer, technically, I’m here for a Pokémon.” I lied.

“New trainer, eh?” she smirked, “Naughty boys who lie deserve to be punished, you’d better do better than that!”

“Naughty boy?” I giggled silently to myself, remembering someone I left behind.

“What was that?” the woman shouted.

“Uh…nothing!” I answered quickly, “What makes you think I’m not a beginning trainer?” I asked.

“I know all of the trainers starting today and you are not one of them.” she explained.

“Oh…then…uh…I could explain, but you’ll probably have me arrested.” I said, a tear forming in my eye.

“Oh?” her tone relaxed a little.

“I’m…uh…not really from around here…”I said silently.

“Huh…that’s…um…unusual.” the mysterious woman said.

We both turned to the sound of footsteps coming down the corridor.

“Quick, hide behind my desk!” the woman ordered.

I did not hesitate to do as she said…


“Professor Cacao, please try to understand.” the blue-haired woman said.

Before her stood a stout woman with silver hair tied in a bun atop her head. She wore thin pink-framed glasses that matched her lips, shoes and skirt. She was a very coordinated person. And, although she was very organised, she always took the time to look and feel great.

“Look…who did you say you were again?“ the Professor asked.

“I am Clair.” she introduced herself while whipping her cape behind her dramatically.

“Clair? Honey,” Cacao looked at Clair over her classes, “I’m gonna need a bit more than.”

Clair stood to attention, “Yes ma’am. I am Blackthorn City Gym Leader Clair, region Johto, LNO 1270-YSZ.”

“That’s better.” Cacao moved around her, circling her like a vulture, “State your reasons for crossing the border.”

“I was instructed by the Elite Champions to bring a young man back into our custody before he causes damage here.” Clair explained, “He stole the SS.Anne and brought it here to Kinso.”

“Did he have any accomplices?” the Professor stopped circling Clair and leaned on a small desk.

“No.” Clair said quickly, “He was working alone.”

“Ok…” the Professor nodded, “Thank you for your report.” Cacao smiled briefly, “You will return to Johto and report to your leaders, I shall deploy a squad of Hunters to bring the young man back here and send him back the next time the SS.Anne is here.”

“With all due respect Professor, I would rather handle this situation on my own.” Clair protested.

Cacao relaxed her posture a little and smiled brightly, “Believe me child, I understand, I was once in a similar situation a few years ago myself,” she straightened herself up again, “But, believe me, our men are perfectly capable to deal with this situation.”

Clair opened her mouth to argue once more but give in. Folding her arms in front of her she swiftly turned, “Fine, I’ll comply with your orders, but I will be reporting this, along with my protests, to my superiors.”

“Fine.” Cacao smiled once more.

“Fine!” Clair huffed as she headed outside.

Once Clair was well out of the way, Cacao turned to her desk.

“You can come out now.” She said sweetly.


“That…argh!” Clair cried as she reached the dock, “Why does she always have to be so stubborn?”

She took out the device she used previously and looked at it. It contained her entire plans for her time in Kinso.

“Next order of business…Team Rocket!” She laughed maniacally.


“Thank you.” I said as I crawled out from under the desk.

I brushed myself off and moved towards the central table.

“Now, young man, explain to me why you are here.” Professor Cacao said as she sat down at her desk, “Let’s begin with your name and how you cam to be here.”

“Well, my name is Will, and I got here, as Clair said, by stealing the SS.Anne.” I explained.

“Ok, that’s a good start…now allow me.” the Professor rose from her seat and placed her hand over her heart, “My name is Cassandra Cacao, known to close friends as Ceecee, and I came to be here by working hard and developing the only natural environment for Pokémon in Kinso.”

“Really?” I said, obviously surprised by her words, “This is the only natural park for Pokémon in this whole region?”

“You sound surprised by this.” Cacao said.

“Well, yeah, where I come from most regions have what we call a Safari Zone where trainers can observe and catch Pokémon in their natural environment.” I informed her.

“Mmm…” she said, her face thoughtful, “I think…don’t tell me more of your word, I cannot allow it to influence me.” she sat back down and crossed her legs, “Now, tell me, did you come here alone?”

I looked at her, confused by her question, “Didn’t you listen to what Clair said earlier?”

I knew Team Rocket had helped me, but I wanted to know why Cacao didn’t believe what Clair had said to her earlier.

“I’m not sure if I believe her, she answered a little too quickly for my taste.” Cacao smiled.

“Well…you’re instincts are right, I didn’t come here alone…two Team Rocket members, Kath and Zack, helped me.” I said.

“Thought so!” Cacao rose once more, “Several months ago, two trainers came to me themselves to report a theft by a mysterious duo who called themselves Team Rocket.”

“They’ve been here before?” I asked.

The Professor began to move around the room, “Yes, on a number of occasions, it mostly appears to be survey missions, but last time they stole two Pokémon…and now they’re back, possibly for good.”

I began to speak, but she didn’t give me a chance, “I want you to take one of these Pokémon, pose as a beginning trainer - meaning you’ll have to take the Gym Leader challenge and other such responsibilities - track down this Team Rocket and stop them.”

She turned me around so I was facing the table of four Pokémon.

“Choose one.” She moved her hand over all four PokéBalls.

I immediately picked up the ball with the fireball engraved on it.

“I choose this one, I had a fire type before, I think I can handle this one.” I said confidently.

“Don’t be too sure.” Cacao smiled, “That one is an explorer, he’ll run off often, be warned.”

I threw the ball up into the arm. It landed on the ground with a thud.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” the Professor yelled at me and picked up the ball, “Do you wanna break it?”

“That’s who we open them where I come from.” I said, “Sorry…I didn’t know…”

“Oh…it’s alright, here, take it.” she handed me the ball, “Now, to release the Pokémon, you must first press the button on the front and point it away from you, the trainer.” she instructed.

I pressed the square button and held the PokéBall away from me, pointing it towards the ground. A thing beam of white light shot from the ball, going around in a zigzag pattern until it reached the ground.
The energy formed a small creature with short hind legs and small fore-legs. It had a long nose and kept its eyes closed. It’s body was a sort-of periwinkle colour, which darkened as it went round the body. I recognised it immediately, despite its colour.

“It’s a Cyndaquil!” I exclaimed.

~What?~ it asked.

It sniffed around the room for a minute and hobbled over to me. It sniffed at me feet, my legs and climbed up my body and sniffed my blonde hair.

~You smell funny~ it said to me.

“He he…thanks.” I smiled.

It climbed right on top of my head and curled up in my hair.

~Soft~ it said silently, ~Like it~

“Thank you Professor, I promise I won’t let you down.” I said.

She smiled and nodded.

I headed for the door and moved to open it, but it was opened by someone on the other side first. It whacked me in the face. Cyndaquil fell from my head and landed on the floor.

~Ouch!~ it shouted.

“Oops, sorry.” a guy said.

The guy had short brown hair that matched his eyes perfectly. My gaze didn’t go much beyond that.

He smiled at me.

~Some of us were sleeping you know!~ Cyndaquil complained and climbed back onto my head and got comfy again.

“Come on, move it!” another voice yelled.

This guy pushed past the first guy and stomped his way into the room.

“Hey, watch it!” the first guy said silently.

“Now, Ken, there’s no need to push.” the Professor said, “Now, apologise to Matthew.”

The big bulky guy, Ken, turned to Matthew, a tiny slither of a man, and grunted an apology.

“Now, come and choose your Pokémon.” Cacao instructed.

Ken quickly moved to the round desk and snatched the ball with the black eye on it. Matthew, being much more gentle, picked up the one with the purple eye it.

Just as they were leaving, I turned to them.

“Can I see the Pokémon you got?” I asked, eager to see more Pokémon from this world.

“Fine!” Ken huffed and released his Pokémon.

The white energy took on the form of a small crocodile-like Pokémon. It had a large jaw and two large apricot thorns sticking out form each of its shoulders. The apricot colour continued down its body to form a strip across its belly. It also had some peach spikes protruding from its back. The rest of it was coloured a dark purple.

“Uh…ok.” Matthew agreed and also revealed his Pokémon.

This time, the energy formed a small creature that stood on four short legs. Its cheeks were silver and each had a small spike drooping from them. On its head were two stumpy lime antenna, which were the same colour as the rest of its body.

“Here,” Professor Cacao handed me a blue PokéDex, “Use it.”

“Some things never change.” I smiled as I pointed the lens of the Dex towards Ken’s Pokémon.

“Totodile - the Bite Pokémon. Although it is primarily a Dark type that enjoys annoying people, it has expressed extreme joy when swimming.”

“Mudkip - the Sensor Pokémon. This Pokémon has the ability to sense when friends are nearby. It has displayed empathic abilities on a number of occasions.”

I also took the time to get the details of Cyndaquil:

“Cyndaquil - the Ring Pokémon. It is call the Ring Pokémon because a ring of fire forms around its neck. It has been thought to have been enslaved centuries ago and has kept this as a reminder of its past.”

“Wow.” I exclaimed.

“That you quite happy now?” Ken asked impatiently, “Come on Totodile!”

Ken and his Totodile pushed past us and left the lab.

“I’d better get going to.” Matthew smiled at me once more.

He, along with his new Mudkip, also departed.

“Thank you Professor.” I said once more and headed for the door.

“Just, one more thing.” She opened a drawer in her desk and pulled out five more PokéBalls, “You’ll need these too, good luck.”

I took the PokéBalls from her, “Thank you.” I repeated, “Goodbye.”

I headed for the door and exited the lab.


I walked for several hours with my new Cyndaquil, who I decided to nickname Phlo, resting on my head.

“You know, when you evolve, you won’t be able to get up there the same.” I smiled.

~Then I just won’t evolve.~ Phlo replied.

I laughed a little at that.

“It’s nice to see you smile, hon.” a familiar female voice said from.

I glanced to my left and saw my old “friends” Kath and Zack.

“You have been naughty.” Zack smiled viciously.

“You told the nasty Professor all about us…and we can’t have that.” Kath laughed evilly.

They pulled out two green and white PokéBalls, pressed the buttons and aimed them at the ground in front of me.

“Let’s teach this boy a lesson!” they said in unison.



Well that was that. I know my descriptions of my "new" Pokémon weren't brilliant, hopefully they'll get better in time as I get more used to it. So, what did ya'll think of Cyndaquil, Totodile and Mudkip?


The Pokémon Weaver
Wow...what's Quil's type? Did it change or is it still Fire?

I would assume the starters go as follows:
Ground: Bulbasaur (who is a dinosaur PKMN in this region, Ground/Grass)
Fire: Cyndaquil
Dark: Totodile
Psychic: Mudkip

Green and white Balls? Are those the Kinso colors or something? I didn't even know they changed that (I work with him on the project).

Sweet Pinpuku

Happy Happiny
Wow...what's Quil's type? Did it change or is it still Fire?

I would assume the starters go as follows:
Ground: Bulbasaur (who is a dinosaur PKMN in this region, Ground/Grass)
Fire: Cyndaquil
Dark: Totodile
Psychic: Mudkip

Green and white Balls? Are those the Kinso colors or something? I didn't even know they changed that (I work with him on the project).

Cyndaquil's type has remained Fire (that's why there was a fireball on his PokeBall).
Green and white are colours I chose for Kinso, as well as the method of releasing Pokémon.
Also, although you know exactly what Pokémon are going to feature in this region, other readers do not - Bulbasaur had yet to be revealed. However, in saying that, I am editing that chapter to change Matthew's starter Pokémon to Bulbasaur rather than Mudkip.
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