Sweet Pinpuku
Happy Happiny
Hey there folks!
Chapter One is kinda shorter than I had first intended, but I think it would work out better this way.
I don't wanna say too much about the fic except that it is set in a region I created myself and features "altered" versions of the Pokémon we all know and love.
Hope you enjoy it
Chapter One - The Escape!
I was generally a good person. I had a mother who loved…well loved isn’t the word I would use…and a wonderful boyfriend. My mother did not approve of my relationship, but we managed in our own way. It was difficult to live for a time, but I was getting through it. So I tell myself anyway. But, one day, the routine of everything just got too much, I couldn’t live my life anymore. I needed a new world to live in because I could not live in this one.
“Mum?” I called out as I left my room, “Mum? Are you here?”
I closed the white wooden door and locked it - I was the only one with a key. I headed down the olive-papered hallway and down the stairs. The lush white carpet was so soft between my toes. I opened the door to the living room.
“Mum.” I said, surprised to see her, “I thought you’d be back at work by now.”
“Where are you going?” she asked, nodding to my black backpack hanging over my shoulder.
She sat there on the terracotta couch, wearing a blue denim skirt and white blouse. Her brown her sat flatly on her head, curling slightly as it reached her shoulders. She simply sat there, looking like mum, but her eyes were hollow.
“Out.” I said plainly.
“To a friends house.”
“No-one. . .just a friend.”
“You’re going to see him aren’t you?”
“Maybe. So what if I am?”
She took several steps towards me, her blue skirt dancing around her ankles.
“I don’t want you to go.” she took hold of my arm, “I don’t want you to leave me.”
“Mum, it’s fine,” I pulled at her hand, trying to get her to release me, “I’m only going to stay with him for a few days, then I’ll be back, we’ve been through this.”
I pulled away from her and headed for the door.
“No!” She grabbed me again, her grip tighter this time, “You’re not going, not with him! I won’t let you!”
“Please, mum! Let me go! Ow! Stop it! You’re hurting me!” I struggled to break free of her grasp.
“No! I’ve already lost your father, I won’t lose you too, not to him, not to anyone!”
“Please! Please let me go!” I cried out as she dug her nails into my arm.
I wriggled and pried her hand loose and bolted for the door.
“Don’t leave me!” she screamed.
I turned back, but didn’t stop running. She simply stood there in the doorway, crying so much. I wanted nothing more than to go back to her, hug her and tell that it was ok. It wasn’t though. Ever since dad left…she’s just been a different person. The woman I see before me is no longer my mother…
It had been several days since I left home. I’d probably go back soon, even though I knew it would turn out the same again. I would stay for a few days, everything would be perfect and as it should. But, then, he’d call and ask me to come over, to be with him. I always say “yes”. And then, I’d leave, she’d try to stop me, but would always fail, and then I’d come home.
I had been asked by several people to move out, even before dad left us. Mum was always quite controlling and had to everything perfect and the way she wanted. Everyone thought she was a wonderful mother. My father was happy, he worked hard, a cooked meal was always on the table for him when he got home every night. And me, study good, good reward, that was my mother’s philosophy. It wasn’t until just a few years ago that I began failing in all of my classes. My mind was on other things.
Then dad left and she changed. I was going through changes of my own and found comfort in places I could never speak to my mother of. When she found out, she felt that she had failed in raising me. She said she was a bad mother and had failed.
Sometimes, I can’t help but wonder if she’s right. Maybe I am a failure. I have been told that I am evil, a bad person who does not deserve the life I have been given. I don’t belong in this world. But, I found comfort. Growing up, I always had six loyal friends who always cared for me and protected me from bad people who said I didn’t belong:
Angel, my wonderful cheery Teddiursa who loves to play hide and seek.
Bruce, my Walrein who always washed my tears away with a giant hug.
Talia, a snuggly warm Ninetales with a fiery temper.
Sakura, my Gardevoir and the one who guards my heart from those who wish it harm.
Lord Wai, a Wailord who lives in the ocean near my home. He’s always up for a swim.
And Terra, my loyal Blaziken who has been with my since I was just eight years old. She was a pet at first, but now she battles for me and helps me out when I need it most. She is my best friend.
I’m so sorry that I had to leave them all behind…
“I need to go!” I yelled.
“No!” Professor Oak snapped, “It goes against the border agreement!”
Even though he now walked with a cane, Sam was always up for a good fight.
“Do you remember what happened to…”he began.
“Yes! I know!” I said impatiently, “You’ve told me the story like a thousand times already!”
“Don’t you dare!” Sam shouted, tears forming in his eyes, “He was one of my best students, now all that is left of him is this…this…”he couldn’t speak anymore.
“I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to…”I took several steps back.
I took out my six PokéBalls and PokéDex and left them on a workbench. I headed for the door. I turned back one last time to see the laboratory, boxes pilled up everywhere. It hasn’t been the same since Tracey left…
I took the new magnet train to Vermilion City. It passed through every town in Kanto and Johto. Not many people use it though, mostly the non-trainer types.
I hopped off the magnet train and headed through the city towards the harbour. The buildings all looked so huge from way down on the ground. I usually walk here, with my Pokémon friends. God, I'll miss them so much, especially my sweet Angel...
Before long, a great white ship, the SS.Anne, stood before me. It iwas a giant luxury cruise-liner that took passengers from Slateport to Olivine to Vermilion. There you can change to get another boat, the SS.Tidal, to Lilycove and then onwards to Sinnoh if you wanted to.
No matter what though, you have to depart the SS.Anne. It is the only ship allowed to pass the border. Today, I intended on sneaking aboard and heading to a region I only knew by name - Kinso. I had no idea how I was going to do this, just so long as I tried.
I headed up the ramp to the main door of the SS.Anne.
“And where do we think we’re going?” a female voice piped up.
“Someone is being naughty!” a male voice too.
I slowly turned around.
At the foot of the ramp, a tall, slender woman, probably in her thirties, stood. Her jade curls danced around her pale face in the breeze. An incredibly tight dark violet outfit, consisting of a short skirt and simple top, hugged her body; I was really unsure of where to look.
Next to her stood a man, also in his thirties. Her wore similar clothes, only his were maroon colour. He had soft, shiny lemon hair, which he kept tied behind his back by a blue band.
Both of their tops had a red ‘R’ on them.
“Team Rocket!” I gasped.
“Well done genius!” the woman sneered.
“Is someone going on a boat-ride?” the man asked.
“Just leave me alone! I want to leave, don’t try and stop me!” I yelled.
“And, why should we?” the woman smiled, “I say we take your Pokémon and turn you over to the authorities.”
“Do you really wanna take me to Officer Jenny?” I smiled back at her, “Genius?”
The woman rolled up her sleeve, her face was red with anger, “Just you come down here and I’ll show you who’s genius!” she took several steps up the ramp but her colleague stopped her.
“Hold it Kath, we could use this opportunity.” he whispered in her ear.
“What?” Kath asked angrily “What are you saying?"
“We take him with us and when they come looking for us, we'll give him to them and we'll be seen as heroes!.” Zack said.
"Excellent! Truly excellent!" Kath gasped, her blue eyes gleaming.
"We'll be glad to help you escape." Zack said as the pair made their way up the ramp, “We’ll take you to Kinso and make sure no-one who follows bothers you again.” he laughed.
"Yes, we shall do all we can to keep you safe and secure, but on one condition!" Kath smiled.
"And what's that?" I asked, nervously taking a step away from them.
"While in Kinso, if you see us, you do nothing, you stay out of our way!" The pair said in unison.
"Fine!" I said and shook her hand.
"It's a deal then!" Kath cackled.
Was this really such a good idea? Helping Team Rocket can only lead to trouble...
The SS.Anne departed for Gisona dock. Standing atop a building near Vermilion harbour, a woman with blue hair and black cape watched.
“This could be trouble, but works to my advantage.”
She pulled out a small red and white orb. She pressed the button on the front, causing the ball to double in size. She threw it out towards the ocean.
A brilliant white light emerged from the ball and dived into the sea. It took on the form of a ferocious blue dragon-like creature. It had three horns on its head, like a trident, and its back was lined with large white spikes.
The mysterious woman jumped onto its back and chased after the SS.Anne.
“Gyarados, follow that boat, but do not let them see you!” she ordered her Pokémon, “We cannot alert Team Rocket to our present…at least not yet anyway.” she sneered.
So, please, tell me your thoughts.
Chapter One is kinda shorter than I had first intended, but I think it would work out better this way.
I don't wanna say too much about the fic except that it is set in a region I created myself and features "altered" versions of the Pokémon we all know and love.
Hope you enjoy it
Chapter One - The Escape!
I was generally a good person. I had a mother who loved…well loved isn’t the word I would use…and a wonderful boyfriend. My mother did not approve of my relationship, but we managed in our own way. It was difficult to live for a time, but I was getting through it. So I tell myself anyway. But, one day, the routine of everything just got too much, I couldn’t live my life anymore. I needed a new world to live in because I could not live in this one.
“Mum?” I called out as I left my room, “Mum? Are you here?”
I closed the white wooden door and locked it - I was the only one with a key. I headed down the olive-papered hallway and down the stairs. The lush white carpet was so soft between my toes. I opened the door to the living room.
“Mum.” I said, surprised to see her, “I thought you’d be back at work by now.”
“Where are you going?” she asked, nodding to my black backpack hanging over my shoulder.
She sat there on the terracotta couch, wearing a blue denim skirt and white blouse. Her brown her sat flatly on her head, curling slightly as it reached her shoulders. She simply sat there, looking like mum, but her eyes were hollow.
“Out.” I said plainly.
“To a friends house.”
“No-one. . .just a friend.”
“You’re going to see him aren’t you?”
“Maybe. So what if I am?”
She took several steps towards me, her blue skirt dancing around her ankles.
“I don’t want you to go.” she took hold of my arm, “I don’t want you to leave me.”
“Mum, it’s fine,” I pulled at her hand, trying to get her to release me, “I’m only going to stay with him for a few days, then I’ll be back, we’ve been through this.”
I pulled away from her and headed for the door.
“No!” She grabbed me again, her grip tighter this time, “You’re not going, not with him! I won’t let you!”
“Please, mum! Let me go! Ow! Stop it! You’re hurting me!” I struggled to break free of her grasp.
“No! I’ve already lost your father, I won’t lose you too, not to him, not to anyone!”
“Please! Please let me go!” I cried out as she dug her nails into my arm.
I wriggled and pried her hand loose and bolted for the door.
“Don’t leave me!” she screamed.
I turned back, but didn’t stop running. She simply stood there in the doorway, crying so much. I wanted nothing more than to go back to her, hug her and tell that it was ok. It wasn’t though. Ever since dad left…she’s just been a different person. The woman I see before me is no longer my mother…
It had been several days since I left home. I’d probably go back soon, even though I knew it would turn out the same again. I would stay for a few days, everything would be perfect and as it should. But, then, he’d call and ask me to come over, to be with him. I always say “yes”. And then, I’d leave, she’d try to stop me, but would always fail, and then I’d come home.
I had been asked by several people to move out, even before dad left us. Mum was always quite controlling and had to everything perfect and the way she wanted. Everyone thought she was a wonderful mother. My father was happy, he worked hard, a cooked meal was always on the table for him when he got home every night. And me, study good, good reward, that was my mother’s philosophy. It wasn’t until just a few years ago that I began failing in all of my classes. My mind was on other things.
Then dad left and she changed. I was going through changes of my own and found comfort in places I could never speak to my mother of. When she found out, she felt that she had failed in raising me. She said she was a bad mother and had failed.
Sometimes, I can’t help but wonder if she’s right. Maybe I am a failure. I have been told that I am evil, a bad person who does not deserve the life I have been given. I don’t belong in this world. But, I found comfort. Growing up, I always had six loyal friends who always cared for me and protected me from bad people who said I didn’t belong:
Angel, my wonderful cheery Teddiursa who loves to play hide and seek.
Bruce, my Walrein who always washed my tears away with a giant hug.
Talia, a snuggly warm Ninetales with a fiery temper.
Sakura, my Gardevoir and the one who guards my heart from those who wish it harm.
Lord Wai, a Wailord who lives in the ocean near my home. He’s always up for a swim.
And Terra, my loyal Blaziken who has been with my since I was just eight years old. She was a pet at first, but now she battles for me and helps me out when I need it most. She is my best friend.
I’m so sorry that I had to leave them all behind…
“I need to go!” I yelled.
“No!” Professor Oak snapped, “It goes against the border agreement!”
Even though he now walked with a cane, Sam was always up for a good fight.
“Do you remember what happened to…”he began.
“Yes! I know!” I said impatiently, “You’ve told me the story like a thousand times already!”
“Don’t you dare!” Sam shouted, tears forming in his eyes, “He was one of my best students, now all that is left of him is this…this…”he couldn’t speak anymore.
“I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to…”I took several steps back.
I took out my six PokéBalls and PokéDex and left them on a workbench. I headed for the door. I turned back one last time to see the laboratory, boxes pilled up everywhere. It hasn’t been the same since Tracey left…
I took the new magnet train to Vermilion City. It passed through every town in Kanto and Johto. Not many people use it though, mostly the non-trainer types.
I hopped off the magnet train and headed through the city towards the harbour. The buildings all looked so huge from way down on the ground. I usually walk here, with my Pokémon friends. God, I'll miss them so much, especially my sweet Angel...
Before long, a great white ship, the SS.Anne, stood before me. It iwas a giant luxury cruise-liner that took passengers from Slateport to Olivine to Vermilion. There you can change to get another boat, the SS.Tidal, to Lilycove and then onwards to Sinnoh if you wanted to.
No matter what though, you have to depart the SS.Anne. It is the only ship allowed to pass the border. Today, I intended on sneaking aboard and heading to a region I only knew by name - Kinso. I had no idea how I was going to do this, just so long as I tried.
I headed up the ramp to the main door of the SS.Anne.
“And where do we think we’re going?” a female voice piped up.
“Someone is being naughty!” a male voice too.
I slowly turned around.
At the foot of the ramp, a tall, slender woman, probably in her thirties, stood. Her jade curls danced around her pale face in the breeze. An incredibly tight dark violet outfit, consisting of a short skirt and simple top, hugged her body; I was really unsure of where to look.
Next to her stood a man, also in his thirties. Her wore similar clothes, only his were maroon colour. He had soft, shiny lemon hair, which he kept tied behind his back by a blue band.
Both of their tops had a red ‘R’ on them.
“Team Rocket!” I gasped.
“Well done genius!” the woman sneered.
“Is someone going on a boat-ride?” the man asked.
“Just leave me alone! I want to leave, don’t try and stop me!” I yelled.
“And, why should we?” the woman smiled, “I say we take your Pokémon and turn you over to the authorities.”
“Do you really wanna take me to Officer Jenny?” I smiled back at her, “Genius?”
The woman rolled up her sleeve, her face was red with anger, “Just you come down here and I’ll show you who’s genius!” she took several steps up the ramp but her colleague stopped her.
“Hold it Kath, we could use this opportunity.” he whispered in her ear.
“What?” Kath asked angrily “What are you saying?"
“We take him with us and when they come looking for us, we'll give him to them and we'll be seen as heroes!.” Zack said.
"Excellent! Truly excellent!" Kath gasped, her blue eyes gleaming.
"We'll be glad to help you escape." Zack said as the pair made their way up the ramp, “We’ll take you to Kinso and make sure no-one who follows bothers you again.” he laughed.
"Yes, we shall do all we can to keep you safe and secure, but on one condition!" Kath smiled.
"And what's that?" I asked, nervously taking a step away from them.
"While in Kinso, if you see us, you do nothing, you stay out of our way!" The pair said in unison.
"Fine!" I said and shook her hand.
"It's a deal then!" Kath cackled.
Was this really such a good idea? Helping Team Rocket can only lead to trouble...
The SS.Anne departed for Gisona dock. Standing atop a building near Vermilion harbour, a woman with blue hair and black cape watched.
“This could be trouble, but works to my advantage.”
She pulled out a small red and white orb. She pressed the button on the front, causing the ball to double in size. She threw it out towards the ocean.
A brilliant white light emerged from the ball and dived into the sea. It took on the form of a ferocious blue dragon-like creature. It had three horns on its head, like a trident, and its back was lined with large white spikes.
The mysterious woman jumped onto its back and chased after the SS.Anne.
“Gyarados, follow that boat, but do not let them see you!” she ordered her Pokémon, “We cannot alert Team Rocket to our present…at least not yet anyway.” she sneered.
So, please, tell me your thoughts.
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