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the pickup crew


Well-Known Member
i am loving carrying around 4 meowths n using two of my good pokes n switching them around.. i cant belive how many things they get.. neone else use a lil crew of meowths?


Quintessence of 42
Yup. ^_^;; After I evolved Rei, I caught three or four. I named 'em...oh, what was it? Finder, Scavenger...something like that. I used them to get my Hidden Power TM. They are pretty useful.

Just a question...but is this a legit thread? I was wondering...@_@


Name Rater
I mostly get berries and once in a while a nugget or TM Hidden Power.


Well-Known Member
i got bout a ton of berries, 4-5 candys, like 3 pp ups *woot* still good abilit y i think


Completing The Trio
definitely a good ability to have i usually carry two meowths in my party and use them to pick up good items for selling like RC's and nuggets. best thing of all though is that in FR and LG you can get the 5 rare berries from the pickup ability

Spelon Berry
Pamtre Berry
Watmel Berry
Durin Berry
Belue Berry


skilled master
i found a couple of nuggets and rare berries using meowth, teddiursa, aipom, and linoone.


Furret rocks
I use them for the PP Up's. They're kinda handy.


I like pie.
i briefly used a zigzagoon for this in ruby but i dropped it after i beat the first gym. i stashed the rare candies in my pc and got a few great balls too. i have about 6-8 rare candies in my pc and i occaisonally use them.


Skarmory Rider
I have a Phanpy, Meowth, Venomoth w/ Theif, Snorlax w/ Covet, Kadabra w/ Trick, and soon a Mr. Mime w/ Trick. Thats my Pirate team.

I mostly get berries wiht my pickup pokes, but I always get stardust and nuggets with my stealers.

Ace Hardlight

I want race car bed
wow a pickup team thats unstopable


Natsu no Maboroshi
I use six Lv100 Linoones :)


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
lol the pickup crew lol

i used a team of zigzagoon back in sapphire to pickup stuff like rare candys nuggets ect..its why zigzagoon is so usefull hes also quite the HM slave to with the ability to use both cut and surf, didnt work min emerald though as you need to raise them in order to get the good stuff
I do this in Emerald with a Lv.91 Linoone to pick up TM26(Earthquake)


Bullet Punch
It's good. With this, you can get infinite TM26[Earthquake]. No cloning required.



Well-Known Member
I picked out EQ and focus punch