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The PKMN Manga In GameBoy Advance Style!!!


Comic Trainer!
Welcome To The GameBoy Advance Form, Based On The Pocket Monster Special Manga.

Author Status:
Sorry to bring your hopes down, but the plane didn't crash and I'm still alive. :D I'm working on Remake Episode 5, that will be the last episode with text next to picture. Speech Bubbles coming up, and more zooming.

Comic Status:
It's Alive Alright, and as in my other comic, Speech Bubbles will replace
these comics. (Only originals)
Please look forward to it.

Here ya go:
Season 1! RedGreenBlue
Chapter 01: The Rise Of Red
Episode 01: A Glimse Of A Glow [REMAKE]
Episode 01:V.S. Mew 01[Original]
Episode 01:V.S. Mew 02[Original]
Episode 01:V.S. Mew 03[Original]
Episode 02: Bulbasaur, Come Home[REMAKE]
Episode 02: V.S. Machoke 01[Original]
Episode 02: V.S. Machoke 02[Original]
Episode 02: V.S. Machoke 03[Original]
Episode 03: The Secret Of Kangaskhan [REMAKE]
Episode 03: V.S. Kangaskhan 01[Original]
Episode 03: V.S. Kangaskhan 02[Original]
Episode 03: V.S. Kangaskhan 03[Original]
Episode 04: Wanted: Pikachu [REMAKE]
Episode 04: V.S. Pikachu 01[Original]
Episode 04: V.S. Pikachu 02[Original]
Episode 04: V.S. Pikachu 03[Original]
Episode 05: Onix Is On [REMAKE]
Episode 05: V.S. Onix 01[Original]
Episode 05: V.S. Onix 02[Original]
Episode 05: V.S. Onix 03[Original]
Episode 06: V.S. Gyarados 01
Episode 06: V.S. Gyarados 02
Episode 06: V.S. Gyarados 03
Episode 07: V.S. Rhydon 01
Episode 07: V.S. Rhydon 02
Episode 07: V.S. Rhydon 03
Episode 08: V.S. Starmie 01
Episode 08: V.S. Starmie 02
Episode 08: V.S. Starmie 03
Episode 09: V.S. Fearow 01
Episode 09: V.S. Fearow 02
Episode 09: V.S. Fearow 03
Episode 09: V.S. Fearow 04
Episode 10: "V.S. Voltorb" 01
Episode 10: "V.S. Voltorb" 02
Episode 10: "V.S. Voltorb" 03
Episode 11: "V.S. Electabuzz" 01
Episode 11: "V.S. Electabuzz" 02
Episode 11: "V.S: Electabuzz" 03
Pokédex: [NEW]
Here's a little extra thing I made for fun. Hope someone will collect these.
Pokédex 01
Pokédex 02
Pokédex 03
Brock's Gym [NEW]
Please Reply and tell me what you think.
And credit goes to:
1.The Spriters Resource For Their Excellent Sprites. Too Bad Site's Down For Now. :(
2.Coronis For His Awsome Manga Sprites! [And Yes I have asked for permission before using them.]
3.Video Game Maps For Their Great Pokémon Maps.
4.The Shyguy Kingdom For All Their Rare Sprites.
5.Silver Fusion For Always Helping Out With My Comics. [What should I have done without you?!]
6.And Poke Fan 12. His the reason this comic is still alive. He Woke It From It's Death!! THANKS YOU! :D
Thanxs Again Everone!
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It is really good, expect some spelling mistakes:
You just spelled unknown(unknowed, unknowd), hello(hallo), chance(chans), battling(battleing) and heard(hurd) wrong; and,

They bump into each other but the man just ignore(there must be a "s" here) Red and continoue(there must be a "s" here too) walking.

and the rockets' clothes don't have any shading on it.

Silver Fusion

Hyper Coordinator
Nice You spelt heard wrong also but your english is pretty good. Nice comic although its not your story line alot of people will be happy.


Comic Trainer!
Episode 2: "V.S. Machoke"

Puh, Nothing bad about it yet.
Thank you all very much for the spelling help. :)
Okay, Next chapter is done! Hope you'll enjoy this one as well.
Episode 02: V.S. Machoke 01
Episode 02: V.S. Machoke 02
Episode 02: V.S. Machoke 03
(Notice the knocked out Machoke in tha left corners on the 2 last pictures.;))
And one more thing... dose anyone know someone that makes Johto in GameBoy Advance style?
Cause if you do I just must ask him/her if I can use it. Please look out for me.
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Yo' Master

When's the next one?! I want to see more! It's so cool!!!

You spelled very(wery) wrong...
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Well-Known Member
The story's there, but the dialogue leaves little character. You should probably use the dialogue from the manga. *waits for more, since she has no access to the real manga*


Err...i think the Machp Vs Giovanni battle should be in where Giovanni waits.


Comic Trainer!
Episode 3: "V.S.Kangaskhan"

Thank you for all the possitive things you have been writing so far.
It REALLY makes me feel so much better. :)
I had a little hard understanding some of the comments first but it's making sence now... except for the reply from UNOWN... What match with Giovanni? You mean the match v.s. Machoke in Epsiode 2? Cause I don't think Giovanni is in that episode... It's just probobly just me who got this all wrong but, please then, tell me. ;)
Now, here's the next episode. Sorry about the spelling in this one. Was kinda drowzee when I made it. ;)
Okey, enjoy! :D
(And I apologize to the goof in Episode 1, where it says that Guy 3 says something but there is no guy three. It's suppose to be someone else.)
Episode 03: V.S. Kangaskhan 01
Episode 03: V.S. Kangaskhan 02
Episode 03: V.S. Kangaskhan 03
Okey... commens? :D
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I dropped my balls
Pretty cool, but it streches my screen :p Some grammer and spelling errors, but hey, your from Sweden, so it doesn't matter

Kris Destiny

The burning is near.
This is pretty good. Don't worry about your English though. I've lived in America for 13 out of 14 years of my life and I still don't understand it completely. Japanese is easier than this language.


that was so great!! I love it!! I hope that there will be more??:) :D


Comic Trainer!
Episode 4: "V.S. Pikachu"

Finally the next Pocket Monster Special in Gameboy advance style episode here!
I've been really busy with school and everything now but when it's summer vacation (?) I will update more and often.
I have made eight episodes but it's the english translations that's slowing me down.
And in this next episode I promise that you will find plenty of spelling misstakes and wrong words.
And thank you, THANK YOU to all the great trainers that say they like my fic.
It's so nice to hear that it dosen't suck. I had no idea that I would keep uploading my series for this long. I thought everyone wold hate it and I would have to close it... but not yet. :D
Thanks again and if it weren't for you I would have quit this project long time ago.
Now... here's the next Episode!!! Enjoy! ;) (PROMISE!!!)
Episode 04: V.S. Pikachu 01
Episode 04: V.S. Pikachu 02
Episode 04: V.S. Pikachu 03
And sorry for the really short episode and VEEEEEERY bad nets!!! :(
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Wyrm's Eye

It's decent- and that is something I do not say often. Green is so bossy and so like my brother, he just doesn't quit. I just hope he's paid for his praishness (excuse my language)

Deoxys Trainer

Eh. It's cool. I don't mind the short comics.....

This is the only way I can read the PKMN Manga Special anyways........



Comic Trainer!
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New Generation

You should ask for help in the spelling matter.
And put more effort into the custom stuff(Net`s, Thundershocks and stuff)

Besides that it`s wonderful