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The Pokémon Academy

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The Pokémon Academy

Did I have a point in this?


thE poKéMon aCademY

Everyday at around seven in the morning, my mother wakes me up. She turns on the television to the Pokémon News channel, and we watch that while eating our generic cereal with marshmallows shaped like tiny Pokémon. Apparently, we find this immensely cute.

After breakfast, I get ready for school. My dad offers to drive. He loves his minivan, with its bright logo of a giant Pikachu at the side and bubble letters spelling out ‘Gotta catch’em all!’ I find it tacky, but the last time I said anything against it, I was grounded.

“Mind your father’s feelings,” my mom had admonished.

The school has an even brighter logo with bigger bubble letters, perfectly strewn across the entrance, saying, “Welcome to the Pokémon Academy—where all your dreams come true!” Only this time, it’s in rainbow.

When I arrived at school, I saw many other students like me. They all wore the same generic blue backpack. A lot of them wore hats and caps with the Pokéball icon, and for girls, they were shaded in bubblegum pink. I had one too, but decided not to wear it today. It was not mandatory of the school uniform.

The bell rang. I quickly ran into the laboratory, where I was due today. It was observation day, where older students were granted the privilege of observing Pokémon from outside the glass window. We got to wear fancy goggles that reeked of sweat and a rather unpleasant odor.

“The Pikachu, which I am sure many of you are dying to see,” the teacher began with her cheery smile. The girls huddled together and squealed loudly. I tugged on my goggles. There was nothing even remotely interesting about a stinky, underfed yellow rat.

“Be careful not to get shocked,” she teasingly warned, and many students laughed. Shocked? That was impossible.

We were allowed to touch the glass window. It was, I presumed, half a foot thick. I saw the Pikachu and quickly lost interest.

“Pikachu, use thunder-bolt!” a boy shouted mockingly. They all laughed. Honestly, a Pikachu capable of exuding electricity? That was also impossible, but students enjoyed pretending once in a while.

Suddenly, a messenger came rushing into the laboratory. She quickly sent out brief words to our teacher.

“Another one fell in.”

Our teacher groaned.

“Another one? That’s the seventh student who got razor bladed this week…” She sighed. “Very well. Mind the kids while I go get the cleaning crew. All the blood…” She sighed again, and left the place in a hurry.

“How stupid can you get, getting razor bladed?” a girl scorned.

“Remember last week? When three kids got flamed,” another girl giggled uncontrollably. “My gosh, I’d never touch a Charmander like that. Did you know daddy…” And she went on and on.

Thankfully, to my utter relief, the period ended and I put away the goggles, gathered up my Pokémon lead pencils, folders and notebooks, and left the room.

The rest of the day went something like this. During lunch, I opened my Snorlax lunchbox (my mom had bought it on sale) and took out my perfectly wrapped rice balls, which were probably store bought, too…or were they donuts?

When school ended, my dad picked me up in his minivan. I tried to cover my face while I walked. A rich girl smirked at my cowering exterior, flaunting her shiny new black car with glow-in-the-dark Umbreons and Murkrows stickers, life sized. The students crowded over her and exchanged ‘ooh’s and ‘ahh’s.

When I got home, my mom was watching the Pokémon channel again, chewing on a riceball (donut). She offered me one. I refused.

“You’re watching that again?” I asked.

“It’s the best channel, dear. It tells you everything about Pokémon.” She sighed wistfully, staring at the television screen, lost.

“And what are you going to do, dad?”

“Why, watch the television with your mother, dear. It’s only the best channel. How was Pokémon Academy?”

I shrugged.

“It was okay.”

That was all they needed to know. I figured as much. I stared glumly at my books, containing important information about Pokémon. I stared at my perfect school uniform, emblazoned with the words, “Welcome to the Pokémon Academy—where all your dreams come true!”



Welcome to the Pokémon Academy!

All your dreams come true here!

I felt angry for no relevant reason. I stood up.

“I’m going to go chop down a tree,” I announced, making my way out the door. My mother nodded.

“Just make sure you don’t get arrested,” she said, and returned to the television.
here by request..I don't know what to say. That was a weird story. Very weird. It was grim, dark, pessimistic. But original.

Interesting. You could've added more details, but otherwise, interesting.


I'm Back
This was really interesting very original and extremely different I will wait to give my vote /5 but so far let's just say it's above average... good job


Well-Known Member
Was that the prologue or the first chapter?

-_- What difference does it make? If your not going to include a review, posts like this are considered SPAM.

And now you.. Let's start from the begging, shall we?

Everyday at around seven in the morning, my mother wakes me up. She turns on the television to the Pokémon News channel, and we watch that while eating our generic cereal with marshmallows shaped like tiny Pokémon. Apparently, we find this immensly cute.

Ok, this is just immensly bad. You have little to no description of the character, or anything even about them. And Generic cerial? At least describe that! If I live on a farm where people grow there food, don't watch TV, and is really quite desolate from sciety, how in the world would I know about what a 'generic' cerial looks like, let alone the enviroment,characters, and house you could be describing..

After breakfast, I get ready for school. My dad offers to drive. He loves his minivan, with its bright logo of a giant Pikachu at the side and bubble letters spelling out ‘Gotta catch’em all!’ I find it tacky, but the last time I said anything against it, I was grounded.

“Mind your father’s feelings,” my mom had admonished.

Ok, who are these people? We now know your dad has a peeve with the pokemon symbol, but why? Is he part of the Elite four? Or maybe the pokemon fan club? I'm askig myself whats the history of this family, and all I get is a poor description of a van and even more horrible 3rd person narrative.

The school has an even brighter logo with bigger bubble letters, perfectly strewn across the entrance, saying, “Welcome to the Pokémon Academy—where all your dreams come true!” Only this time, it’s in rainbow.

When I arrived at school, I saw many other students like me. They all wore the same generic blue backpack. A lot of them wore hats and caps with the Pokéball icon, and for girls, they were shaded in bubblegum pink. I had one too, but decided not to wear it today. It was not mandatory of the school uniform.
Like him? You didn't even describe HIM! We don't even know his name!!! And once again, gerneric? Stop relying on the media to help describe your items and describe this yourself. And you need to learn how to combine sentances with conjunctions, like turning 'I had one too, but decided not to wear it today. It was not mandatory of the school unifrom.' and turn it into 'I had one too, but I decided not to wear seeing as it was no mandatory of the school uniform'. Please describe people as well instead of relying on other things to make the image. I highly doubt all the other students are exact replicas of the main character.

The bell rang. I quickly ran into the laboratory, where I was due today. It was observation day, where older students were granted the privilege of observing Pokémon from outside the glass window. We got to wear fancy goggles that reeked of sweat and a rather unpleasant odor.
Eww.. I suppose your students an older one huh? Yet another fact I had to find by myself..

“The Pikachu, which I am sure many of you are dying to see,” the teacher began with her cheery smile. The girls huddled together and squealed loudly. I tugged on my goggles. There was nothing even remotely interesting about a stinky, underfed yellow rat.
And this paragraph description is no even remotely intresting too.

"Be careful not to beshocked,” she teasingly warned, and many students laughed. Shocked? That was impossible.

We were allowed to touch the glass window. It was, I presumed, half a foot thick. I saw the Pikachu and quickly lost interest.

“Pikachu, use thunder-bolt!” a boy shouted mockingly. They all laughed. Honestly, a Pikachu capable of exuding electricity? That was also impossible, but students enjoyed pretending once in a while.

Being shocked impossibele? Pikachus not being capable of exuding electricity? Does this kid know ANYTHING about pokemon? Oh yeah, he's one of there older students. Dissapointing man..

Suddenly, a messenger came rushing into the laboratory. She quickly sent out brief words to our teacher.

“Another one fell in.”

Our teacher groaned.

“Another one? That’s the seventh student who got razor bladed this week…” She sighed. “Very well. Mind the kids while I go get the cleaning crew. All the blood…” She sighed again, and left the place in a hurry.

“How stupid can you get, getting razor bladed?” a girl scorned.

“Remember last week? When three kids got flamed,” another girl giggled uncontrollably. “My gosh, I’d never touch a Charmander like that. Did you know daddy…” And she went on and on.

Thankfully, to my utter relief, the period ended and I put away the goggles, gathered up my Pokémon lead pencils, folders and notebooks, and left the room.

The rest of the day went something like this. During lunch, I opened my Snorlax lunchbox (my mom had bought it on sale) and took out my perfectly wrapped rice balls, which were probably store bought, too…or were they donuts?
Man, this uy dosen't even know what food he's eating? Its a RICE, as in rice, and in the shape of a BALL, hence the name RiceBall. The donut thing was just an americanization of riceballs in the anime, which you shouldn't go by.. And making a list of events that happens are dull and boring. Actually write the rest of the day out and make me intrested.

Yeah, I don't think I need to continue anymore. Overall, this was an incredibly poor description, and many grammar problems, also with the terible lack of infromation about the characters past, or anything really at all. If you were trying to do a dark fic, this is far from it. Improve your writing/grammar skills, then re-write the entirte chapter to improve the potential in your idea, seeing as of now the future looks mighty bleek..

I sugest looking at 'To become a legend' and that is how a dark/cynical narrative should sound like if your giving very little informationa bout anything other than opinions.

Yami Ryu

Well-Known Member
You think I don't know that? I asked that question because, if you didn't notice, it was too short.

If you aren't gonna do more than something that could be done in PM then maybe you should read the rules. I dunno, for once ¬¬ you spammed Psychic Umbreon. You spammed, you spammed. You spammed. Question or not, it was spam.

Get it? Got it? GOOD.

CrystalSaur summed this up relatively well, so the only further advice I have to add, is READ THE ADVICE FOR ASPIRING AUTHORS THREAD also :/

And I mean;
We were allowed to touch the glass window. It was, I presumed, half a foot thick. I saw the Pikachu and quickly lost interest.

Even I could do better with first person. There is NO emotion to that.

Revision or aka With Effort said:
We were allowed to touch the glass window, and even though it was atleast six inches thick and I assume insulated against attacks of any sort, I wasn't interested in getting near it like some of my classmates, who had their faces pressed against the clear glass like idiots. Allowing my gaze to wander slightly, I caught sight of the foot tall half starved yellow rat and just as quickly as I saw it, glanced away. I wasn't interested in looking at a Pikachu.

When you put time and effort into something, it comes out with more than half arsed lack luster effort screaming I WAS WRITTEN UP IN THE REPLY BOX!

Yeah and your main character comes off as well, anti social to the extreme and stupid. Disinterest is one thing. But portraying him as the only 'smart' one in a sea of 'idiots'? :/ no points there. Especially when you dumb down everyone else.


Why is my thread plagued with people pretending to know how to review...? ^________^

If you didn't get the point of the story, buzz off instead of whining on my lack of description.

I am SO TERRIBLY sorry I didn't indulge in the art of vocabulary like you can. I mean, God forbid, I know I'm incapable of producing long, grandiloquent statements that will surely make my story appeal to these super talented writers, no?

Yami Ryu, contrary to popular belief, not every short story needs description. I mean, you agree with what CrystalSaurTower said? Blatant criticism that has absolutely no validation nor justification whatsoever? And yes, I did type it up in Microsoft Word. You shouldn't throw off people's efforts like that. And you honestly expect me to read the gigantic thread of a advice? No. Just, no. ^____________^

CrystalSaurTower, I'm not going to even bother replying back to your review. You make more grammar mistakes than I do. You have more spelling errors. Apparently, this is a very important thing when diagnosing stories and reviews. Stop pretending to know everything, because by the review alone, it's clear you didn't get a single message I was conveying in the story. ^_^

My God. Why are all these people obsessed with lengthy, detailed sentences? I know how to use conjunctions. I know how to use details and adjectives when I need them.

Stop treating me like an idiot. I wanted to try out a new style, so I did.

Major superiority complex. I can take normal constructive criticism. What startles me, however, is people's ineptitude at dealing out such reviews.

In conclusion, if you didn't get it, don't pretend like you do.

If you're hell bent on nitpicking DESCRIPTION of ALL PLACES, then don't review.

Simple, no? (I made sure to cut down on the big words, this time!) ^_^


Well-Known Member
We don't expect incredily detailed sentances eveywhere. Thats called purple prose, and that is usually discretitied. Description isn't just a side issue on the side of fan-fics. They NEED description. Your kinds, anyway.

And we were not flamin, merely critequing. It was raw opinion. This is how really felt about the story. I thought it was bad, outlined the areas were I think you could improve, and gave you an example to base your outlook on. Just think of it as like if you made a movie, the reviewers would not go soft on you. Same with us. If you ask us to twell you our full opinion, we do that, and give help to you. I didn't need to write up that lengthy review of yours if my main message was to say 'your fic sucked' . I care about your story, and enough that I spent a while reviewing it. Realize, this IS constructive cristism. Your ignoring the advice of going to an especially helpful thread, and claiming those who try to help you as trying to bring you down. Stop covering up your own incompetance by ranting on and on about how picky we are, and suck it up. Build from it. Learn to take the good and the bad, and not be a self-centered snob to all those who wish to help you.

If your looking for short, sugar coated reviews, you've posted in the wrong place.

Yami Ryu

Well-Known Member
Why is my thread plagued with people pretending to know how to review...? ^________^

Oooh we have a smart alec amongst us folks!



2) Tips on Composition.

Paragraphs: Use these as your basic unit of composition. Each paragraph should be used to set forth a single idea. If a paragraph seems to long, it probably contains multiple ideas, and should be split up for clarity. If it seems too short, expand on the idea.

Sentences: A sentence should contain exactly one action or statement of existence. If it contains more than one, split it into two or more. If it contains less than one, finish the sentence. Run-on sentences are often confusing, while fragments make the reader feel that something is missing.

Description: Make sure that your reader can visualize what is happening. Don't just say something like "Joe walked along enjoying the scenery". This gives no indication of whether the scenery he is enjoying is a redwood forest, a beach at sunset, or the Grand Canyon.

A description is not just a list of attributes. When describing a character, don't just list their name, age, height, weight, hair colour, and current pokemon team. Bring this information out gradually when the person appears in a story.

Don't have Joe meet a trainer named Fred who is 12 years old, has green eyes and red hair, is three and a half feet tall, and whose pokemon are squirtle, pikachu, butterfree, grimer, tauros, and krabby. Have Joe see a short, red-haired kid with startlingly green eyes, and talk to him. Have names mentioned early in the conversation. The pokemon may be either revealed in a battle, or introduced individually during the conversation.


3) Other General Advice

Plot: Try to be original. "Joe is 10 (or 11 or 12) years old and about to start his pokemon journey. He goes to Professor (insert tree here) and gets a (insert pokemon here)" has been done too many times already. "Joe is a 10-year-old from Pallet Town and about to start his pokemon journey. He accidentally sleeps in, and by the time he gets to Professor Oak's lab, all the starters have been taken, so he gets a Pikachu" is so old everyone is sick of it.

Try to be reasonable. A new trainer is not going to start with a legendary, or even rare, pokemon. The standard starter pokemon were selected for a reason: They are easy for professors to obtain whenever new trainers are about to start, they can be controlled by beginners, and with proper training, they can become quite powerful.

Likewise, it is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to catch any of the legendary pokemon. They are simply too powerful. If you have seen either of the movies, think about it. Mew or Mewtwo can deflect any attack you try with minimal effort.

Consider the scene in The Power of One where Ash's Pikachu (which has been known to defeat rock and ground types) meets Zapdos. Compare their relative power levels. Now think about how hard it would be to defeat Zapdos. This can be applied to any of the legendary pokemon. No trainer will have one unless it has a good reason to want to accompany that trainer.

Characters: Make your characters real. Give them strengths and weaknesses. Inherently superior trainers who win each battle effortlessly are boring. So are incompetent members of Team Rocket. So is the gym-leader-who-can't-stand-being-defeated. The stock "Rival" character is also getting old.

Whatever you do, don't just refer to people by labels from the GameBoy games (Rocket, Cooltrainer, Lass, Bug Catcher, etc). Remember that these are real people you are working with.

Spelling/Grammar: Write your story in a word-processing program. Use the spellchecker, but don't depend on it completely. It can tell whether your word matches the spelling of a real word, but it cannot tell whether it is the word you wanted to use.

Use grammar checkers with extreme care. They cannot actually understand what you are saying, and often make mistakes.

Stop making excuses because you didn't wanna put effort into it. Stop pretending you're oh so perfect and don't need advice or tips. Even I get off my high horse and take critic from my friends. Grudgingly yes, but I accept it.

You actually want something harsh? Just because you can string letters and words along doesn't mean you can write. Maybe I should have used that as a point. Short story or not, your character was very shallow, and self centered. While that can normally happen irl and really is very common, when in first person, you don't put any effort into the character, it comes off as piss poor angst/anti sue. Which is sometimes hated and abused as much as Mary Sue's. When used incorrectly.

You also had everyone come off as airheads, and while I know half the population can be stupid at times, surely his parents are mature enough to watch something other than pokemon news. Or maybe they're doing it to be 'cool' and 'hip'. It happens. But again, you don't elaborate on it.

Your center of focus on a poorly developed character that well, is not helped by the fact you didn't go into detail. Maybe you don't have too, but usually it does help unless it's like a stupid, short, one shot that's insane and the punch line isn't in the description, but how it's brought into play.

But seeing as this fails even on the humor front, as what, you're playing at a world so obsessed with pokemon they turned stupid and started creating them? That no one cares if a child is slaughtered by a grass type? Anyways, you fail to get any humor, of any sort, across.

And in that you fail because you are closed minded, and you don't want to accept the fact this could have been made to be better. You act like you're perfect and don't need to be better. When you should be smart enough to realise, no one is perfect. Not even this what, one shot? >.>

Ahyeah. So get off your own high horse, and read what I quoted. Maybe, some info will sink down into that closed off skull of yours, and you'll realise maybe the oneshot really would be better if you elaborated a bit more. Not just description, but emotion and depth to characters and situations.



Oooh we have a smart alec amongst us folks!


*rolls eyes* Speak for yourself, dear.

To Ryu-

Sigh. I thought this would work out; honestly, I did. I read that thread long before you told me to. It didn't help me. I already knew that stuff. Do you think reading one thread will help writers get better? No. Experience, practice, and listening to advices, that is true, but what you did..they weren't advices. You hardly focused on the plot and my intent. Instead, you made it so you only attacked the lack of description, assumed I wrote in the quick reply box, and left it at that. (By the way, what's wrong with writing in the quick reply box? I do it all the time).

Now, can this honestly be called constructive criticism? No. Quite frankly, Miss Yami, your review contained not the bit of usefulness. It didn't help me at all. Why don't you stop being hypocritical and get off your little horsey?

Let's face it: your review didn't help me. At all. This was the point I was trying to clarify; you can't expect writers to get better by blatantly criticizing. You didn't even have the slightest idea of what you wanted to criticize BEFORE I replied back to your post.

Hypocrite. Now go away. I can tell with you, this will get nowhere.

Aaaand to the crystal guy whatever-

We don't expect incredily detailed sentances eveywhere.

What's with this 'we' stuff? Far as I'm concerned, your review + yamis are totally different.

Thats called purple prose, and that is usually discretitied. Description isn't just a side issue on the side of fan-fics. They NEED description. Your kinds, anyway.

Uh, no. Description is important, but not crucial.

And we were not flamin, merely critequing. It was raw opinion. This is how really felt about the story. I thought it was bad, outlined the areas were I think you could improve, and gave you an example to base your outlook on. Just think of it as like if you made a movie, the reviewers would not go soft on you. Same with us. If you ask us to twell you our full opinion, we do that, and give help to you.

Did I ever ask for your opinion, anyway?

I didn't need to write up that lengthy review of yours if my main message was to say 'your fic sucked' . I care about your story, and enough that I spent a while reviewing it.

Obviously you didn't care enough if base your criticism on your opinion. Your opinion isn't going to help me. What I can improve on, will.

Realize, this IS constructive cristism.

I never said it wasn't. I simply commented on your method.

Your ignoring the advice of going to an especially helpful thread, and claiming those who try to help you as trying to bring you down.

I read the thread. God. Tell me something other than that, for once. And stop exaggerating; I never said you were bringing me down.

Stop covering up your own incompetance by ranting on and on about how picky we are, and suck it up. Build from it. Learn to take the good and the bad, and not be a self-centered snob to all those who wish to help you.


I. Never. Said. You. Were. Picky. Stop. Putting. Words. In. My. Mouth. Self centered snob?

Oh, this is supposed to HELP me, right..?

If your looking for short, sugar coated reviews, you've posted in the wrong place.

I never said I was looking for them, simply 'competent' ones.

..Do you even know what you're talking about?
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you were the one.
Um, yeah, guys? Calm down. Flaming each other back and forth isn't going to help, nor is responding with the same tone.

Also, about Chales' story...it was, true, lacking in details, but I assumed that was part of the writer's style.

CrystalSaurTower...although your review would be considered constructive criticism, you did criticize her in other ways possible..=/ I think this story is meant to be generic, but simply did not bode well with the reviewers.

Volleying replies back and forth isn't going to solve anything..n__n;


Well-Known Member
YOU asked for everyones opinion when you posted this story! I was tyrying to let you know were telling you what. is. wrong! You. build. from. what. is. wrong! I am a reader. I am repelled by what I'm reading. I tell you that. You say 'hm, maybe I'll chnage such, and such like he suggested' and sdtop treating reviews like flames. Every single review on this forum is an opinion. What we see is wrong is what you take and improve! Please I am not going to bring you down, and nor is anyone else. I wouldn't bother replying if I didn't care, or did not wish to help. Try to be proffesional about these things and see were not a bunch of anti-chale people, and so this can be put to rest.

Well if I did offend her in other ways, I'm sorry.


Ok, um, be quiet, crystal. I no longer care what you type, anymore.

And to yami, who somehow maturely rejected my pm!

'"So you get off your high horse first, then I'll get off mine.

I was lazy."

briefly skimming through your post...

you have any idea how ridiculous you sound just by those two lines?

Yeah. And I sleep with these words. Hopefully by the time I log on, again, a mod will have closed this. ^___^

Yami Ryu

Well-Known Member
I just sent my reply in pm cause I didn't see your post Kairi. But the thing is, Generic parody or not, the guy/girl should accept the fact well, it was bad. It was poorly brought out. That not everyone is gonna bow down and praise it like god sent it down on the holy ghost with a choir of girly boy angels and trumpeting cherubs and all that hubub.

Kairi: Rushed isn't a style :/ that's another thing bad with the oneshot. Instead of taking time with some details, it was like a day, rushed over the course of what could have been part of the one shot. That is the problem.

Now we are gonna get noobs, claiming oh it's my style and well yeah. As I said in my now deleted post sent pm, the noobs are gonna think it's now ok to write tacky fics with seemingly little effort in the way of anything. Parody or not, generic or not, it should follow the rules.

:/ even I did when I sought information from Sandra if it was ok to post drabbles- and she said unfortunately no. Because the noobs would abuse the fact and we'd get tacky quality spam threads.

Anyways I said my piece, and if it's still treated as idiocy, 'non reviewing' or flames, a fic mod will clear this up.



Then guess I'm degraded into doing my pm cause sure why the hell not.

Yami Ryu said:

*rolls eyes* Speak for yourself, dear.

To Ryu-

It's Yami :3

Sigh. I thought this would work out; honestly, I did. I read that thread long before you told me to.

Then maybe next time point it out instead of acting like a god. When I said I agreed with CrystalSaur, it was on the points he made- you didn't describe the maine character, disclose his name, do any description, and overall did pretty poor and shoddy work.

It didn't help me. I already knew that stuff. Do you think reading one thread will help writers get better? No. Experience, practice, and listening to advices, that is true, but what you did..they weren't advices.

Then maybe you should have said that, again, in your post, instead of being a wise cracker, hm? And anyways, the thread does help those that try. And you should be listening to the advice I'm giving now. Fine, I didn't 'give enough' of it in the first post I did, But I sure as hell threw you more than enough bones to chew in my second post. So start a chewing bub.

You hardly focused on the plot and my intent

Plot? What? Where? Oh the satire and attempt of dark and twisted humor? It was lost to me by the poor quality of the fic. Yeah while I like people to focus on my plots for stories too, I try to first, beforehand, present them with a piece of work that won't distract them from the plot with lack of description and shoddy detailing.

And really, what plot. What were you aiming for. Even you admit the story didn't have a point. So it could be anything. Call yourself a hypocrit too ;/

Instead, you made it so you only attacked the lack of description, assumed I wrote in the quick reply box, and left it at that. (By the way, what's wrong with writing in the quick reply box? I do it all the time).

Well for one against the rules to write a story in the reply box, if we allow you to slip by, or anyone who is 'good' the noobs will think they can slip by too. It's why I asked a mod first if I could post drabbles. She said while she wouldn't want to close my thread, she'd have too. Allow one person to slip past the rules, the hoard of noobs will find and swarm.

Now, can this honestly be called constructive criticism? No. Quite frankly, Miss Yami, your review contained not the bit of usefulness. It didn't help me at all. Why don't you stop being hypocritical and get off your little horsey?

Lol. I admit I'm a hypocrit. All humans are. I accept my fault and laugh at myself :3 now learn to accept your faults and have a laugh at yourself too. You're not perfect. This wasn't perfect, and if you posted this and thought for one second, truely, people wouldn't come and point out the description was bad, the characters were shallow, the first person was poorly written and everything just ended in a great big flop. Well, your fault buddy. Not mine. So you get off your high horse first, then I'll get off mine.

Let's face it: your review didn't help me. At all. This was the point I was trying to clarify; you can't expect writers to get better by blatantly criticizing. You didn't even have the slightest idea of what you wanted to criticize BEFORE I replied back to your post.

Actually I did. I was lazy. I read your chapter, was gonna reply and saw CrystalSaur had basically needled out what I was gonna snap at you about. So I just added what he didn't- go to advice for aspiring authors. How bad is that? I made up for it in my second post afterall, showing you exactly how I was gonna review before seeing CrystalSaur's, I mean, I get so damn sick and tired of having to point out, crit, and throw advice at for the same darned things I'm chewing you over for.

So yes, insulting a reviewer is really going to get you somewhere.

Hypocrite. Now go away. I can tell with you, this will get nowhere.

Yes because you are closed minded and don't want to get any better :/

:/ there. Maybe now you can see the whole thing. And I know your type now. Closed minded about everything, only accepting what you want -_-
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Yami Ryu and CrystalSaurTower: You're kidding, right? I've seen a lot of questionable ideas on these forums, but this... this tops it all. Here's the thing, kiddies; not everyone wants to write their stories in the same overly-descriptive, backstory-ridden, self-indulgent abomination of a style that passes for the standard on these forums. It's one thing to say that you didn't care for his style, but it's a whole different beast to hold your's above it like some sort of godly ideal. Get down off your weirdly crooked high horse and go read some real fiction, not the crud that clogs up these forums, then come back and try again.

Chales: I thought the fic was brilliant. It was quirky, mysterious, a tad dark, and quite funny. I hope you're continuing it, because it's a refreshing change of pace from the usual fare on these forums. It reminds me a bit of The Giver, except a lot more engaging. Keep it up, and don't listen to these... *cough* "people of differing opinion."

EDIT: Yami Ryu, please don't bother sending me PMs if you don't want any in return. All it does is prove that you can't defend your point.
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BirthayPirate, is this the time or place? I think not. Stop trying to minimod please, it's damn annoying when you try and wedge yourself in any location you can for a soap box and preach. It would be seen as some mods the way you keep chasing after and pandering as a form of harassment, not to myself but certainly some.

OP, please. Excuses does not make a good fanfiction, reading, learning and writting does. If the advice didn;t help much then why pray tell did you not say what you thought may also be included to help people? Thats why the thing is open after all.

I would comment on the quality but I fear that this "mean mod" would be ignored, of course the fact hopw I'm feeling currently may also influence how I type such a review it seems the best idea no to currently. Besides, I do believe enough is present if you care to look over pointing to each then shouting Lol.

I request that you have less excuse making and nitpicking of your own for proper reading in future. Change of style is no excuse for skimping, my humour fic is a complete style change yet still tried to get the core basics that make writting readable in there.

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