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The Pokémon Life

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The Pokémon Life

Here we will each be a pokémon but YOU CANNOT BE A LEGENDARY AND YOU HAVE TO START AS A PRE-EVOLUTION. Here's a sign-up format.

Special thing:
(optional) Is shiny

Here's mine

Name: Chunk
Pokémon: Trapinch
Special thing: has a red hankerchief at tail
Ability: Hyper Cutter

And so we start.

We follow our main character, Chunk through the forest as he wanders around looking for.... OMG, what are you looking for?

"I'm looking for a friend!" said Chunk

Okay... So we follow Chunk as he searches for a friend through Petalburg Forest.
read the rules kid.


Really and truly
Like krackerjack said. If you're going to post somewhere, it's best to read ALL THE STICKIES first. Especially The Rules.

Right off the bat, you're not even posting in the right sextion. There needs to be a Sign-Up thread, which must be posted in the Sign Up forum. zomg, it takes a real genius to figure that out.

Then you need to read about PLOTS, and how PLOTS must be a few hundred words long. No, not a few lines long- a few hundred words long. But then again, that's not even a few lines. There is no plot here whatsoever.

And of course, you have no idea what a Sign Up sheet look like. For an RP like this, it would usually need:
Age and/or Level:
Physical Appearance: (what makes the character different)
Attacks: (only if you really want to be limiting)
Other: (if it doesn't go anywhere else, put it here)

zomg, that wasn't so hard now, was it?

>> Just go read the Rules, kaykay?



Just to make it official - Read the rules before posting again.
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