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The PokéSquad Banner Shop


Your Local dmoss
The PokéSquad Banner Shop

Thank you for choosing "The PokéSquad Banner Shop"! Here at TPSBS, we take pride in creating quality banners, that go well with serebii.net's layout. However, upon request, I can create something special, or a bit different for you.

Perhaps you just need a banner to show-off your current party? Your future party? We have what you're looking for! Maybe your club needs a cool, new banner? Don't hesitate to ask for our help!

Currently, our hottest banner is the one showcased in my signature, or as seen here: Clicky.

If you like that image, I can make one just like it for you. If you like the design, but not the colors, I can go with something that you enjoy a bit more. If you like the color scheme (that goes along with the website), I can keep the colors, but use a totally different format. Anything, including text, colors, layouts, and (especially) Pokémon can be changed upon request. :) Soon, I hope to have a few templates created, in order to allow you to have more items to choose from.

Thank you for stopping by, and if you have any questions or requests, please don't hesitate to ask! :)

Currently Working on a Banner For:

Members With Finished Banners:
onix lord
Ludicolo Master
May's brother
Poke doll​
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Ludicolo Master

Coolest Avvie yet!
Same design as your's.

Color of background:blue




Your Local dmoss
I will get right on that, Ludicolo Master. It should be done for in the next half of an hour. ;)

Be sure to let me know if you need a banner, everyone! I'm always available, and happy to help you out. :)

May's brother

Now to the Maxtreme!
Hi, I'm thinking of filling my sig with TWO of your banners (my diamond team and pearl team) you are obviously talented and I need a way to show off my pokes.

1. Format: Same as yours
Background color: Same as yours
Text: Gazza' shiny diamonds are here!
Pokemon: Enperuto, Erureido, fuwade, Donkarasu, shiny mikaurge, Dosaidon

2. format: Same as yours
Background color: same as yours
Text: Don't underestimate us!
Pokemon: Dotaitos, Bonsly, yukimenoko, jibacoil, Giraina, pelipper

Thanks a bunch!

May's brother

Now to the Maxtreme!
Thanks, mine are just how I wanted them! :) The'll be in my sig by the time I get home from school!


diamond boy
hey dmoss i want one just like yours same background colour, text saying Diamond.
pokemon- Enperuto Moukazaru Dotaitos Rentoraa Fuwaraido Lucario

and another one exactly the same but with diffrent title saying pearl and poke's-Dosaidon Buuburn Mojanbo Elekible Yonowaru Erureido oh

thanks a bunch in advanced


Rotomu Freak
I know it is asking a lot but if it is posible could you make a little square made out of tiny Rotomu and a big rotomu in the middle if not just make me one like your but alternating regular rotomu and shiny rotomu instead of the other pokemon and instead of saying hear we come it should say ROTOMU IS AWESOME
can i please have a banner with all the baby pokemon. on the bottom i want it to say babys rule.i want the backround to be the same as yours.there are 18 baby pokemon by the way.(including togepi)<he is a baby last i checked.i will be sure to credit you.


Your Local dmoss
I'll get right on those, everyone!

Everyone else, feel welcome to make your requests while the getting is good. :p Don't forget to pick up your PokeSquad Banner, before the fad kicks in! :D


Your Local dmoss
Sorry for the Double Post...I completed everyone's requests! I hope you like them! I had LOTS of fun making them. :) My favorite to make, was probably the baby one, although it was certainly a challenge trying to fit them all inside the box. :D



Poke doll:
Babies Rule!

Let me know what you think, and keep your requests coming in! :D


King Stone Flash!
Pardon me, but could you please make me two banners if it's not to much trouble.

1. Format: Same as yours
Background color: Grey
Text: Dawn Brigade
Pokemon: Dotaitos, Rentoraa, Ramuparudo, Floatsel, Lucario, Glacia

2. Format: Same as yours
Background color: Yellow
Text: Eve Troupe
Pokemon: Enperuto, Rozureido, Beequeen, Mimiroppu, Mime Jr., Yukimenoko

Thank you very much for your time.


Your Local dmoss
I'll be sure to get started tomorrow in the afternoon. I've got Uni tomorrow until 3:30, but I should have your banners complete by, let's say...6:00?

Thanks for stopping by, Reimei!

Come on in, and make your requests known, everyone! :)


diamond boy
thanks for the banners but can you change moukazaru into goukazaru it just don't look right thanks and sorry if wasted your time

edit:Can you switch the titles of the bannersso pearls title is diamond and diamonds title is pearl oh and change moukazaru into goukazaru thanks and sorry for using your time
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D.P Pocchama

~Deoxys Incarnate~
Can I have one of those banners?

Can I have one of those banners except with a white background (and for the dark frame... black) saying: Like me now???

Pokemon: Suicune, Milotic, Pocchama, Diaruga, and Aruseus (I know it's only 5)

D/P in game sprites please... if you can manage... also, do not resize images if you can. leave pocchama small
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King Wulfharth

Divine Wonder...
1. form same as yours
Background color: light blue
Text: Dawn Brigade
text: S.W's Pearl Team
Pokemon: kaburaisu,goukazaru,leafia,buuburn,milotic,tyranitar


Musical Trainer
Oh cool, I would like one. :]
Can I get two?

Banner 1
Background: White, for the Pokemon area and Name area
Text: Lets roll!
Pokemon: [This is for my RP, so if you could fit all that would rock.] In order...; Flareon, Jolteon, Espeon, Vaporeon, Umbreon, Leafia, and then Glacia.
Notes: All D/P Sprites, if you would.

Banner 2
Background: White, for the Pokemon area and Name area
Text: Lets roll!
Pokemon: [This is for my RP, so if you could fit all that would rock.] In order...; Flame, Spark, Psycho, Aqua, Shadow, Swamp, and Frost. [Ugh, these are such ugly names. Im not sure if those will be the real names. Maybe just Nicknames. Heehee]

Notes: If you can WBG the sprites, that would be cool.

And all the sprites were made by Chrono Mew. :]


New Member
1. Format: Same as yours
Background color: Same as yours
Text: Zane's Best Team
Pokemon: Electivire, Torterra, Luxray, Dialga, Lucario, Froslass


New Member
Format-Same A Yours
Background Color- Gray
Text- Diamond Dream Team
Pokemon- Check Out My Sig