pokemon rulez!!!!!
Awesome Dialga!
The Pokemon Dragon Hunter part 1 [PG 13]
In the world of Pokemon many legends are first thought up and proven my small but promissing evidence. Then sometime in the future a real incounter or sighting by a smart or good source. This happened with the Rayquaza myth,then in the year 2003 the Hubble Teloscope captures a picture of the creature.The operater at that time at night with was about 2:00 AM. Silver was the man watching the random night skys. Then he sees a green flace across the sky. Silver slowed down the recording frame-by-frame. Then he sees the Rayquaza told in myths from the stone age when cave men deplicted the creature in a crude wall painting. A story like this is about to unfold.
In the city of Celadon in Kanto a young boy at the age of ten whom does studies on the Dragon type pokemon so he knows a great deal about them in many ways. He is ready to begin his journey is a pokemon master,or atleast just a trainer. His name is Nyck Corsa. "Nycky honey,time to get up to catch your train to Pallet to get his starter from Prof.Oak," says Kristen Corsa,Nyck's mom. Nyck comes running down the steps. He grabs a Pop-Tart and dashes out the door. "I will call you n my cell phone if I got any service on my sucky a** phone!" he tells his mom. "What did you say Nyck,get back here NOW!!!!" Kristen yells at him forcefully.
He runs out of his house and down the street to the train station. As he is about to cross the tracks to get to the platform.As he runs on the track the lights start blinking and he bars alight to the road. What the fudge is this about I don't see no train as he looks down one side." Nyck proclaims."Brouughhhh" the train's very loud horn sounds. Nyck yells curses some words you can't really comprehend and jumps over the bars that are flashing but lands right on his butt VERY hard. The large frieght train rolls past at a somewhat slow but a normal pace.The locomotive says Pewter City Mining and Company. The train is towing about twenty some coal cars packed with coal and one flatbed car with a abnormally large diamond like thingy on that car. Then out of nowhere several lightning bolts of some sort of energy souce hits the main loco and then spreads thoughout the whole train.The lightning turns red and the whole train,cars and everything lift off the tracks and begins hovering over the tracks. The bars go up but the train is still in the air. Everybody,pokemon including start running away."If I want to become a pokemon master I must stay here and hold my ground even without a starter or anything." Nyck proclaims.
The coal from the cars and the cars form into a large halk of a body with a half of a torso and a fore-leg and a back leg. The same thing occurs with the remaining cars and coal forms the same thing. The loco lifts up and slabs on the rest of the formed body. The crossing signs lift up from beside Nyck and form into a tail and slabs on the body aswell. Some of the front and some of the rear of the locomotive. Then the lightning hit the creature and some sort-of white pillers come out of some random spots in the body. The creature turns blue and the pillers turn white. The part of the loco that was shredded off turned a red neon like glow. The creature lifts it head up high and roars and very loud growl. The diamond then lifts up and is placed on it's chest." Oh my frickin' god,what is that thing?!?!?!!"Nyck proclaims.A cop car pulls up onto the sceen."Officer? What is that damn thing?" Nyck proclaims.
"That is a Diaruga,for told in legends from the far away land of Shinno along with the other 2 in the myth that hasn't been discovered are Pariuka and Garahan."states the Celadon officer.
"Do you have any pokemon on you officer because I don't." asked Nyck.
"No I donnnnn'tttttt",the Diaruga absorbs the officer into it's large diamond. Nyck ran along the train tracks till he saw a sleeping Munchlax near the tracks down the hill by a lake behind the famous Celadon Mall. He threw his only pokemon that his mom gave him to remember her on his journey. He caught the Munchlax very luckly. He ran back up to the crossing and threw the pokeball containing the Munchlax. Go Munchlax use......tackle I guess." Nyck commaned. The Munchlax walked off to a moldy peace of bread and ate it. It then went to sleep by the lake again. "God,I'm so frickin' screwed now." Nyck says to himself. The Diaruga lifts it head then the neon like part of it's face lite up and flashed into the air. Then a loud sound was emiting from the sky. Nyck looked up and to his dissmay a large meteor was flying to the planet."Holy ****,a frickin' meteor is about to hit!" he hollered as he was looking to the sky. Diaruga was with a smercky smile on it's face. The meteor got so close Nyck was sweating badly. The meteor hit the Earth................Nyck was dead along with everybody and every pokemon on Earth becuase the inpact in Kanto which hit around the Seafoam Islands area was so large when it hit the Earth crumbled to very small particals that is floating threw space.
The End.....or is it?
Rate and disscus this and tell me if you crave part 2 yet.
In the world of Pokemon many legends are first thought up and proven my small but promissing evidence. Then sometime in the future a real incounter or sighting by a smart or good source. This happened with the Rayquaza myth,then in the year 2003 the Hubble Teloscope captures a picture of the creature.The operater at that time at night with was about 2:00 AM. Silver was the man watching the random night skys. Then he sees a green flace across the sky. Silver slowed down the recording frame-by-frame. Then he sees the Rayquaza told in myths from the stone age when cave men deplicted the creature in a crude wall painting. A story like this is about to unfold.
In the city of Celadon in Kanto a young boy at the age of ten whom does studies on the Dragon type pokemon so he knows a great deal about them in many ways. He is ready to begin his journey is a pokemon master,or atleast just a trainer. His name is Nyck Corsa. "Nycky honey,time to get up to catch your train to Pallet to get his starter from Prof.Oak," says Kristen Corsa,Nyck's mom. Nyck comes running down the steps. He grabs a Pop-Tart and dashes out the door. "I will call you n my cell phone if I got any service on my sucky a** phone!" he tells his mom. "What did you say Nyck,get back here NOW!!!!" Kristen yells at him forcefully.
He runs out of his house and down the street to the train station. As he is about to cross the tracks to get to the platform.As he runs on the track the lights start blinking and he bars alight to the road. What the fudge is this about I don't see no train as he looks down one side." Nyck proclaims."Brouughhhh" the train's very loud horn sounds. Nyck yells curses some words you can't really comprehend and jumps over the bars that are flashing but lands right on his butt VERY hard. The large frieght train rolls past at a somewhat slow but a normal pace.The locomotive says Pewter City Mining and Company. The train is towing about twenty some coal cars packed with coal and one flatbed car with a abnormally large diamond like thingy on that car. Then out of nowhere several lightning bolts of some sort of energy souce hits the main loco and then spreads thoughout the whole train.The lightning turns red and the whole train,cars and everything lift off the tracks and begins hovering over the tracks. The bars go up but the train is still in the air. Everybody,pokemon including start running away."If I want to become a pokemon master I must stay here and hold my ground even without a starter or anything." Nyck proclaims.
The coal from the cars and the cars form into a large halk of a body with a half of a torso and a fore-leg and a back leg. The same thing occurs with the remaining cars and coal forms the same thing. The loco lifts up and slabs on the rest of the formed body. The crossing signs lift up from beside Nyck and form into a tail and slabs on the body aswell. Some of the front and some of the rear of the locomotive. Then the lightning hit the creature and some sort-of white pillers come out of some random spots in the body. The creature turns blue and the pillers turn white. The part of the loco that was shredded off turned a red neon like glow. The creature lifts it head up high and roars and very loud growl. The diamond then lifts up and is placed on it's chest." Oh my frickin' god,what is that thing?!?!?!!"Nyck proclaims.A cop car pulls up onto the sceen."Officer? What is that damn thing?" Nyck proclaims.
"That is a Diaruga,for told in legends from the far away land of Shinno along with the other 2 in the myth that hasn't been discovered are Pariuka and Garahan."states the Celadon officer.
"Do you have any pokemon on you officer because I don't." asked Nyck.
"No I donnnnn'tttttt",the Diaruga absorbs the officer into it's large diamond. Nyck ran along the train tracks till he saw a sleeping Munchlax near the tracks down the hill by a lake behind the famous Celadon Mall. He threw his only pokemon that his mom gave him to remember her on his journey. He caught the Munchlax very luckly. He ran back up to the crossing and threw the pokeball containing the Munchlax. Go Munchlax use......tackle I guess." Nyck commaned. The Munchlax walked off to a moldy peace of bread and ate it. It then went to sleep by the lake again. "God,I'm so frickin' screwed now." Nyck says to himself. The Diaruga lifts it head then the neon like part of it's face lite up and flashed into the air. Then a loud sound was emiting from the sky. Nyck looked up and to his dissmay a large meteor was flying to the planet."Holy ****,a frickin' meteor is about to hit!" he hollered as he was looking to the sky. Diaruga was with a smercky smile on it's face. The meteor got so close Nyck was sweating badly. The meteor hit the Earth................Nyck was dead along with everybody and every pokemon on Earth becuase the inpact in Kanto which hit around the Seafoam Islands area was so large when it hit the Earth crumbled to very small particals that is floating threw space.
The End.....or is it?
Rate and disscus this and tell me if you crave part 2 yet.
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