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The Pokemon Go Friends Thread

ChampioN One

The chosen One!
Here's mine
6118 9164 1453


Great Ball Rank Trainer
Trying to find Mega Lopunny & Azumarill raids for the Easter event, so if anyone lives somewhere where they’re abundant please feel free to add my FC: 8806 0894 5575


Cynder Kiryah
Reposting my code
Need 4 more Flower Eevees if anyone has any
Friend code: 7690 5050 9546
Also want to join in on Togetic and Rufflet raids as well.


Looking for someone who wants to log in as me, and catch a couple of Heracrosses for me!
There will be mr mime on the account you can trade (PM me).
Also looking for friends! 1360 4120 1597 (Netherlands)
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Det. Viper

That’s Detective Viper to you

Looking to get back into playing a bunch

Edit: I have more friends than I can send gifts to now so I have removed my FC.
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Well-Known Member
Hello I am looking for friends to exchange gifts with.

My trainer code is 7239 5865 2962.

Feel free to add me.


If any of you folk have recieved a friend request recently, it may have been from me; 7983 8870 4883.

I used to play Pokemon Go back when it was released, then ... I guess life just got in the way, but earlier this year I downloaded it again and have been casually playing it. There's an open invitation here for anyone to add me for gift exchanges, and if anyone happens to have a 3 or 4 star Charmander they'd like to trade, lets talk. I swear they're virtually impossible to get. I can catch Bulbasaur, Treeko, Mudkip etc at 3stars, but Charmander? Not a chance!


What is the airspeed of an unladen Swellow?
Looking for Mespirit and Uxie raids. Lots of Azelf raids near me. Also looking for Mr. Mime…it’s the last Kanto Pokemon I need.

FC: 7311-1372-4288