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The Pokemon King

Pikachu kiddo

pikachu<---The king
Now, if you vist my comic please post what you think.
A boy named Kenny and his Mudkip, wants to beat the battle island and protect the heart of the Sohnna(the red crystal ball).

Season 1
Episode 1
Credits so far
(and others)
from SPPF
Me for Kenny's sprites
and last but not least cooltext.com
Last edited:
Ok... about a 2.5, heres the stuff wrong:

1)Grammar mistakes "Hey is spelled Hay in your comic"
2)put a text box where mudkips talks, I could barely see it.
3)Hard to follow the events
4) Didn't appeal to me as interesting

Work on these , other thatn that I like the text boxes and the way yuo zoom in.

Kepp it up.

Pikachu kiddo

pikachu<---The king
ok i will work on the stuff you seid and do an updata to episode 1 tonight.

Pikachu kiddo

pikachu<---The king
Episode 2 is nearly finished.Now what happend to the post(i only got 1:( ) post what you think please.