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The Pokemon Wi-Fi Black Market.

Horn Drill

I've heard of this happening in online Final Fantasy games: People will raise up their characters to insane levels and sell them to other gamers for big bucks on Ebay. Do you think it's possible that this sort of thing could happen to Pokemon once DP becomes widespread next year? I'm sure individual Pokemon wouldn't go for more than a few dollars apiece, depending on what they are, but with Emerald cloning and mass transferring, they could turn into a pretty decent source of income if enough people are willing to buy them. I wonder if my max Attack Slaking and Metagross would fetch a pretty penny. Would shinies be worth even more?

Of course, people with GameSharks and Action Replays could obviously throw a big monkey-wrench into this whole scheme, and Nintendo could possibly shut down the Pokemon poaching business by claiming that we violate their terms of service, but that's never stopped the Final Fantasy people. Still, I can see how this could work. Purchasing Pokemon you recieve from others via wi-fi global trading would have to be based on the trust system somewhat, but, then again, so is Ebay.

I know that Expert_Evan was or still is auctioning off a Pokemon Box memory card filled with rare pogeys on Ebay, so I'm thinking that this practice could become even easier and more common as Pokemon wi-fi trading develops. Assuming that Pokemon Battle Revolution will feature advanced global wi-fi trading, this could turn into a pretty smart way for skilled Pokemon players to make a little dough on the side. What do you guys think?

EDIT: And think of how valuable items like TMs, Master Balls, Rare Candies, and PP Ups might become. o_O
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Horn Drill

I think demonstrating your pogeys' power would be a pretty fair way to advertise the Pokemon you're willing to sell. You battle potential customers with the Pokemon they're interesting in buying, then they make their selections and send you the moolah.

Mega Trickster

Blargagh blargh
People will so do this....people do anything for money.

I, however, am too good of a person to do such a thing.


lol at you
wow!! i never thought of something like this happening, but i reckon it could

Team Elecwater

shocking isnt it
umm....of course they will do that, itll just ruin the game for the rest of us.


The idea of a Pokémon black market makes me giddy with the sheer ridiculousness. Are the poachers gonna start calling themselves "Rocket ___", too?
Yes! I can finaly make money on Pokemon to balance off the thousands of dollars I put into the cards I bought! I have over 5,000 cards.^^

Horn Drill

So what is really going to ruin the "value of shinies": Emerald cloning or Pokemon-selling? :p


Ready for a vacation
I find it kind of odd that it's NOT illegal to sell Pokemon and Final Fantasy stuff over Ebay. I've seen lots for Blue Mews, or for "Any shiny Pokemon of your choice" already, where the seller tells you to mail your Ru/Sa/Em/Fr?Lg cartridge to him or her, they'll use AR to give you any shiny Pokemon, any level, any attacks, etc. and send your cartridge back to you...

I don't know what idiot would fall for that, but you're right.. when D/P arrive in the US we'll likely be seeing even more of these lots. That is, unless Nintendo beats Ebay with a rolled up newspaper and says "NO MORE!" ...That's what Neopets did, and Ebay listened, and goodness knows Nintendo is a much bigger company. If there's a serious problem I'm sure they'll put a stop to it.


I find it kind of odd that it's NOT illegal to sell Pokemon and Final Fantasy stuff over Ebay. I've seen lots for Blue Mews, or for "Any shiny Pokemon of your choice" already, where the seller tells you to mail your Ru/Sa/Em/Fr?Lg cartridge to him or her, they'll use AR to give you any shiny Pokemon, any level, any attacks, etc. and send your cartridge back to you...

I don't know what idiot would fall for that, but you're right.. when D/P arrive in the US we'll likely be seeing even more of these lots. That is, unless Nintendo beats Ebay with a rolled up newspaper and says "NO MORE!" ...That's what Neopets did, and Ebay listened, and goodness knows Nintendo is a much bigger company. If there's a serious problem I'm sure they'll put a stop to it.
I would feel sorry 4 the people who pay say about $20+ on what they think is a legit areuseus shiny and the send it over and the person uses AR to get it and ships it back and when the person looks at their game it is all screwy cause of the AR. that would suck. i hope that would be forrbiden for Ebay. but i would catch the pkmn legitly and offer than up 4 trade not sell. SELLING POKEMON IS WRONG!


Mega Trickster said:
You don't poach game data. You hack it.

I know, but that´s probably what they´d call themselves. I can just see them making their own clubs and such.


Well-Known Member
You'll get a few people who wanna buy pokemon over the net.

cecil 090

chaos of the night
hmm interesting the pokemon black market sounds good to me lol X)


Staff member
I can definitely see this happening, but I'm having a hard time comprehending how anyone could be stupid enough to waste money on something like that. Even if it is legit, which it probably wouldn't be, if it was a non-4th Gen Pokemon, it would have most likely been cloned, therefore the seller has thousands more of the same Pokemon.


Hero of Justice
The idea of a Pokémon black market makes me giddy with the sheer ridiculousness. Are the poachers gonna start calling themselves "Rocket ___", too?

I'm so totaly going to be a pokemon dealer :D.

shooting star

Leaving SPPF! G'bye!
I wont do that.
Aint i'm pure-hearted or something?

Or maybe it is just because i dont have D/P.