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The PokeSpokesman! (197)


And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member
The Poké-Spokesman!

When Pikachu gets sick, a man appears and talks to Pikachu to find out what's wrong. It turns out he has the capability to talk to and understand Pokémon. However Team Rocket are in the area faking it and the law is looking for a Pokémon Translator who's been conning people out of money. Can Ash & Co. protect their new friend?

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Team Awesome
I love that Meowth's gift for gab comes in handy with this episode, as he's able to give the old man a much-needed boost of confidence in the end of the episode.


Well-Known Member
A nice filler episode, it's nice to see a human actually try and speak Pokemon to understand them like Meowth learned human speak. If your wondering how Simon escaped from that gang, Bulbapedia says that there's a 29 second clip cut from the dub in which TR helps him escape. Anyway nice to see Meowth do something nice for a change.


Well-Known Member
It was an alright episode, but way too predictable. However, I liked Meowth's good deed at the end, that was nice to see.


Palette Professor
I only saw the end of the episode, but meowth was so nice :)


kiss my greens
I love that Meowth's gift for gab comes in handy with this episode, as he's able to give the old man a much-needed boost of confidence in the end of the episode.

I like that too ^^ Meowth can do some good somtimes.

Though, slight nitpick, I don't see why we need a translator when Meowth can do the job just fine =\


Well-Known Member
This is one of my favourite episodes of the anime. I've always wondered if there are other people like Simon who can understand Pokemon language. I have a fan character who has the same ability but he is more fluent. Is Simon's last name Dolittle? XD


this is one of my favorite series from the anime i really liked the episode, maybe a bit predictable at some places but i'm not complaining.


this is one of my favorite series from the anime i really liked the episode, maybe a bit predictable at some places but i'm not complaining.


Well-Known Member
Officer Jenny was pretty obnoxious in this one; she automatically assumed the guy was a fraud, never bothering to see if maybe he honestly believed what he claimed. Bad police work there, even for a cartoon character.


Grass Pokemon Expert
I liked this episode. I enjoyed seeing a pokemon interpretor. I thought it was kind of odd how Officer Jenny just accused Simon of beeing a fake without even letting him show her his ability. I thought the fake interpretors were jerks and was glad that the Magnemite and Magneton shocked them. I am also glad they got arrested. I was glad to see Meowth do a good deed in helping Simon regain his confidence.