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The power of... love?

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In my emerald, I have an azumarill that i seldom use. I only use it to use waterfall occasionally. One day, I decided to release it. But instead of it leaving my box, it said "...!" "Azumarill came back!" "was it worried about you?" How cool. I decided to keep it. I saved my game and tried it on my main party. Yet these all left with no turning back. What gives? Certainly they love me more than that azumarill. What can be the cause of a pokemon returning to you? Its nature maybe?


Obsessive Beader/Mod
Hey, and welcome to Serebii! Please read the FAQs before asking a question...I have this one in my Emerald FAQ because it's asked pretty often:

15. Q: Huh? My Pokemon came back to me when I tried to release it! How do I get rid of it?

A: This doesn't have to do with happiness, as the game might suggest (____ came back! Was it worried about you?), but HMs. If the Pokemon you're releasing is the only one you have with Surf, it can't be released. Teach another random Pokemon Surf, then try again.

I do appreciate any input on this particular problem, though, as the answer I've given seems to be the case (IE, it's worked with everyone I've talked to in the past), but there's always the chance that it was a coincidence...

Try it out and let me know if it works. :)


Erm, nope. I read your FAQ, and that wasn't the case. My kyogre also knows surf, yet it leaves, but the azumarill doesn't. Maybe because it was my first surfer?


Obsessive Beader/Mod
Odd...so does the Azumarill know Surf at the moment? Do you have your Kyogre in your party when you try to release Azumarill?


I think their was a thread like this already.Apparently pkemon that no hm moves and are ur last poke that nos that move wont leave until u teach someone else that move.i dont no i never tried it


My kyogre is in my party, azumarill knows surf, and it is in my "water" box. That is where I tried releasing it. I've tried several times and it won't leave. Maybe it's because I'm so loveable :3 JK

EDIT: Yes, my kyogre was in my party when I tried releasing azumarill. And I dunno if this might be useful, but azumarill has a rash nature.
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Obsessive Beader/Mod
That's right...you release Pokes from your box, not your party. Hmm...maybe put Kyogre in the box and try?

I knew this was going to come up some time or another. >>;; Maybe it's the Waterfall HM? Does another Poke in your party know Waterfall?

It's interesting, because this ALWAYS happens with a Water-type Pokemon...I've never heard of it happening with a Pokemon with any other HM. I suppose it could just be just those two HMs (Surf and Waterfall) that cause a problem because they're so crucial to the game... *Shrug*


It happened to me once with a dragonite that knew fly[why would u teach it that?].I saved in front of the pc and released everything that knew fly and when i tried it came back cause it was the only one that had fly.Weird isnt it?
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There there, *pats* it was a good theory. But I think it's because azumarill is my only pokemon that knows waterfall AND dive. So it might be one of those. But I suppose dive isn't important.

I tried releasing azumarill with kyogre in the box too, and it still came back to me. So it might be the waterfall.


Obsessive Beader/Mod
Okay, try teaching another Poke Waterfall and let me know. XD

As soon as I had the time I was going to try testing it...teach various Pokemon one HM and then try to release them...but I don't have that kind of time just now. :p

I know it isn't happiness-related, because people have had this problem with Pokemon they've never even really used.


Hehe, I'mma gonna start charging for my research. xD


Ok, I taught my kyogre waterfall and placed it on the box. Azumarill stayed with me. How sad... but! As an added bonus, I taught kyogre dive as well and placed it in my box. Azumarill... LEFT! (Azumarill knows dive too.) Prooving surf and waterfall have nothing to do with it. Or maybe they do. A lot of factors could've affected that outcome. But dive was what led my azumarill away.


Thats kinda weird since it probaly comes back only when its a REALLY useful move.Cut isnt really that important so i tried it and everything when't away and didnt come back since cut is only useful for getting certains items.I think they wont leave for:fly,surf,waterfall,rocksmash and strengh.I wish i could test it again but i lost my ds charger.anyway it only comes back for certain moves[well at least that happened to me]


Obsessive Beader/Mod
Wow, that's VERY interesting...

Thank you both for your input, maybe I can test it some more tomorrow if this sinus infection lets up and update the FAQ.

If only there were a Pokemon who could learn all of them so that there's a control...oh! Smeargle! Yay. :) I have GOT to remember that...


TRJessie579 said:
Wow, that's VERY interesting...

Thank you both for your input, maybe I can test it some more tomorrow if this sinus infection lets up and update the FAQ.

If only there were a Pokemon who could learn all of them so that there's a control...oh! Smeargle! Yay. :) I have GOT to remember that...
My pleasure capt'n. *salutes*:025ball:


Equine enthusiast
I tried my Wailord with Surf and Dive and it came back! :)


Well-Known Member
I saved my game and then tried to release my Marill with Dive but it came back.


Once I asked the Move Deleter to delete Surf from my Swampert, but he couldn't delete it! Probably, because it was my only Pokemon with Surf. I teached Surf to my Pelipper and then tried again, and that time he deleted it.


Well-Known Member
I have a tentacruel that knows surf, dive, waterfall, cut. Odd, isn't it? i tried releasing it once but it came back. i think if you actually used the pokemon's HM many times, it will come back


You're Illegal
, i tried releasing my only pokemon with dive it came back, but it new waterfall too but my dagonaire knew it also, ya it was the HM dive ^_^
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