This episode has the only instance I can think of of Ash actually training a Pokémon in Kanto. Too bad we never see Rocket Punch again, it was an awesome move.
Then some ugly dude comes out with a totally inconsistant character and introduces them to an equally inconsistant tournament. Then Jessie sees some dude with a Hitmonlee, fantasizes of a harem she could probably have anyway, and steals it and for some reason takes off all his clothes, even though the Hitmonlee was out of the Pokéball and could beat the crap out of TR.. The guy is never seen again, nor does he get his clothes or Hitmonlee back. Brock thros in the towel, even though Geodude seems fine. Not a bruise on it, nor does it have trouble moving or weakness in it's voice. Poor thing must be so tired being perfectly comfortable. TR cheats and doesn't get disqualified and Primeape wins the tournament. Then the ugly dude takes Primeape to help it be able to win the tournament it just won. Also, what had the potentian to be nice fights were totally boring and contained only Pokémon having their same limb fly all over the place.
On the other hand, Pikachu actually having character and Machop were nice.