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The Quest

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Vigoroth Clone

Sign Up:

Gender: (Male, Female, Unknown)
Force: (Good or Evil)
Trainer: (Worrier, Knight, General, Assasin, Wizard, Worlock, Archer, Peasant, Mercanary)
Pokemon: (No legendaries or self if you call yourself a Mythical Pokemon)
Money: (100 yin to 999 yin)

The mission is to free the land of Mailab from:

Age: over 1 million years
Description: A dark blue robe wearing shadow with a evil heart and dark pokemon. Nicknamed: God of Dark and Evil
History: Once a General of the Humans in Pallat town, he was fired when he became land and money greedy. He then gave up humanity for the undead and collected ghost and dark pokemon. Once he died, Millojh, god of all gods and Pokemon, told him "Ye art though wicked and ville, so thoughith is proclimaited, your thy god of Darketh and Evilleth."
Force: Main Evil
Trainer: Either wizard or warlock.
Pokemon: ;275; ;342; ;332; ;319; ;229; ;249-d;
Money: Infinity

Sign up ends next sunday.
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*faints* MAN, haven't you listened to other people in your last closed topic...IN HERE? Read the RULES and post in the right forum. This is not the Sign-up subforum!
Please read the rules. Theyre there for a reason >___>

Look at other peoples sign up threads..in the Sign Up forum... is yours anywhere near the quality of them?
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