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The Red Dwarf fan club (approved by psiumbreon)

Which of the characters would you want to be for a day?

  • Lister

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Rimmer

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • Cat

    Votes: 2 50.0%
  • Cryton

    Votes: 1 25.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Kakashi-Sharingan Warrior

Well-Known Member
This is the Red Dwarf fan club, only for fans of the TV show 'Red Dwarf' and it's many series's!

If you want to join please PM me and tell me a good reason you want to join, and then if I accept you , I shall add you to the members list, and if you do not like Red Dwarf, or I find out you do not like red Dwarf then I will ban you from the club and add you to the smeg head list

in this Club we may only and ONLY talk about Red Dwarf and any subject that comes under like favourate characters/episode/series and debate which one out of us is the biggest Smeg-Head

If you want to become the Co Owner and take some of the PMs so I dont have to do a heck of alot of PMs (hopefully loads of people will join) please PM me when you want to join, also if someone makes us a red dwarf banner they get a free pat on the back and will be the co-co owner.
I will have a random poll every week

Members List
Shucklemasterj (soon to become Sherlock Shuckle): Owner
Shadow Siren: co-owner
Arc Angel
Blaziken Master
Professor Zaroff
Metallic Mantis
are newest member is: Metallic Mantis

smeg heads:
seems like people are being good boys and girls at the moment

no one =3
oh and if anyone spams they will be called smeghead for the rest of the month

we now have a choice of two banners to choose from to use in our sigs:


this one was made my metarock sam, it is very good for a MS paint banner and a spur of the moment thing.


this second one was made by Misty-Fan-Forever who I can tell is very talented at banner making
Last edited:

Shadow Siren

The co-owner position has been filled by moi!

Kryton is the best character! He's soo funny!

Shadow Siren

I liked the first ever episode with Kryton! Where he was serving tea to the skeletons! lol!

Kakashi-Sharingan Warrior

Well-Known Member
yup Shadow Siren is the co owner

my favourate, out of all the episodes i have seen is the episode where Lister finds out he is the cat god! and Cat with his 'investigating shoes' made me laugh!

Kryton is cool, like when he became a human he got aroused by vacume cleaners


Master Coordinator
Yay for Red Dwarf. I'd be the cat for a day, just to see what it'd be like to wear shiny pants. :D

My favourite character, though, is probably Lister... although I really liked Kryten in Camilla.

Kakashi-Sharingan Warrior

Well-Known Member
Being at for a day would rule

I am working on a banner but I will need some Red Dwarf pictures, googl comes up with nothing worth it


Solemn Wings
OMG how could I not see this 0.0
Can I join, I absolutely adore Red Dwarf.
My fav ep is Demons and Angels, I just loved seeing the crews lower selves, very funny ^^

Shadow Siren

oooh! I liked the episode when they got a virtual reality game... I saw it ages ago it had something to do with rimmers father i've kind of forgotten it though...


I'll join!! XD

Best ep,hands down,would have to be the one with the munchkin song at the end,fave charecter has to be rimmer,i'll be back,this club shows promise.

*does rimmers salute and leaves*


Master Coordinator
My favourite ep would be... Marooned. I find it hilarious. =P

Kakashi-Sharingan Warrior

Well-Known Member
you all can join if ya want to!


Cool,i say that when one of us leaves this thread for the night we should do the rimmer salute,kind of adopt it ya know.

Brock Phillips

Plain Trainer
Which salute though?

I suggest the one with the fifty flourishes beforehand, salutes, floats down to the side, then a firm slap of the hand to the side of the leg.

You can't get better than that.

Brock PHillips.

BTW, can I join please?

Kakashi-Sharingan Warrior

Well-Known Member
sure you can join, but try to PM me like I said in the first post

I love Demons and Angels!

Blaziken master

Sherlock Shuckle said:
sure you can join, but try to PM me like I said in the first post

I love Demons and Angels!
Yeah that one's good!"We come in peace"gets shot

Kakashi-Sharingan Warrior

Well-Known Member
Blaziken master said:
Yeah that one's good!"We come in peace"gets shot
oh it seems your gun accidently fired

thet ep rules!


Master Coordinator
Yeah, I've got it on DVD.

"Oh dear, our brother has accidentally shot me five times. Oh how I love him!"

It's interesting seeing how everyone acts around there otherselves. I guess Jesus wouldn't of been a very welcome addition to the team, huh? :p


Solemn Wings
I have all the Season on DVD, am currently waiting for Season 7 to come out. Wasn't my fav season though, not enough Rimmer.

My fav character: Rimmer. OMG he is sooo cyute, I just wanna take him home with me, the Smeg Head *giggles*

I like when Kryton is tryin to learn to lie and swear.

"Sir you are a Smeeee Heeee"
"I'm a Smee Hee"
"A complete and total one" lol ^^

Rimmer and Kryton
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