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The region of Marenic

This is a work in progress.Complete with sprites, connecting paths, and gym descriptions:
In Marenic, every pokemon is avaiable,even DP ,just under certain conditions.
If made its for DS.

Greenave town

Info:The ladder behind the trees is this regions unknown dungeon, after you beat the game, the middle tree opens.

Route 1

3 trainers, and the skip stone entrance is leading from the last city.


Sudowoodo is here.After you come back with strength, and beat Grant, he gives you a note that you take to the mart, and they give you a watering pail. The old guy lets you by if you tell him you wanna water it.
To fight grant you need strength, and the first 3 badges.

Route 2

The house is locked right now, but later in the game, a special residence helps you. The house in the corner leads to the Frigid cave.

Route 3

The Articuno isnt there now, but after you get the natianal dex, and mix records with someone with Articuno in their PARTY, it appears on the news.

Frigid cave

I always sucked at doing caves, so this is probably the worst so far...
Lots of weak beauties with ice types.YOu can also find ice types here like yukinooh,seel, and others.
Which is highly recomended for this.

Route 4

Basic.Get the item, beat a couple of trainers, and make your way to Sieanna Village.
Gym leaders


Post if you like, critisism and feedback appreciated.
Yes, a lot of the trees look funky, but I tried to fix it, but it is permanent damage...=(
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Pokemon Trainer
Those are pretty cool. They actually look like they game from a real game.Grant looks cool too.


Iam don't somthing like this as well. the only thing i could suggest is it looks a bit bunched up if you no what i mean. Othere wise it looks good. Iam not the greatest on the paths but i think i can make good gym leaders and outerworld sprites
I am dont somehting like this aswell???

On topic:
I suck at scrtaches, and the boss at spriting using outerworld characters.

King Wulfharth

Divine Wonder...
there nice i like the first town how you put the fountain it makes it look elegant but remove lapras from the pond


Well-Known Member
Cool stuff! Its very nice to play the real game.

Light Venusaur

Konoha's FMA Ninja
Very nice....I love it!
Will you be makeing a game out of this?
If so...I'd like to be one of the game testers....that's if I can.
umm...I dont know how to make a game...
Its just a map incase anyone else would want to, then I'll make it with them.
But I have no idea how to make a game...

Shiny Venusaur

Internet Relic
nice job they look nice


Well-Known Member
i suggest you use tiles, because on route 2 the grass and the trees look messed up.
but they're not bad. keep it up.


Well-Known Member
I really enjoy the tiles are all screwed up!!! Seriously if your going to map than tile correctly


guess whos back?
Try using the tile system if you want to make maps, otherwise the actual towns are good. About the grant site, either make a complete scratch or a big edit, it looks way too much like wattson for its own good =/


Well-Known Member
the cave is really good

Matt Silver

Rest My Chemistry
These are, to put it bluntly, bad. The worst part is how wonky and crappy the trees have aligned up. Like OmegaDragon said, use a proper tiling system to align it right.
Other than that, seems like a good storyline.