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The restricting of ubers and legendaries.

Don't you think it's dumb to have a game with unusable pokemon?

  • Agree

    Votes: 19 67.9%
  • Disagree

    Votes: 9 32.1%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
I am wondering if you agree or not. But I think it is dumb of the creators of the GBA pokemon games to put ubers and legendaries in the game, if they are going to forbid them in contests and tournaments. I mean yeah, you can use them in-game, but if you build a team and have an uber fitting perfectly in it, and they restrict it, why the heck is it put there in the first place?


I think it's perfectly reasonable to restrict Legendary Pokemon. They have stats far superior to that of other Pokemon and amazing movepools to boot. They're great for using in the game to beat the Elite Four, or battle against your friends, or use in games such as Stadium and whatnot to fight your way through the ranks quickly, but in official tournaments it's necessary to ban Legendaries.

Mostly to keep things interesting. It forces players to rely on strategy and Pokemon that compliment one another instead of relying on the brute force of one or more Legendaries.

Just think, if Legendaries weren't banned in official tournies and online battles, everyone would be afraid not to use one, because it would be pretty much guaranteed that you would be coming up against one, and you want the firepower to be able to handle that.

And if you can use one, why not more? Why not a team of Legendaries? If Legendaries were allowed and it was a tournamant that allowed any Pokemon and combination of Pokemon, it would get really boring, because eventually the only way to win would be to have a team consisting of only Legendaries.

Legendaries have lots and lots of uses, but using them in official battles and tournies should not be one of them - it takes all the fun away.


Well-Known Member
I understand what your saying. I think it would be pretty stupid of someone to use ubers only in a tournament, it's basically just a cheap win. I just don't know why they made them in the game, stronger than anything else. They should not have put them so much stronger, but maybe just a bit.


Hm, yeah, I think that all comes down to personal opinions. I myself find legendaries terribly boring and never use them. I only catch them to complete my Pokedex.

But remember, these Pokemon aren't unusable. You can use them in-game and against your friends. Just not in tournies.


I <3 Skuntank
It's important to restrict most legendaries, since they're just so much more powerful. The trios are slightly weaker than the main ones, so I don't mind fighting them, but if Pokemon like Mewtwo and Rayquaza weren't banned from some tournaments, you'd have to have them on your team to have a chance. It's obvious too. If you look at the winning teams in Pokemon Across America, over half of the teams had Rayquaza/Mewtwo/both.

Of course, uber battles can be fun sometimes, it's just that there are so few Pokemon to pick from that it'd get boring after a while.

Pokemon games will always be unbalanced. You don't see people using Raticate in official tournaments (I would if they were a bit stronger...). That's why fans divided it up into tiers. You can use your favorite Pokemon and not be destroyed by overpowered ones (or be called a n00b for using them).
Keeping ubers to their own metagame is quite important.How would you like to be owned by the same pokemon everyday?


Well-Known Member
Ubers are just too damn strong for a tournament, I understand that. But what I am saying is that I think it's the creator's fault for making them excessively strong, they should have limited the strenght.


It's preety reasonable to create pokemon that are stronger than others. It makes sense that there should be pokemon that are more superior than others.



Well-Known Member
I am wondering if you agree or not. But I think it is dumb of the creators of the GBA pokemon games to put ubers and legendaries in the game, if they are going to forbid them in contests and tournaments. I mean yeah, you can use them in-game, but if you build a team and have an uber fitting perfectly in it, and they restrict it, why the heck is it put there in the first place?

You answered your own question, to use them in game. You can also use them against a friend or host your own tournament. Most professional Tournaments won't let you use them because it requires no skill.


I <3 Skuntank
a lot of people on this site say ubers are bad or if you use ubers your a cheater, etc. totally dissagree, there just pokemon. Kyogre was made to help kingdra, and groudon was made to help jumpluff. THERE JUST POKEMON!
You're only cheating if you use them in the wrong metagame. In ubers or whatever else they're in, it's fine. Also if there's no limits it's fine. Kyogre and Groudon can be very useful for sunny day/rain dance teams, but if the tournament rules ban them and you use them anyway, you're cheating.
I think certain Pokemon ought to be banned from Nintendo-sponsored tournaments.
Maybe then people who don't like legendaries might stand a chance.


Emperor Coordinator
I think certain Pokemon ought to be banned from Nintendo-sponsored tournaments.
Maybe then people who don't like legendaries might stand a chance.

Are celebii, mew, and jirachi banned? Because if they are not, then manafi shouldn't.

@thread starter: I see what you are saying, but they ARE legends for a reason. They have powers that are beyond the norm, and are rarely found in everyday pokemon. They have their own tier just for that. If both players agree to use ubers, then you can.


Well-Known Member
I totally understand everyone's comments. I am not an aggressive debater, but rather one who tries to see all sides of a situation. I only think that these pokemon should have lower stats so they wouldn't be so off-set and could fit better into a team.


lol at you
omg i thought the same way too, i like ubers and legends... but it ruins contests... like i went to one a month or two ago, and EVERYONE had mewtwo and rayquaza and all the others... so you have no choice but to use them in contests


Well-Known Member
I think using them in game is alright just not against someone who has none in there team compeditively


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it's cool using them in game to whoop peoples *** like I do with rayquaza and the e4 lmfao. But they offset the stats ALOT you know, if they had made it less of a big difference, it would be better so you could use them in tournaments. I mean like only a few stats higher than the best pokemon in the game or something if you know what I mean.