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The Rookie Club

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Well-Known Member
Hello, I am PikaPower!, and I have decided to make a club for the people who aren't that good at the Pokemon Games, but still really like them. This is a club where people can discuss tactics, so on so forth, but preferably only rookies. However, anyone can join, and it would be good to have a couple of experienced people.

1: All of the rules on this forum
2: Tell me what your favorite pokemon is if you are going to join, so I can put the majority into a club banner maybe. Or, someone could make one for me if they wanted.
3: Say how experienced you are roughly. Or give yourself a rating out of ten for experience.

I declare this club open to all who want to join.
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Well-Known Member
Come on... 23 views and no one has joined. By the way, i have a club banner now.


Monkey Master
OK i join
I'm abd at Pokemon, i just play my favorites

Favorite: Lombre
RAting: 2/10


Well-Known Member
Do you want to be co-owner Sombrero?


i feel his pain
Im pretty expeirienced because of my addiction to playing it none stop for hours.

Fav pokemon: either Machop or Victreebell
Experience: 8/10 (give me an egg on fire red and within a day i'll have hatched it and raised its level too around the nineties)
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