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The Ruby And Brendan Club!

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I was just thinking about this club the other day, and now it's back. ^_^

I'm sure you can join!


I have returned!
CAn I still be apart I own some of the Japanese Manga's with him in, he's a cutie


Yeah, I'm sure you can. ^_^

You're lucky! I think it'd be cool to see more than just the pics off the internet. :)
YIIIIPPEEE!!! I thought this club was doomed, but it has returned!! Whenever

the owner comes back, I hope they let me in! In other words, I want to join.


Oeh! I wanna join to! =D

Brendan rulez! ='3

Ok, then. I have a pretty good idea as to why this club keeps falling behind:

LAX MANAGEMENT. Ever since our "glorious leader" vanished, this club has

been falling apart!! We have at least 4 membership applications that have

yet to be approved(my own included), and people never seem to be compelled

to do much of anything here. We need someone to take charge while

our leader is gone, or this club will not survive.


Bloody git
yes! for real!!! i really need to know if i can join. i think the co-owner should take over. we need some leadership!
*sighs* Well, Shadow_Cat, I'm afraid your application cannot be accepted at

the moment, since our so-called "leader" has been AWOL for almost a month

now. I swear, someone really needs to take over this club. If the co-owner

can't take over, maybe I can request some emergency powers to become a

Temporary Interim Owner or something...


Ace Trainer
Can I join? I love Brendan.


OK, since I'm co-owner and the owner isn't here, I guess he won't mind if I approve memberships. Everyone who asked can join. Do you guys think we should have a member list?

I'll guess I'll sort of take over this club, but only as co-owner still.
slysunshine said:
OK, since I'm co-owner and the owner isn't here, I guess he won't mind if I approve memberships. Everyone who asked can join. Do you guys think we should have a member list?

I'll guess I'll sort of take over this club, but only as co-owner still.

OK. If it's alright with you, then we'll simply go on like this. We'll see how it
works. Also, a member list would be nice. I took the liberty of compiling one:

Owner: Rainbow_Kyogre
Co-owner: slysunshine


I'm allowed to do that right?


Yes, if I'm allowed to say you are! XD Thanks for putting it together, btw. :)
Now What?

Alrighty, then. Now that we have a stable foundation, how are we gonna
keep this club active? What do other character-based clubs do...? Don't
they like, discuss subjects relevant to the character and post pictures and

Uhhh...anyone got a subject...or anything else...?


Yes, exactly. ;) I'll post some pics when I can, which is not now, but I will eventually. I'm not great at coming up with topics, but I guess we can start with this easy question.

Why do you like Brendan?
Right, right, right! I guess the reasons why I like Brendan are:

1. Character design. Can't go wrong with a character who looks cool, can

2. Open-ended-ness. At this point, we really don't know much about him, so

it's fun to think up theories and such.

Those are the main reasons, but there may be more. I just can't think of
them at the moment.

As for Ruby, well, mostly he's cool because he's so much like myself. For starters, we both have glasses, but don't wear them much. Secondly, we're
both obsessed with cleanliness. If I see so much as a tiny speck of dust on
something, I immediately clean it up
I'm sure once slysunshine gets here, she'll let you in! It's great to see more
people applying for membership here. It's usually so...vacant. After you get
in, though, could you do us a favor and spread the word about this club being
ready to take on members again? I don't think many people know, and
because of that, no one is coming here.

Thanks in advance!


Lemme join too,can i?I really like Brendan & Ruby.(or whatever)Is it okay?

am I the only guy that's gonna join?Hope not.
Don't worry. You're not the only guy here. I mean, if it were only girls here, then I wouldn't be here, would I? Good luck on getting in. This club just gets hit with one problem after another. First, our owner vanished. Then, our co-owner disappeared. We haven't been able to take on members in weeks! However, that's not to say that if we did have an owner, that you wouldn't get in. *sighs* If only this club had some sort of stable foundation. I'm starting to think it's cursed. Maybe I could request some sort of emergency powers, or something. Would I need to ask a mod for that?
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