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The Ruin (warriors of days past) sign-up


Internet Overlord
The Ruin (warriors of days past)

This will probably have PG-13 rating, for violence and whatnot…

RPG is up, but I may take replacements

Okay, this is a little weird, I hope it makes enough sense that people will sign-up because I think it’d be a really cool RPG to try.


There once was a group of high school students (appearing between ages 13 and 19) who would go explore the woods near the school after the last bell rang. Some of the other teens mocked and teased them, but they really didn’t care; because there were some pretty neat things to be found in the woods, and they were just reaching the age when other’s opinions start to mean less. They would take turns as leaders and followers, going where ever their hearts desired.

One day (while Percy was leader) they came upon a particularly old building deep in the woods. It was big, bigger than their school and two stories tall, looking something like a cross between a castle and a church. It had huge ominous stone steps up to the front door which a heavy wooden double door. They walked around the outside of this strange building. There was funny writing engraved on the walls and the remaining stained glass windows depicted stories they did not know. In the back there was a stone basin full of rainwater. They came back around the front; this appeared to be the only door. It was then that someone suggested reporting the building to the news or an archeological society, but the others wouldn’t have it, they had found it. It was their discovery, theirs to enjoy, perhaps it could even be their club house. Together they climbed the huge stone steps to the door. It appeared to have had designs carved it, but they were to weathered to make out. One of them grabbed hold the ring shaped handle on one side of the double door and pulled. It gave a little, it was unlocked.

What happens after that is maze of mystery interconnecting the past and present lives of all the characters. Players will be able to play as humans or human like creatures (vampires, werewolves, fairies…). All non-humans will be aware of each other’s species at the start of the RPG, but humans will believe everyone is human at the start. Percy (my character) is the only one who remembers what this place is and what it is used for, but he isn’t letting on that he knows. (All other characters are either reincarnations of people that lived here previously, meaning they wouldn’t remember, or immortals that have some form amnesia or have been brainwashed.) Eventually the memories of the other characters will start to come to light.

The building is full of secrets and surprises, as are the player’s characters. There are large rooms with fountains and statues as well as bedroom sized rooms on the first floor. The second floor contains look out towers and an enormous library of books with strange writings and all manner of odd little trinkets, both magical and mechanical. There is also a large underground catacomb maze decorated with millions of human bones. At the entrance of the catacombs there stand 7 corpse guards, but there is an empty spot where an 8th guard should be standing. At the far end of these catacombs there is a room that appears to be meant to house 8 warriors.

“Wait!!! That’s not enough!!! Tell me more!!!”Okay, as you may have guess you were a religious warrior in a past life. And those corpse guard, down in the catacomb, well, one of them is your old body. I’m not specifying any religion, well for obvious reasons.., so let’s just pretend it’s a dead religion that no longer exists. And the writing on the walls of the ruins is a language found no where else, so you can’t read it until you remember how. Well that’s enough for spoilers…

You will also have an alternate identity in this RPG. There is one large fountain room on the first floor where characters are another person of sorts while inside. The door of this room is marked with a large red X. It is questionable as to whether or not the things that occur in this room are reality but everyone present will remember the events. (For example Bob and Mindy inter the room. Bob’s alt. ID is a wolf, and Mindy’s is a were-cat. They fight, they both get badly hurt, but when they leave the room only Bob has injuries. Did Mindy really ever get hurt or did something else happen to Bob?) Make your alt. ID as different or as similar as your character as you like. Your alt. Id may have a different name if you wish. (This ID does not change; it is the same every time you enter the room. Otherwise you’d need to fill out another profile every time you wished to enter the room!)

1. (VampirateMace) Percy, were-vamp type 2
2. (/Exiled/) Anthony May, Demi Angel
3. (metagrossiron_fist) Jack, elf
4. (Alecat) Ildri, human
5. (~Alexis Laistenna~)Charlotte, Human/Elf
6. (Mimori Kiryu) reserved
7. (Xinkc) Lazarix, Demon
8. (Literate) Art, human spirit hybrid

Edit: I’ll only be taking seven other players, but I’ll take replacements if players don’t post… Or alternately I may give extra people a different identity from the past… where they were something other than a warrior… meh. :End of edit.


Name: your name, mine’s taken.

Species: human or whatever

Gender: boy or girl (Male/Female, M/F, XY/XX) *he-she and none are only allowed if they are a believable character.

Age or Appearance age: how old are you, or if immortal, how old do you look? (13-19 is preferable, I’ll allow other ages under certain circumstances.)

Personality: What are you like?

Appearance: What do you look like?

Recent History: Do not reference the ruins unless it is really important; this is supposed to be the history you can remember only.

Alt. ID: put the name here if it’s different from yours.

Species: see above, maybe different from the one above…

Gender: see above, where I got carried away… maybe different from the one above…

Age or Appearance age: this ID can look any age you please.

Personality: this personality may be different or the same as the one above.

Appearance: this should be at least a little different from the one above.


Name: Percy

Species: were-vamp (there are two varieties of were-vamp, one is a person who is only vampire at night. The other is a were-wolf who became a vampire and only changes during the full moon. Percy is one of these, during the full moon he becomes a wolf. He was trained to control himself as a wolf at a young age, but now his vampire half causes him so much pain during the change that he goes on a crazed rampage.)

Gender: XY (that is, genetically male)

Age or Appearance age: Percy appears 15

Personality: Percy is friendly and somewhat out going, but there is something secretive about him. He is not very loud however and therefore his opinions, warnings, or comments may get overlooked. He is also very protective; he would go to any length possible to protect those he cares about, even if they are already dead. He is also somewhat compulsive and may check for his sword, even though he knows it’s not there.

Appearance: Percy is around average height, about ‘5 “6, and fairly thin. He has dirty blond hair that naturally clumps into messy spikes. His skin is very fair with no freckles or blemishes. He wears a tight matching blue and white coat and pants, with matching black boots and gloves, and a white belt. He also wears a ring hidden beneath one of the gloves. The effect is rather like a military uniform. In the past he carried a short sword, but for oblivious reasons he can’t bring this to school. This is in fact the same uniform that the corpse guards are wearing, but another character has to get that far in the ruins before anyone can make that connection.
As a wolf he is light brown and looks half starved because he is very thin and has a vicious look in his eyes. His wolf hair, much like his regular hair is spiky and ragged. He looks much like a rabid stray dog.

Recent History: Currently Percy is pretending to be a student in high school. His real goal however was to locate all the reincarnates or M.I.A. from the past and bring them back to the ruin so that the secrets of the past may be unlocked. Now that he has done that, strange events will begin to unfold.
The others do not know much of Percy’s past or even his present. They do not know for example where he lives, or who Sweet little Abigail and Father Mal are. He talks about them a lot, but he never says who they are in relation to him or even if they live in town. He also speaks of his brothers, but to the knowledge of the other teens he has none.

Alt. ID: Young Percy

Species: werewolf

Gender: male

Age or Appearance age: 8

Personality: Young Percy is a pain in the… er… the neck. He is malicious and mean, he never has anything good to say, and likes to play cruel practical jokes on others. He is however only eight and can be driven to tears quite easily. He has a low tolerance for pain, so while he may pick a fight, he will likely run away from it. He’d much rather drive others to fighting than fight himself.

Appearance: Young Percy looks the same as Percy, only shorter and younger. He wears a baggy grey hoody, and dark blue sweatpants.
As a wolf young Percy is a pretty adorable puppy, he’s however just as much a menace in wolf form as human form.
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Mimori Kiryu

Well-Known Member
Could I reserve a spot? ^^; I'm really interested, but I want to work on my signup! =D


I'll have a sign up as soon as possible, I was in your other rpg. Please reserve me a spot ^_^


Ok, first to sign up ^_^

Name: Anthony May (real name)

Species: Demi Angel (he has angelic blood running through his veins, but he is only part angel)

Gender: Male

Age: he appears to be around 14-16

Appearance: He is a tall 6"2 and has a relatively muscular built. His skin is fair and lightly tanned. His hair is light brown and parted to the sides. It is semilong and a tiny bit poofy, though it is straight. His face is symmetrical and muscular, with brown eyes. He wears a brown leather jacket zipped 2/3 the way up over a white long sleeved shirt. It goes down a tiny bit past the waist. He wears white pants that are slightly baggy. They go down to his brown leather boot like shoes. On his left hand he wears a watch with a silver metal band. It has an odd wavey pattern going around the band also in silver. Over the watch part is a circular watch cover that has angel wings that are crossing over eachother. He found this watch one day while going through his uncles attic. His uncle died and he was allowed to take anything he wanted from the attic.

Personality: Anthony is artistic and likes music. He enjoys good literature and loves to talk about it. Though he is into fantasy and Sci-Fi... On first appearance he seems like a nice guy. But he can also seem cold and mean at times. If he is trying hard to get something done or protect someone, he can seem that way. But his intentions are always good, and usually for a good cause. And his plans are usually well thought out.

Recent History: Anthony is known as the Dark Paladin. He will often take late night walks around the city. And for some reason he seems to sense bad things happening and he goes to them. He will save people from muggers, etc... And usually yell at the person he saved about being more careful. He has never really questioned his ability, and also that he seems to heal fast and be physically stronger than normal. Other than that he enjoys writing and reading, and often having fun at the drama club.


Alt. Id: Angelic Anthony

Species: Released Angel (Demi Angel who released all angelic power)

Age: 14-16

Appearance: He looks similar except for a few differences. He now has white streaks in his now lighter brown hair. His eyes now have a ring of green in them. His clothes are the same, except the brown parts are now a light green color. His watch has changed into a creepy silver bracer, with the same angel wings on them. On his back is a silver claymore(great sword)
It a has silver angel wing like guard. The handle is wrapped in white leather, and the bottom of the handle has a 4 pronged claw holding a clear gem. The blade is a gleaming silver. He has creepy white glowing tattoos on his arms that are weird wave like streams. He has this glowing aura around him that can be turned into glowing transparent wings. They allow him to do various things.

Personality: He's the same person, except that its magnified. Now he can think alot more clearly and can plan alot better. He is somewhat of a philosopher, and can think on his feet very good. Though he still seems cold when he helps people. He considers himself a protector of people.

Razor Shiftry

Cynthia = Porn Star
Okay dokey…my sign up…

Name: Jack

Species: an unusual form of elf that has a rather mischievous and evil nature, which is more like a wood nymph but the difference, is the Jack has pointy ears and can be affected by his conscience.

Gender: male

Age or Appearance age: Jack looks about 16 but if you look into his eyes, then he looks considerably older.

Personality: Jacks a nice bloke but has a tendency to say cruel jokes and be mean to people who are even his friends but often feels guilty afterwards. But Jack doesn’t hate anyone, he just has that urge to play cruel jokes and doesn’t understand why so he’s often confused and will run off in the hope that he can sort out his head a little.
Jack’s interests are in sports and with nature. And unusual mix but that is due to his unknown elf side and knows a lot about these subjects.

Appearance: at first glance, Jack appears tall and rather feline in appearance due to his lithe and light framed body and elfishness. On a closer look, Jack’s only about 5’10 and has an angular looking face with blonde/brown v – shaped eyebrows and electric blue eyes. His hair is a dark blonde that, in the dark, seems to turn a very dark brown/black. His mouth is always in a slight smirk, even when he’s miserable and this has gotten him in trouble in school. His ears are also quite pointy, earning him the nickname ‘Elf’. Jack is also considerably stronger than he looks and if cornered, then will fight very furiously.
The clothes that Jack wears are simple, being just a white t- shirt with a black hooded Jacked over the top. He also wears tight dark-blue jeans so that he can run easily and expensive trainers. Around his neck is a small necklace with a metal and emerald sycamore leaf hanging downwards, which, as Jack believes, gives him luck, and calms him down when he looks at it. His mother who died of cancer a long time ago gave this necklace to him.

Recent History: Jack is excels at sports and it seems to everyone that he has unnaturally quick reactions and speed which gives him an edge. His favourite sport is boxing and is one of the best in the world but gives him a slightly violent behaviour. He hates to lose and when he does, he will run off and try and make himself better. But one of the biggest faults he has is his memory, which can, very quickly, fade or become hazy.
Recently, Jack has been waking up incredibly tired with very hazy memories of wondering around at night. On the news of strange murders and is getting freaked out because in one of these memories, he remembers a blood covered sword…

Alt. ID: elf assassin Jack

Species: Dark wood elf

Gender: male

Age or Appearance age: youthful but ancient at the same time…

Personality: like a cat is the best description. Silent, fast, unseen, he can stalk and kill people without them ever realising whatever happened to them. In this state, he can seem heartless and his features are like stone but after killing, Jack has to stop and his face suddenly looks like its in pain as if he was possessed by this elf like assasin. This form, as Assasin believes, can only be achived at in the darkness of the night, due to Jack denying his alt. form so, in essence, there ae 2 minds trying to possess 1 body, resulting in Jack duing the day and Assasin during the night.

Appearance: it is near impossible to work out completely how Jack looks like with his ability to blend into any shadows and with his unimaginable speed and flexibility. But what can be gathered is that his skin is a pale pink with a hint of grey and his hair and eyes has turned completely pitch black but he can see better than nearly anything else in the dark. His clothes are dark and stealthy and stop at his elbows and knees. The only thing that has colour on him is his necklace that glitters slightly green and the strange tattoos of ivy that has wrapped themselves around his arms and legs and moves on their own across his skin.
As mentioned, he is unnaturally fast and has a thin but deadly rapier on his side. The Rapier’s handle is dark green leather and the blade has an air of menace and when out of its scabbard (which is engraved with entwining ivy), gives people around it and creepy chill and gives off a faint grey light.

Other: Jack has very hazy and fragmented memories of his alt. Form after changing back to his normal form while his alt. form can remember everything from Jack's.

OOC: hmmm…sound creepy doesn’t it?
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Internet Overlord
(~Alexis Laistenna~): reserved

(/Exiled/) Anthony May, Demi Angel: accepted

(Alecat): reserved, no alt ID can be anything… you could be an orange…

(metagrossiron_fist) Jack, elf: not yet accepted, please re-read the alt form section, you cannot assume this form unless you are in the room marked by a red X, so either account for how he assumes that form or change it.

Razor Shiftry

Cynthia = Porn Star
(metagrossiron_fist) Jack, elf: not yet accepted, please re-read the alt form section, you cannot assume this form unless you are in the room marked by a red X, so either account for how he assumes that form or change it.

ok then, I've given a reason for the alt. form change while not in the room marked with the X
I hope this is good enough for acceptance.


I'm Back!
Alright, here's my form. Hope everything is in good order...

Name: Ildri Autumn Chambers

Species: Human

Gender: Female

Age or Appearance age: 16

(I’ve assumed a school uniform exists… simply because I forgot that they don’t necessarily exist in some places, and also because something just struck me about the style of the story. I just realised that may have been the wrong assumption, so I’ll remove the uniform references if you want… Shmeep.)

Personality: Ildri likes to think of herself as a walking contradiction. To her, this is natural, given the meaning of her name, “Fire and Peace”. Among her close friends she is a tomboy, but is comfortable in the girls’ school uniform and enjoys “dressing up”. She likes adventure and sports, and will egg the exploration group on, but can be completely swamped when in large social situations, becoming timid and nervous.

If conflict arises, Ildri will be the first to step in and act as the voice of reason and common sense. She will try to help out those in need and believes that feelings are of the utmost importance and should be considered first. She is strongly loyal to those that she feels returns this loyalty. Ildri is comfortable to improvise a plan for any situation, piecing together past experiences to help her decide what to do.

Appearance: http://www.ale.lim.com.au/pokemon/Ildri.jpg
Ildri is fairly short, at about 5’2” (tell me if that’s about right, I’m used to metric units!). Her bright red hair appears like waves of fire across her head which spread to a shoulder length. Her blue eyes provide a calming contrast with her hair. Ildri usually appears as a meek and shy person, but her strong stare is intimidating, and sometimes used to silence those who disagree with her.

On school days, Ildri will often just wear the school uniform to do all activities, even those outside school. This includes traipsing through the woods, and often means that she’ll turn up a bit muddy at school the next day. Although the popular style of the uniform is to wear the skirt short, but Ildri leaves hers at the school’s standard length below the knee.

Recent History: Because Ildri doesn’t always care about her looks, she is sometimes picked on by the other students at school. She’ll appear to ignore the taunts, and continue to behave in the ways that initiated them because she likes being different. However, because of this mocking she doesn’t bond with many of the other students. Being a bit of an outcast, Ildri will stick to anyone that seems to accept her, so the exploration group provides a bit of a haven for her.

Ildri is an average student all around, but her common sense and calm head earn her the respect of many teachers (and subsequently labels of “teachers pet” from many of her fellow students). She joined the group exploring the woods one day, simply because she was curious and willing to give nearly anything a try.

Ildri is the only child of a single mother, who copes with a job and a daughter remarkably well. Ildri does her best to help out, but sometimes financial difficulty overwhelms the pair. Oddly, something always happens to pull them out of the red; they’ve won minor amounts in the lottery, and relatives and friends that they’ve lost contact with have suddenly given or bequeathed things to them. Otherwise, life at home is pretty ordinary.

Well, you said I could be an orange, right? Well, here's my alt ID... not an orange, but I think it trumps that citrus anyday, hrm?

Alt. ID: Lee Lemon
Species: Sabre Tooth Lime
Gender: Who knows…
Age or Appearance age: Freshly picked!
Personality: An angry, angry lime. Don’t get near, or you’ll be bitten!
Appearance: It’s a lime, with teeth, yeesh!

Alright... that was lame. Real alt follows...

Alt. ID: Allete

Species: Dragon

Gender: Female

Age or Appearance age: A fairly young dragon, her appearance gives clues only to what she has seen in her time, not her physical age.

Personality: Quick to anger, and almost as speedy act or attack, Allete will never back down from a challenge. Her anger is a passionate kind, and often has no rational basis. In a tricky situation, Allete is capable of reasonable thought, but often such situations are only caused by her temper in the first place. If anything were to happen to a comrade or friend, Allete would fight to the death for them.

Appearance: http://www.ale.lim.com.au/pokemon/Allete.jpg

Standing with a shoulder height of about three feet, Allete is a blaze of dark orange and red scales. Her eight foot long body is built for solidity, and her spine is lined with sharp bony protrusions. Sprouting from her shoulders are two huge leathery wings which allow Allete to fly for huge distances.

The talons on her feet are deadly sharp, and the spiky horns on her head provide her with some neck protection. She’s pretty much a huge orange dragon.

Whoo. I'm going to take a step back and see what you think now. ^_^


Internet Overlord
(metagrossiron_fist) Jack, elf: accepted, just don’t kill everybody

(Alecat) Ildri, human: accepted, there is no set school uniform, but that outfit is fine either way, so don’t worry about it. (lol, Limpire…)

Razor Shiftry

Cynthia = Porn Star
(metagrossiron_fist) Jack, elf: accepted, just don’t kill everybody

(Alecat) Ildri, human: accepted, there is no set school uniform, but that outfit is fine either way, so don’t worry about it. (lol, Limpire…)

okey dokey...i'll just go temporally metally insane for a bit instead...


black cat, black cat
...This sounds like a cool idea to set a character that I wanted to make for a long time...

Reserve the last spot, please and thank you. :)



black cat, black cat
I kind of went overboard with the Recent History. I always know it's about their past, not about how did they in school...and stuff... So I deleted what I had written of his history. If you need it, I'll add it, most of it explains why he acts this way.

Name: Art Cris

Species: ½ human, ½ spirit (in other words, an otherworld being; human dominant) (Spirits aren’t necessarily dead souls; kind of like a lower equivalent to angels and stuff.)

Gender: Male

Age or Appearance age: 14/10

Personality: He isn’t as young as he looks; though he acts like it completely. Art is actually one of the kids that like to mess around with things, annoy people to death, and act ignorant when he’s really guilty. Despite that and his playful and hyper attitude, his intentions are usually, note that, usually serious with a reason behind his attitude, or he just does that for his amusement. Under that childish behavior is a highly intelligent mind, but for some reason he doesn’t like others to know, so he distracts them with his rash performances and exaggerated demonstrations. Simply, it means that he knows what is wrong, and does it on purpose.

Appearance: He’s tall as ten—year—olds are tall, with a steady structure and quite skinny. He has a light gray hair, with a tint of periwinkle, in long strands covering only the top of his ears and indigo eyes. His favorite wears are T—shirts that have stripes, he loves them a bit too much, and short cargo pants. If he must be formal, he wears something with a collar, (plaid or striped shirt) and long white pants. (Heck with the black; he just hates that color.) Dirty white sneakers show that he had been walking in mud one too many times. While sometimes he looks “cool” and “formal,” he tries to not do so, by prancing around and poking people sharply above their waist. He’s just a regular, normal, middle—of—the—block, annoying kid, on the outside to most people.

Recent History: In class, he’s the obnoxious loud—mouthed talkative idiot that sits in the desk in front of the teacher. In physical education, he’s a welcome distraction for the sweating and tired out students that think he’s someone from the middle school down the street who snuck into their P.E. time. At free time, he’s the janitor’s worst nightmare, often standing up on the banisters and sliding down after tracking mud/water all over the floor. His performance in school though... He had always turned his assignments in; aside from the crazy doodles on the sheet of papers that he turns in, the answers were obviously always correct, and he is at the top of the class to the teacher’s regret (you know how teachers like their top student to be collected and sane). After he tripped over the hurdles once, he completely ignored the barricade of three feet, and managed to soar over it, landing perfectly; his marks in soccer and baseball were good, aside from kicking/hitting the ball into someone’s face from about twenty yards away, when they started to say that he didn’t have enough strength to hit a ball five feet. And after school, when everyone had left the school, he wiped off his sneakers on the grass outside the lawn, and grabbed the mop from the hand of the janitor and dragged it down the halls, erasing all the mud and dirt tracks from the floor in two sweeps; he doesn’t clean the cloth mop though. So his personality, actions, and thoughts are an oxymoron.


Alt. ID: Arthur Crispin (Just his name, expanded)

Species: Spirit (Otherworld being...)

Gender: Male

Age or Appearance age: 14

Personality: Arthur’s a serious person, alert and noticing of anything even a bit out of the ordinary. In this form, he considers everyone low—lives, and proves it by his logic and knowledge. (Spirits place themselves very high...) He isn’t particularly friendly, to say the least; rather he hardly considers the opinions of others, but viewpoints...it’s a different matter. He hardly pranks for fun, but often sets up traps to prevent something from doing things, so for them not to annoy him. He has an analytical mind, something that isn’t absent in Art, but extremely apparent in Arthur. He, unlike Art, gets annoyed by anything but himself. Basically, it’s what he would be like if he acted the age Art actually was.

Appearance: He’s tall, no doubt, still with a sturdy frame and hardly any flesh on his bones. He has a light complexion, an almost pure white mass of hair, and deep cerulean eyes (not the synonym for blue, the shade of blue). He dresses more formally than Art, preferring a clean long—sleeved collared shirt with a dusty vest—like garment over most of his body and short light trousers underneath it. A cornflower—colored silk sash is tied around his waist, and a bandana pushed back some of his long strands of hair. For foot—walking and standing—and—scolding, he wears his trusty brown leather boots, durable and washable. [Note: Spirits are otherworld beings that had existed long time ago. Sometime in the Middle Ages, they developed a style of clothing similar to it, and it still stands today.]

EDIT: Since it looks like everyone can fight one way or another, I'll just describe what Art can do. Prank, trap, and annoy them to death. And, well that's it. Authur, on the other hand, magic traps, invisible ones, and doesn't really believe in killing, just torturing them enough for them to learn. This can be sensibly omitted from the rest of the sign-up though.

So. Yeah. If there's anything wrong with it, do tell. :3

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Knight of Oblivion
sorry about taking so long.... he's my sign-up, also sorry if the Alt. ID decription is a bit long

Name: Lazarix ((La-za-rix) pronunciation of the name)

Species: Demon

Gender: Male

Age or Appearance age: appears 15;Immortal

Personality: Lazarix is cold and distant from a lot of people. He is kinder and gentler around people he knows, cares about, or people that are pure of heart. He dislikes secretive people and generally distrusts them, although there are some exceptions. He is an introvert to a high extreme, preferring to work alone when something may require 2 or more people; his high intelligence comes in handy when he really needs another person to help him and finds a way to do without them.

Appearance: Lazarix stands at 5'10" and has athletic build. He has extremely pale, white skin that seems to emanate a faint glow. He also has deep blue eyes that look iced, and dark brown hair that he keeps messy. He almost always wears a black shirt that goes just below the pockets of his blue jeans, which are somewhat baggy in the legs but fit well in the waist. He wears black Vans and wears a necklace that has a fine, gold chain with a silver circle overlapped by a sharp, golden "W." He always has a gold and black onyx bracer on his left forearm that has a little protrusion shaped like a sword.

Recent History: Lazarix can’t remember anything about his life beyond the last year. The earliest thing he can remember is appearing in the middle of a street at midnight while caring a sword with a black hilt shaped like a widened version of the “W” on his necklace in his right hand and his bracer on his left arm. A police officer was walking by and saw the sword and without thinking, Lazarix pressed his had with the sword onto the bracer and the sword went “into” the bracer leaving the sword protrusion. When the officer found out that Lazarix didn’t know any of his family or were he was from, he had him put in foster care.

Lazarix neither liked nor disliked his foster family and spent most of his time in his room. While in his room, Lazarix discovered that he can make his fingers extend a good 1.5-3 inches longer than usual and various other limbs extend and go back to normal at will. He also learned that by pressing the sword shaped protrusion on his bracer with his right hand and wanting the sword makes it come “out” of the bracer, which turned out to also be unmovable.

Alt. ID: same; Lazarix

Species: fully released Demon

Gender: Male

Age or Appearance age: 23

Personality: Lazarix’ personality is a lot darker than normal, he is almost merciless and very close to being sadistic. He still has some control over his emotions and the way he handles things but is more impulsive. He is also very protective of his friends and won’t fight in their Alt. ID’s unless he has no other options

Appearance: In this form, Lazarix is taller, being 6’5” and is a lot more muscular than he normally is. He also has wings appear out of his shoulder blades that have black feathers. His hands are elongated and are ended in claws, he also has a black serpent’s tail. He has vampire like fangs and black spikes coming out of his forearms which go through holes in his bracers. The pupils of Lazarix’ eyes become slits to show his demonic nature

He gains another bracer on the right arm that is identical to the left one, this allows him to use 2 swords at the same time. He also gains some chest armor that has matches the bracers with matching chain mail covering his abdomen and upper arms. His legs have no armor or any real protection. His blood also becomes acidic to others as a defense mechanism of the body to protect itself.