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The Science of Pokemon


It's a piece of writing I've been creating about the inner workings of Pokemon, their evolution, and other jibba-jabba. Here's a taster before I release the full version. This section is based on Pokemon evolution.

Chapter 13: Pokemon growth/evolution said:
What if the particles you were made of were much smarter than yourself as a whole? You'd feel pretty annoyed, wouldn't you? Well, such is the case with Pokemon. A Pokemon's cells are much more complex than those of humans. Pokemon cells can turn themselves into much more complex cells than simply "Skin cells", or "brain cells". If a Pokemon was manipulated genetically in a certain way (of which will be explained later), you could very well turn those cells into cells composed of Steel elements. Or it could make itself out of Potassium (though it wouldn't be very practical). A Pokemon's cells can use the atoms around it, and "trade" it's own atoms with those.Humans have exploited the nature of said cells for their own use in Pokemon battling.

Steelix is a perfect example. By attaching a steel coat onto an Onix, it changes into a Steelix through trade. When a Pokemon is sent through a trading machine, it has its atoms and molecules seperated. When it arrives in the hands of another trainer, the Pokemon tries to grab any excess Atoms that flew off in the trade. By doing this, it may either grab the atoms from its trade item, or simply grab atoms from "nowhere". Why the latter occurs is still unknown to scientists around the world. However, for Pokemon cells to partake in such atom trades, it must meet certain standards. Standards vary from Pokemon to Pokemon. Some Pokemon have been known to be forced to change due to toxins. Few Pokemon only make use of their special cellular abilities when in a tolerable mental state. Most evolve through these two criteria: Radiation, and battle.

Battle is a tricky one. Pokemon battle each other in the wild for food - for example, Shuckle shells contain some particularly tasty juices, craved by many a Pokemon. Each time a Pokemon fights, Chemicals are secreted by the brain is pumped around it's body. By releasing these chemicals from the brain area, the mood of the creature alters dramatically, readying it for further battle. Once a Pokemon is done fighting, these juices flow back to the brain - but leave some remains in the other parts of the body. These chemicals are used by the cells as food, to make it stronger. Different amounts of said chemicals are released depending on its opponent, and it's growth is altered because of this. When a Pokemons cells are overloaded with energy from the chemicals, it will either experience what is known as a growth spurt, or take on an entirely new form.

Radiation is a recently discovered one, but is quite simple. When a Pokemon is exposed to Radio waves, the radio waves garble the cells ideas of when to evolve, creating "forced evolution". If a Pokemon is given one of the many elemental rocks, the rock will provide energy for said evolution, along with radiation. However, some Pokemon are truly forced through evolution through unnatural Radio Waves. The Pokemon lacks the Energy to evolve by such means, and is exausted and weak afterwards. A Pokemon may also not evolve properly without real means of energy. It may be discoloured, have disfigured limbs, or lack the strength that the evolution should inherit.

This isn't how Pokemon really works - but rather, my interpretations on how they may work.

Expect the whole writing (consisting of 24 chapters) in a few days.
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shooting star

Leaving SPPF! G'bye!
Um, OK?

Pokemon doesn't exist.


Slow and steady baby
Um, OK?

Pokemon doesn't exist.

They don't?


But that doesn't mean people can't TRY to explain them.

Continue on HERLS, don't let the man keep you down.

(i remember you brought this point up in my thread)


Um, OK?

Pokemon doesn't exist.

Don't patronise me. I know Pokemon doesn't exist, I'm just filling in the gaps that the games miss out.

I'm currently finishing the last chapter, based on the food chain. I hinted at it in the chapter I posted, about Shuckle. I'll post the whole thing in a few days, I'm too lazy to finish it at the mo.


meh nice scientific theory *_*

It's not really that scientific, really. I mean, it dabbles in the realm of basic biology, that's all.

Now if I were to bring Paradoxial physics into things...


ThE FalLeN AnGeL
i think its a cool idea, ive often thought about how the things would work if it was real, such as how pokeballs work and how the transferral of pokemon would work, so i say fair play to ya mate, keep it up :)
To the person how says that it is stupid because it isn't real. Why not tell that to the people who are spending years and years working out how the sun will die in 5 Billion years! Chances are Humans won't exist then.


To the person how says that it is stupid because it isn't real. Why not tell that to the people who are spending years and years working out how the sun will die in 5 Billion years! Chances are Humans won't exist then.

haha ^__^ quoted for truth!

seriuosly, i don't think HERLS is that stupid to believe pokemon exist right? (but you can always dream :p)


Well-Known Member

makes no suckin' sense

but it's fun to think about, I agree, the science of the real world makes little sense other than the sense that we make of it


or something.

I know it's just a rough but I noticed grammar mistakes, if you can't be arsed with that sort of thing send the finished version to me and I'll fix that sort of stuff if you like. It means you don't have to and I get to read it fast "u'


Mostly harmless
Thats pretty cool. It makes sense, much more sense than a lot of other things people of Serebii.net post about.
I'm going to have fun reading the whole thing. I wonder how Pokeballs work?


Salingerian Phony
Well, all this comes from human curiosity. There isn't enough of that going around in the world nowadays...while I feel it's rather pointless to try to give an explanation to something fictional, I do a lot of pointless things myself, like typing this post.

It's particularly difficult when new stuff is constantly being added in. In the case of Pokémon, it'd be the new generations, new ways to evolve, and new was to catch them. It's like trying to find an explanation for Superman--he's constantly unveiling new powers, and he defies nearly every law of physics.

By the way, Pokémon defy many laws of physics too.

Trooper Guy

Lost in history...
Um, OK?

Pokemon doesn't exist.
No duh Sherlock. -_-;

Anyways, this is a great idea HERLS, and is also pretty interesting to read. I doubt you'll let that moron get to you.

I'm sure most of us have done theorys based on pokemon before (like my one based on pokemon being different shapes and sizes depending on their home region).

But this is good, can't wait to read the final version.


You can't grab atoms out of nowhere, I'd say that Trading disassembles a pokemon, molecule by molecule, atom by atom and a rapid pace, likely done through radiation. When traded with an item, the pokemon will mutate and fuse with the item, and gains a new form due to this mutation.

Trading with out an item would expose the pokemon to the same radiation, and thus positive mutation will occur again.

Haunter --> Gengar is because Ghost types like to have fun and suprise everyone. :)


Flame Trainer
Now if I were to bring Paradoxial physics into things...

Please, for the sake of everyone's sanity, don't lol (I don't even know what that is lol)

Anyway, these are really cool theorys. Can't wait to see the final draft ^_^


Very, very good. I like scientifical minds. Looking forward to the rest.

Just one thing. Why radio waves? I mean, those waves are emitted from many things, and radiation from them is very weak, as radio waves have very low energy levels.

Also, if all of the stones use radiation, than why can't Lombre evolve into Ludicolo with a thunder stone? Are there now different kinds of radiation, like water radiation and electric radiation?