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The Shadow Shop

What do you think of this shop, the sprites, and the spriters?

  • Excellent.

    Votes: 10 55.6%
  • Pretty Good.

    Votes: 4 22.2%
  • Eh, so so.

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • Why did I even come here for anything.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I am gonna kill myself over the horror of this stuff.

    Votes: 2 11.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Shadow Ho-oh

The Darkest Flame!!!
Welcome to The Shadow Shop. I made this shop to give the public th sprites that they want. Make sure to follow the rules while your here, so that you can get what you want.

1- Follow all of the rules for the Forums.
2- Do not request for more than three things in your post.
3- Do not make your requests too complicated or you will not get what you want.
4- Only request from what each spriter can do.
5- When requesting a card say which type you want and not make us guess.
6- If you request a custom sprite you must give us a picture of the origanal.
7- When requesting anyhting, you need to mention whcih generation pokemon you want, otherwise we will use D/P.

What I (Shadow Ho-oh) Do:
1: Trainer Cards – For this request you must provide a sprite of the trainer, or say who you want, and the six pokemon you want in the party.
2: Custom Sprites – For this request you must provide a picture of the thing you to be sprited.
3: Custom Cards – This request includes special cards other the Trainer Cards that I have made. These cards are Star Cards, Master’s Cards, Legend’s Cards, Trozei Cards, Trading Card, and Dungeon Cards.
4: Type Change – This request will make the pokemon you want into a different type than it originally was. When requesting this you need to say what pokemon you want and the new type.
5: Choas – Similar to a type change, but will make your pokemon dark and fiery.
6: Recolors – For this request you must say what pokemon you want and what it’s new color scheme will be.
7: Fusions - This request incluedes the fusion of two pokemon, a trainer & a pokemon, or two trainer. When askign for a rquest mention which thing you want as the base of the fusion.
8: Revamps - Makes an older version sprite into a newer version sprite.
9: Devamps - Makes a newer version sprite into an older version sprite.
10: Angel/Devil - Similar to a type change but will make your pokemon have the traits of an angel or devil.
11: Chao - This request will fuse your pokemon with the Sonic character Chao.
12: Overworlds - This request will make the trainer you want into a route icon or make the pokemon you want into a tour icon or party member icon.
13: Shadow - This is similar to a type change but will make your pokemon like the ones in Pokemon Colosseum or in Pokemon XD: Gale Of Darkness.
14: Eggs - This request will fuse your pokemon with an egg.
15: Pokeballs - This request will fuse your pokemon with the pokeball you have chosen.
16: Outlines - This request will erase all the color from your pokemon and only leave the major black outline.
17: Inverts - This request will switch the two major colors of your pokemon.
18: Ipod Pokemon -This request will make your pokemon liek the ipod commercials.

What moolight Does:
1: Fusion - Trainer + Trainer. Pokemon +Pokemon, or Trainer + Pokemon.
2: Recolors
3: Big Trainers
4: Trainer - Custom Sprites.
5: Ranger Cards
6: Candy
7: Stack
8: iPod Pokemon
9: Pokeballs
10: Eggs
11: Mirror
12: Trainer Cards
13: Banners
14: Team Posing
15: Chao
16: Pokemon IDs
17: Line-less
18: Inversions

Shadow Ho-oh --- Shadow Ho-oh Examples

moolight --- moolight Examples

+--+Works +--+

--Trainer Cards--

--Star Cards--

--Legend's Cards--
Legend's Card Set

--Trozei Cards--

--Master's Cards--
Master's Card Set

--Trading Cards--

--Dungeon Cards--
Last edited:


These are real fears
I would like to request a rewamp of the Vulpix from Red/Blue, the Vulpix from Gold and the Vulpix from Silver, all of them in their normal colours. Thanks in advance.

Shadow Ho-oh

The Darkest Flame!!!
Can you give examples of "Custom Sprites"? That couldbe mixes, scratches, recolors, all kinds of things...

here are some examples that i have

Dinaria said:
I would like to request a rewamp of the Vulpix from Red/Blue, the Vulpix from Gold and the Vulpix from Silver, all of them in their normal colours. Thanks in advance.

here you go sorry i couldn't do the red/blue because the colors are to close and the eyes are completly diffent


Musical Trainer
Can I haev a recolor of this Trainer?


Can you switch the color of his pants with his jacket, then make the yellow parts on his jacket white? Then make his hair like a dark grey, but not so much that its black. =D Thanks

Shadow Ho-oh

The Darkest Flame!!!
Can I haev a recolor of this Trainer?


Can you switch the color of his pants with his jacket, then make the yellow parts on his jacket white? Then make his hair like a dark grey, but not so much that its black. =D Thanks

what color do u want the jacket

Shadow Ho-oh

The Darkest Flame!!!

Shadow Ho-oh

The Darkest Flame!!!


wow that's long.....
ok shady what do ya need.


wow that's long.....
kinda, i lost and deleted alot of them though....

but i'll come up with sum fresh!

i mainly re-colour, so if you need those, i'm your guy!
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Shadow Ho-oh

The Darkest Flame!!!
kinda, i lost and deleted alot of them though....

but i'll come up with sum fresh!

i mainly re-colour, so if you need those, i'm your guy!

ok thanx alot i used to be swamped in my old shop cause my old workers were flaky and never showed up


wow that's long.....
i'm checking my files right now and i'm not having luck finding much, give me 24 hours and i'll get you alot of 'em


A bigger boat? Yes.
can i have a trainer card with:
Pokemon:Diagura,Elekible,final fire d/p starter evo,Tyranitar,Glacia,Creator Pokemon guy
Name/Trainer:Seth/snowboarding dude from examples
Badges:all 8 d/p badges

thanx in advance!


Can I have a star card?
background: grass
pokemon: bellsprout
battle type: grass
arena: grass
trainer: one requested below

also, can I have a custom trainer?
give the Gary sprite from FR/LG dark blue T-shirt and tan shorts. keep his hair the same. use this sprite for the star card I requested above


League Champion
Can you made A Shiny Diaruga Pokéball for me?



wow that's long.....
here's buuburn and elikible sprites and icons....
