Shadow Ho-oh
The Darkest Flame!!!
Welcome to The Shadow Shop. I made this shop to give the public th sprites that they want. Make sure to follow the rules while your here, so that you can get what you want.
1- Follow all of the rules for the Forums.
2- Do not request for more than three things in your post.
3- Do not make your requests too complicated or you will not get what you want.
4- Only request from what each spriter can do.
5- When requesting a card say which type you want and not make us guess.
6- If you request a custom sprite you must give us a picture of the origanal.
7- When requesting anyhting, you need to mention whcih generation pokemon you want, otherwise we will use D/P.
What I (Shadow Ho-oh) Do:
1: Trainer Cards – For this request you must provide a sprite of the trainer, or say who you want, and the six pokemon you want in the party.
2: Custom Sprites – For this request you must provide a picture of the thing you to be sprited.
3: Custom Cards – This request includes special cards other the Trainer Cards that I have made. These cards are Star Cards, Master’s Cards, Legend’s Cards, Trozei Cards, Trading Card, and Dungeon Cards.
4: Type Change – This request will make the pokemon you want into a different type than it originally was. When requesting this you need to say what pokemon you want and the new type.
5: Choas – Similar to a type change, but will make your pokemon dark and fiery.
6: Recolors – For this request you must say what pokemon you want and what it’s new color scheme will be.
7: Fusions - This request incluedes the fusion of two pokemon, a trainer & a pokemon, or two trainer. When askign for a rquest mention which thing you want as the base of the fusion.
8: Revamps - Makes an older version sprite into a newer version sprite.
9: Devamps - Makes a newer version sprite into an older version sprite.
10: Angel/Devil - Similar to a type change but will make your pokemon have the traits of an angel or devil.
11: Chao - This request will fuse your pokemon with the Sonic character Chao.
12: Overworlds - This request will make the trainer you want into a route icon or make the pokemon you want into a tour icon or party member icon.
13: Shadow - This is similar to a type change but will make your pokemon like the ones in Pokemon Colosseum or in Pokemon XD: Gale Of Darkness.
14: Eggs - This request will fuse your pokemon with an egg.
15: Pokeballs - This request will fuse your pokemon with the pokeball you have chosen.
16: Outlines - This request will erase all the color from your pokemon and only leave the major black outline.
17: Inverts - This request will switch the two major colors of your pokemon.
18: Ipod Pokemon -This request will make your pokemon liek the ipod commercials.
What moolight Does:
1: Fusion - Trainer + Trainer. Pokemon +Pokemon, or Trainer + Pokemon.
2: Recolors
3: Big Trainers
4: Trainer - Custom Sprites.
5: Ranger Cards
6: Candy
7: Stack
8: iPod Pokemon
9: Pokeballs
10: Eggs
11: Mirror
12: Trainer Cards
13: Banners
14: Team Posing
15: Chao
16: Pokemon IDs
17: Line-less
18: Inversions
Shadow Ho-oh --- Shadow Ho-oh Examples
moolight --- moolight Examples
1- Follow all of the rules for the Forums.
2- Do not request for more than three things in your post.
3- Do not make your requests too complicated or you will not get what you want.
4- Only request from what each spriter can do.
5- When requesting a card say which type you want and not make us guess.
6- If you request a custom sprite you must give us a picture of the origanal.
7- When requesting anyhting, you need to mention whcih generation pokemon you want, otherwise we will use D/P.
What I (Shadow Ho-oh) Do:
1: Trainer Cards – For this request you must provide a sprite of the trainer, or say who you want, and the six pokemon you want in the party.
2: Custom Sprites – For this request you must provide a picture of the thing you to be sprited.
3: Custom Cards – This request includes special cards other the Trainer Cards that I have made. These cards are Star Cards, Master’s Cards, Legend’s Cards, Trozei Cards, Trading Card, and Dungeon Cards.
4: Type Change – This request will make the pokemon you want into a different type than it originally was. When requesting this you need to say what pokemon you want and the new type.
5: Choas – Similar to a type change, but will make your pokemon dark and fiery.
6: Recolors – For this request you must say what pokemon you want and what it’s new color scheme will be.
7: Fusions - This request incluedes the fusion of two pokemon, a trainer & a pokemon, or two trainer. When askign for a rquest mention which thing you want as the base of the fusion.
8: Revamps - Makes an older version sprite into a newer version sprite.
9: Devamps - Makes a newer version sprite into an older version sprite.
10: Angel/Devil - Similar to a type change but will make your pokemon have the traits of an angel or devil.
11: Chao - This request will fuse your pokemon with the Sonic character Chao.
12: Overworlds - This request will make the trainer you want into a route icon or make the pokemon you want into a tour icon or party member icon.
13: Shadow - This is similar to a type change but will make your pokemon like the ones in Pokemon Colosseum or in Pokemon XD: Gale Of Darkness.
14: Eggs - This request will fuse your pokemon with an egg.
15: Pokeballs - This request will fuse your pokemon with the pokeball you have chosen.
16: Outlines - This request will erase all the color from your pokemon and only leave the major black outline.
17: Inverts - This request will switch the two major colors of your pokemon.
18: Ipod Pokemon -This request will make your pokemon liek the ipod commercials.
What moolight Does:
1: Fusion - Trainer + Trainer. Pokemon +Pokemon, or Trainer + Pokemon.
2: Recolors
3: Big Trainers
4: Trainer - Custom Sprites.
5: Ranger Cards
6: Candy
7: Stack
8: iPod Pokemon
9: Pokeballs
10: Eggs
11: Mirror
12: Trainer Cards
13: Banners
14: Team Posing
15: Chao
16: Pokemon IDs
17: Line-less
18: Inversions
Shadow Ho-oh --- Shadow Ho-oh Examples
moolight --- moolight Examples
+--+Works +--+
--Trainer Cards--
--Star Cards--
--Legend's Cards--
Legend's Card Set
--Trozei Cards--
--Master's Cards--
Master's Card Set
--Trading Cards--
--Dungeon Cards--
--Trainer Cards--
--Star Cards--
--Legend's Cards--
Legend's Card Set
--Trozei Cards--
--Master's Cards--
Master's Card Set
--Trading Cards--
--Dungeon Cards--
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