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The Shinou Elite 4 Strike!


Final Fantasy Fan
Or at least, one of them does. Since Mr Sugimori has pictures of all the Shinou E4 available, I thought I'd make a Trainer card for each of them. Unfortunatly, I ran out of time, so I only got time to make the first member:

Bug Member Ryo's debut

For my first trainer card, I thought he came out rather well. Only regret is the picture is a tiny bit small, but it's not too small.

Look out for the remaining three memebers in the next few days. :)


Gizmomancer supreme
Everything on this card looks good to me...except that the A in 'Active' should be capitalized. If you have Photoshop, try erasing the blue background that Ryo is in and insert another background instead...otherwise the artwork looks kind of plain.

That aside, it's a pretty good card with an interesting effect :D.


Final Fantasy Fan
Thanks, that means a lot coming from you. :) I'll go back and edit him once I've done the others. I also noticed that the artist is one Ken Sulimori, whoever that is. :p

Anyway, onto the Fire Member, Ooba. Silly name, and a complete douchebag in the games, but he's probably got my favorite team in the E4. So I decided to also make one of his Pokemon too.


The picture is still the bland one, because I didn't want to waste too much time on it. The effect is supposed to go along with his over-confident attitude.

Ooba's Mimiroppu

I chose Mimiroppu because she's cool. Since he likes Fire Pokemon, a Delta Species one seemed fititng. However, I couldn't find a picture of Mimiroru, so the evo circle is still blank, and I had to move Ooba's name so it could remain on the card. As you can see, I found it a tad tough not to remove part of the Delta symbol, but bar that, I like how this came out. :)


Shinou Champion
Really good execpt the blue


Loving Longnecks
The trainer cards are some sort of plain, if you add like a bug environment for Ryo it would be better

Cipher 2008

Well-Known Member
As I think most have pointed out...the blue and white background looks a little weird. Change it to more of a buggy, green background and it'll fit the card superbly. For now, 9/10.