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*~*The shop of Desires*~*

Welcome to the shop of Desires


Looking for work!!! Need someone who can do fusions, animations, and battle scenes.

1. Dont rush me (only after two days)
2. You may express your opinion, just do not be inconsiderate
3. Be respectful

1. weavile omega ~ changes fakemon to sprites and does fusions
2. Red Latias ~ does battle scenes

What I do

1. Size
2. Pictures
3. Text

Fusions and Head switches~me
Fusions done by weavile omega

1. First pokemon to be fused
2. Second pokemon to be fused
3. Shiny or not
4. Who do you want them done by?

Drawn pokemon
1. What pokemon you want drawn
2. Any picture as example

1. Evo or pre evo of another pokemon
2. Completely new pokemon? and description

1. What pokemon you want to be inverted

Battle scenes(Red Latias)
1. Pokemon in battle
2. Text
3. Shiny pokemon?

Siamease pokemon
1. What pokemon is to be a siamese
2. Shiny pokemon?
3. (optional) where to be fused

Trainer Cards

1. Trainer
2. selected temple?
3. Name
4. Pokemon
5. Shiny pokmeon?

1. What pokemon is to be recolored
2. What colors?

Request away!
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weavile omega

I make a sexy squirl
first customer! hi darkrukario! have you senn the pm i sent you? anyway, siamese elekible please!
I just learned, actually.

On Microsoft paint, you will see a tab called image. Select the sprite, and the click flip/rotate. You can use that. After you have one flipped, find the spot in the two pokemon where it would be Ideal to attach them.
here are two examples

the first one is over the sig rule limit, and the second one is the largest size you can have

decide upon one, and I will give it to you. : )
Yay, not many requests yet...

I would like a fakemon, that being, an evo of either Mantine or Rotomu, you pick (whichever you can do "better" and/or would rather enjoy doing). Now, do I have to tell you what I want it to look like, or can I leave it to you to design it? I choose the second option, if possible, otherwise, yell at me and I will post specifics.

No real hurry needed...


She Who Pwns
Hey! Great work! Can i request 2 things at once? Could i get an evo of Rapidash? And a ghost evo of eevee? If not can i just get the Rapidash Evo? Thanks a ton!!~;078;
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Well-Known Member
Banner please.

1. Size: Default for sigs.
2. Pictures: Feathers of Ho-Oh and Lugia,
(Just the upper half of his body, please), and Stantler, Smeargle, and Porygon.
3. Text


Nice kitty... OUCH!
Trainer card, please
Trainer- Steven
Template- any, preferably something dark
Name- Vincent
Pokemon- Raquaza, Gyrados, Salamance, Charizard, Flygon, Lugia
Shiny- Rayquaza, Charizard


Spinda Ballah
Trainer: if you have, a black girl... if not then the d/p girl
template: swirlly (prefer 2 colors with black)
Name: Clio
Pokemon: Spinda, Ladian, Cherrimu, Mimimoru, Starmie, and Korinku
Pokemon behind character: Spinda
Badges: All of Kanto

and can i ask for somethine else?

if i can, can i have an evo for spinda, ledian, and cherrimu... you only need to do one, which ever is easiest