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The Shop of No Return V.2


Out of a crazy mind.
Well, Wynaut?

I think I was taking drugs when I wrote this...

TC Templates:
1. Yellow Rose
2. Water
3. Violet
4. Thunder
5. Red Rose
6. Clouds
8. Diamond
9. Emerald
10. Fire
11. Grass
12. Pretty Ice Crystal
13. Light
14. Moon
15. Star
16. Sapphire
17. Sun
18. Sunset
19. Sunrise

They may look a bit bland. Made by me a few months ago. Notice how I skipped the number 7. I did that for no reason. That's what makes this thread stand out. The fact that I can't count to 20 to save my left arm. Which was re-re-stitched, btw. The doctor said that it had a rare dime in it. I had surgery. The doctors said it was to complicated to make a metal arm. So I went to the nearest barber shop and I got it re-re-stitched. I never did get that rare dime. ;;

Reminds me of that one incident with the foam cups. *shudders*

These are the forms. USE THEM. Or at least proper grammar. >.<

"1 W4N7 4 C473RP13 CH40!11111!111ilovemyhair!11111111!11"- Does not compute. ><

And that brings me to something else. Pokemon with no arms or legs such as Cloyster, Shellder, Ghastly, etc. are very hard to make into chao. I mean, I can make them, but they won't look too good. BTW, don't request 700 chao in one post. Making one takes at the most 10 minutes. 2 minutes, at the least. That is, if you want one that looks like Pikazard...And no one wants to see Pikazard. It was shunned by society. Like the Hamster Dance. D;

While waiting for your sprite/TC/whatever to be made, watch Pakkun. Because Pakkun pwns. :3


Example: WDT
Number of Pokemon: (3 or 6)
Trainer: (provide if custom; if not, just say the trainer)
Pokemon accompanying trainer:

Example: Yeah...
Base Pokemon:
Other Pokemon:
3rd Pokemon(Optional):

Example: Pikachu

Example: Umbreon with Espeon's colors
Main Pokemon:
Other Pokemon's Colors:

Example: Ho-Oh Pokeball
Aurora around Pokeball (Yes/No) :

Example: Pikachu

Example: Umbreon Chao
Chao Pose:

Example: Avy that I made.
Backround Pic:
Size of Words:

Workers...OF DOOM
Not Wig

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Forum-lurker 4 UK!
Background:17 - Sun
Number of Pokemon: 6
Pokemon: Lugia, Mew, Celebi, Groudon, Kyogre, Typhlosion
Trainer: Diamond/Pearl Hiker
Pokemon accompanying trainer:Ho-Oh


Forum-lurker 4 UK!
Background:17 - Sun
Number of Pokemon: 6
Pokemon: Lugia, Mew, Celebi, Groudon, Kyogre, Rayquaza
Trainer: Diamond/Pearl Hiker
Pokemon accompanying trainer:Ho-Oh


Umbreon Master
Trainer card
Background : star
Pokemon 6 Glacia, leafia, cherimu, Garmeil, perap, Emperuto
Trainer: Hikari Umbreon accompining
Badges: Johto but Contest ribbons if possible


Umbreon Master
oh yeah and mname is Crystal


Out of a crazy mind.
Sorry for being late. A cute girl stopped me on the way, so I danced. *shot*


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Umbreon Master
OMG it's gorgeous!!!!


Out of a crazy mind.
OMG it's gorgeous!!!!
Thank you. I had to redo it because I forgot Cherimu on my first try. xD
WOW,your good.Can you make trophys,if you don't do you know somebody whom does?Thanks.:D
Thankies. ^.^ Well, I might give a try at making a trophy. I remember a Freewebs site that had a tutorial, but the site is mimicking me. (Acting like an idiot. D; )

Though, I'm probably a bit late. *points to Gamecube* Sonic Riders is ADDICTING! 8D *runs around screaming*



The Anticool
Hey, I don't need anything, but do want workers? I can do all kinds of banners, Trainer fusions, inverts, and these really good sandwiches that have peanut butter, chocolatly chips, and mango salsa on rye.


Out of a crazy mind.
Hey, I don't need anything, but do want workers? I can do all kinds of banners, Trainer fusions, inverts, and these really good sandwiches that have peanut butter, chocolatly chips, and mango salsa on rye.
Does the sandwich come in 7 different colors? 8D

If you answer yes, you're hired. If you answer no, you're hired....But you will paaay....Late fees.



Out of a crazy mind.
Actually, it only comes in 5,113 styles, with over 62 color schemes to choose from. So no, it doesn't. But they sure taste nice. So am I hired?

Yeah. Okay...But we need more people to post here. ><



The Anticool
I'll do something about it. Hey, Why am I suddenly BlueHat/YellowHat?

Hmmm, what if I posted something exciting?
This is my yellow hat... OF DUME!

OK, that was dumb, but I did put a link to this thread in my signiture, so maybe that'll give us a little buisness?
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