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The Soccer Club!

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David Beckham

Hello, everyone! This is the Football club, where we discuss soccer. Right from the players to the matches. Please enjoy!
Rules:(Please follow)
1.) No spamming/flaming/bashing.
2.) Keep on topic.
3.) Please be nice.
4.)No foul language.
5.) Please don't diss anyone including players.
6.) Enjoy it of course!
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David Beckham

Uhh... is anyone joining?? *Sobs* Uhh.. the topic erm.. is Soccer Teams or any thing else..


I'll join!
I love football (soccer)!
Who's your favourite player?
Mine's Zinedine Zidane. What a legend; and he could've lifted France's second World Cup if he hadn't gone crazy with that headbutt...:(
But I'll still remember him for the awesome player he was! Don't let a stupid headbutt ruin an amazing footballer's career!:D
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David Beckham

I have many..: David Beckham, Christopher Birchall, Avery John, ...


Yeah... I'm sorry to say I've never heard of Avery John or Christopher Birchall (are they American?), but Becks is awesome! What a great free-kicker!:D
One of my other favourite players is the old Dutch legend Johan Cruyff! He invented the Cruyff turn (which we practised in our football lesson today!)!:D
Anyways, we need more members!
*Points out the obvious above*

David Beckham

Duuh!! There Trinidadian..

Sorry dude, there's already a football club. You should always check the index and also with a moderator before making a club.

Edit- Though, looking at when there was last a post there...You may be able to merge them/replace it, or something.



Sorry dude, there's already a football club. You should always check the index and also with a moderator before making a club.

Edit- Though, looking at when there was last a post there...You may be able to merge them/replace it, or something.
Well, yeah, there is another club, but it's closed/locked so you can't post in it...
Oh is it actually locked...see how much attention I was paying when I read the last page, lol. Fair enough, just ignore my post and carry on lol.

David Beckham

Sunk You WAnna join??
Yeah, sure. As you used to play so well for Utd and all ;)

Can you change the title so it says football in it as well though :( Don't like the word soccer, lol.


Beginning Trainer
May I join? I'm on my highschool's JV soccer/futball team. Futball is my favorite sport! I don't suit out though so I don't really play much.


Fierce! Like a Lion!
Hey! can i join? I don't play soccer. But my family is obbesed with soccer so i am too!


Yeah, sure. As you used to play so well for Utd and all ;)

Can you change the title so it says football in it as well though :( Don't like the word soccer, lol.
Lol, neither do I!
David Beckham, if it's ok with you, can I make a topic?
Here it is:
Which football (soccer) team do you support (from any country, any league etc.)?
I support Liverpool (they're English; I think you've all heard of 'em!)!
I've supported 'em since I was little; even when I wasn't a big football fan, Michael Owen was my favourite player/idol, so I started supporting Liverpool!
Even though they aren't doing too well at the moment, I'm sticking with 'em!:D
(Sorry, if the topic's no good I'll edit my post + delete it...)

David Beckham

Yeah It's ok. I thought ppl from North America might think it's the'r type.
Hmm. tough call.. Trinidad, England, Germany..
Well I dunno the names of Eng. And Germany..

weavile omega

I make a sexy squirl
I support Newcastle Utd. They're awesome!


Fierce! Like a Lion!
i support the Colombian team!

David Beckham

I supposrt the German team!! I Love that team


For international matches, obviously I support England, but I'm a huge France fan (look at my sig), and I'm pretty interested in some of the north-western African countries (Senegal, Cameroon etc.).
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