Komedic Konservationist
N00b in the dungeon!
Hello people! I've been voting in the face-offs ever since I joined, and now I have gotten permission to start one of my own. This is the Stages Face-Off, and it's going to be huge. It features every single Pokemon, minus the legends. There are 6 categories:
The Baby Category=
The Basic Category=
The Stage 1 Category=
The Middle-evo Category=
The Stage 2 Category=
The Unevolving Category=
We'll start off with the beggining stage of a Pokemon's life: the baby stage. I know from experience that babies arn't all that popular here, but once we get this candied filth out the way we can play for real.
Our first match is Smoochum Vs Manene.
Meh, I vote teh Kawaii clown. Awww, look at him, he's like a cuddly little ice-cream. (hugs Manene)
Smoochum, on the other hand, is nothing more than a dirty little *****y wh*re and shouldn't win. ( And I doubt she will) Vote away monkeys!!
Edit: The first to reach 10 wins. You can only vote once a round.
The Baby Category=
The Basic Category=
The Stage 1 Category=
The Middle-evo Category=
The Stage 2 Category=
The Unevolving Category=
We'll start off with the beggining stage of a Pokemon's life: the baby stage. I know from experience that babies arn't all that popular here, but once we get this candied filth out the way we can play for real.
Our first match is Smoochum Vs Manene.
Meh, I vote teh Kawaii clown. Awww, look at him, he's like a cuddly little ice-cream. (hugs Manene)
Smoochum, on the other hand, is nothing more than a dirty little *****y wh*re and shouldn't win. ( And I doubt she will) Vote away monkeys!!
Edit: The first to reach 10 wins. You can only vote once a round.
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