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The Stolen Stones! (192)


And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member
The Stolen Stones!

When meeting Two Siblings who are delivering some Fire Stones, Ash & Co. get attacked by Team Rocket who steal the Fire Stones. It is up to Ash & Co. to get them back on time. Can they do this?

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Team Awesome
One of the reasons I love this episode is because Team Rocket keeps winning at everything they do (apart from Jessie's battle with Ash, of course) until the very end. It's nice to see Team Rocket actually get away with things for a long while for a change. :)


After seeing the fourth movie, I have come up with conflicting reports. Why does Ash scream when he rides Arcanine here and not when he rides Suicune in the movie? Suicune is clearly a LOT faster than Arcanine can ever be. Weird... 0_o

Umi Mizuno

☠ one girl army
Damn. O________O Ramona had nice hair and clothes. :O

Ha, I loved Team Rocket when they tried to escape and Ash thought the escape system would be something "amazing" but it turned out to be a bicycle for 3. XD And the holes actually came up more than twice and they actually worked every time. Well almost every time. James on a unicycle going back and forth in place = subtle sexual scene.


*The Water Warrior*
Yeah i have to agree with most of you, in the sense that i enjoyed this episode. Especially Arcanine's role, it being one of my favorite pokemon. I did however dislike the whole, wow Ash your a natural! I mean is there anything this kid can't do. Hes a great pokeringer, he can tame wild Rapidash, I mean i wish they could have gave Misty a bigger role in this episode, but yeah i enjoyed it, as i did every johto episode..............................................SCREW HOENN!!!!! JOHTO TO THE END

-------------Chris out!


Well-Known Member
A good episode coming off the Articuno Trilogy, I loved seeing those Arcanine especially since their one of my favorite fire types. It was funny seeing TR actually planed out how they were going to escape with those fire stones and watching the gang keep falling for their traps but in the end they got over confident and failed at getting anything again.


Well-Known Member
This was a really good episode, Arcanines are just amazing and I loved Ash's interaction with them. Plus, TR's winning streak was a nice change from their usual mess-ups.


Grass Pokemon Expert
I thought this was a good episode. I thought the Arcanine were cool. I am glad Ash learned how to control them when riding too. I wish they would have said what exactly happened to Keagan's arm, because it sounded kinda serious. Misty and Brock really didn't have that big of a role in this episode.
This episode was quite boring. Is it just me that think is weird that you can see Team Rocket footprints but you couldn't see Ash and everyone else footprints. Finally Team Rocket didn't mess up as much as they do before. And it seems everyone is a fan of Arcanine, I really don't Arcanine. I rate this episode 7/10 because Team Rocket had a 20 minute victory which is kinda like a new record.


I loved to see the Arcanine, it was so big.

And TR were so mean, they almost stole the stones.
