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The Subomi-Roselia-Rozureido fan club!

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Hi there, this is for all you fans of the roselia family

In this club we can talk about various different things about Roselia's family and a few other grass pokemon, all are welcome!!!

A few rules

1. follow all regular forum rules
2. do not insult or say anything that might be taken offensivley
3. don't spam or double post(a few double posts will be forgiven, if it is an accident or if it is a first, but after that, banning will ensue)

Breaking of these rules will lead to getting banned, so i hope no one gets banned!

members will be upgraded by intiative in the club, amount of posts, and being an all around good club member!

Have fun in this club, PM me if you want to be co-owner and i will consider you!

Owner: Lucarioso

Co-owners: Pokemon4ever

Elite Members


Everybody's allowance is this

Owner: allow members
Start new topics
warn and bann members
upgrade members
CoOwner:all of the above, before banning must consult owner
Elite members: start new topics
warn members
be upgraded to coOwner
Members: start new topics
be upgraded to elite member or CoOwner

Everybody's welcome, so start posting!
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Can I join? I want to be CO because I was CO in the other club like this but it is dead, so I want to be CO.


sure you can join, and i've seen you around, your in the other club with me the lucario one, so sure you can be CO! our first topic is
What is the best evolution from the roselia family?
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