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the supernatural and paranormal hunters club


Right guys, I don't believe there has been a club on this topic around here lately, so I thought I would start one.

no flaming
no spamming
All of the SPPF ones.

throughout the ages, people have believed that people have come from beyond the grave to be with us. Some are good, some are evil, and some are just tricksters.

to apply:
just tell me that you believe that there are spirits of deceased people out there and you're in. You should do so in a reply, rather than have my pm box cluttered with people saying: OMG!!!!!!!1111 a ghosties club can I join plzzzz??? Contrary to popular belief, I do not enjoy getting messages like these.

Members list:
martianman40 (owner)

I'm currently looking for co-owners, if you want a job, just lt me know.

I'm after someone to do a banner of some description, if you can, just pm me with it and I'll let you know what I think of it.

On one final note: They are out there, don't deny it...