O.K. I know the oder TOC was a failure since I didnt contnue it. I just write it, I never thought what happens next. This one is different. Please rate me ok?
Chapter 1: Battle Song
The world was at its knees when the Four Powers of Darkness were at their peek powers. They spread chaos and destruction throughout the land, everywhere they go people fled in fear even at the mere sight of them, but nothing last forever...
After 3 years, they had weakened by distrust amongst themselves and started to take different paths. Finally, peace was renown and everyone was happy, but it seems that fate is mischievous…
The Castle of Shadlehyde was attacked killing forty men and women along with Prince Ferirs, The King’s most beloved son. Two months later the King sent letters to three special town and village. Milma, Crane, and Bar’Ruzeken…
This is where the story begins, of a young boy, who is innocent and pure along with his allies, will become the greatest heroes of all time…
It was peaceful and quiet in Milma town, the sun was up and everyone was friendly. They greeted each other good morning every time they meet with other people. There was a peaceful music that was heard all over the town, it came from the forest. Every villager knew who played the music it was from only one person who spends his day singing or playing his guitar near the calm and clear Crystal Lake.
He is a shy boy who barely speaks to anyone, he rarely go outside with other people except for a girl whom he knows well. She always leaves him alone when he plays hi song, but this time its different.
“Sean! Sean! A letter! A letter from Shadlehyde!” The girl shouted as she ran towards a boy who was sitting on top of a rock.
The boy looked stopped playing and looked at the girl as she stopped near his right side, panting.
“Mervin? What’s the fuss all about? You know your disturbing the trees and the other living things.” Sean said in a worried voice.
Mervin caught her breath and looked at Sean, she handed Sean the letter.
“Weren’t you listening? I have been shouting, a letter from Shadlehyde Castle for the last five minutes!”
Sean took the letter from Mervin’s hand and looked at it.
“Oh...Sorry I wasn’t...”
Sean slowly opened the letter and read it...
Sean stared at the letter and closed his eyes. He was thinking of whether to go or not. He doesn’t want to die early, but he doesn’t want to let the monsters to hurt anyone anymore.
Mervin looked at him and sighed.
“Sean? Are you going or not?”
Sean looked at Mervin and sighed.
“I...I don’t want to go...”
Mervin was shocked at what Sean said. She became angry and shouted at Sean.
“What are you talking about?! You should go! You’re not weak! What’s stopping you?!”
Sean covered his ear as she shouted. He sighed and looked up in the sky.
“Its because my Brother...I cant really forget what happened. I don’t want to die... ”Sean said.
“Oh brother! You shouldn’t be a coward! All of us dies...No one lives forever! Do you want your late parents and brother be ashamed of you?! They gave up their lives to protect you and our country! You should live on their work or everything they lost will be in vain!” Mervin shouted.
Sean never thought of that before. He closed his eyes and thought it over, after a few seconds he opened his eyes, then looked at Mervin and smiled.
“Your right...I should go...But...There is on last problem.”
Sean looked down and took his bag; he opened it and showed it to Mervin.
Mervin looked at his bag as he showed it. She saw nothing but Sean’s most prized necklace, that his father given him. She then looked up to Sean and smiled.
“You silly boy! Did you forget? My Dad owns the equipment shop Felonry remember?” Mervin giggled
After that she grabbed Sean’s hand and pulled him down. Sean nearly fell off the rock, but he was quick enough to land on his feet. Mervin pulled his hand and started to dash out of the forest and into the town. Everyone looked at them as they both ran towards in the equipment shop. The door rang as they came in and a middle-aged man with long yellow hair, and clear blue eyes, he was carrying heavy boxes; he looked at them and greeted them.
“Good Morning!” The clerk said
Before they could answer back, they noticed a teenage boy just about the same age as Sean, looked around the shop. He doesn’t seem to buy anything, but it looks like he just first saw everything, just like a newborn baby. Mervin looked back at her father and smiled.
“Good Morning Dad! I have something to tell you! Seany here will go to Adlehyde Castle and serve the King! I bet his going to do missions about the Monster Crisis.”
Kael put down the load he was carrying and looked at Sean with a worried look.
“Are you sure Sean? Fighting with monsters is a dangerous job.”
“I’m sure Uncle Kael...I’m ready to fight monsters.” Sean smiled
Mervin was proud that Sean was brave enough to say that, without hesitation. Kael on the other hand scratched his head and sighed.
“Well...If you already have decided, then I wont stop you. Will give me your bag? I’ll stuff it with useful equipments, you will need for your journey.”
Sean took his bag and gave it to Kael. Kael took it and saw that Sean is still keeping the necklace he found laying next to Sean when he found him as a baby, 15 years ago. Kael smiled and took the amulet and held it up high.
“Sean do you still remember this amulet? I read about this amulet in the Battle Accessory Book. It said that whoever wears this necklace, will be guarded and protected by the Legendary Poke’ Mon Entei.”
Sean was shocked to hear about it. He always loved Entei, he also admires the great Poke’ Mon. Kael smiled and gave it to Sean. Sean shook his head and took the necklace and wore it. He stared at the necklace and knows now that the paw print logo on the necklace is Entei’s. He kept on saying Entei’s name over and over in his mind. Kael started to put items on his bag, while Mervin looked around the shop and noticed that the boy they saw earlier was gone. A minute later Kael handed Sean’s bag. Sean took his bag and opened it; he noticed that his bag was filled with potions, antidotes and some Poke’ Mon equipments like Poke Balls and healing items. Sean looked up to Kael and smiled.
“Thanks Uncle Kael...But I really don’t think I’ll need too many Poke Balls. I think I only need three. Since I don’t like catching and putting them in a tight spot.”
Kael chuckled and put his hands on his waists.
“Never mind Sean. I know you’re not like other trainers. I gave you those Poke’ Balls so that if any your allies need to capture more Poke’ Mon’s you’ll be able to give them those. Or maybe sell if you need money.”
Sean nodded and smiled.
“O.K. Uncle Kael I think I should be...”
Suddenly they heard a glass break right outside. Kael, Sean and Mervin rushed outside the door. They saw everyone running, women screaming and children crying. They look to the left of them they saw an Ogre with fortified armor and a very big sharp spiked club attacking the village. The guards started attacking and some men took any weapon they find and charged at the Ogre. While some trainers called out their Poke’ Mon’s to attack, but it was useless the Ogre just either kick them or stomp them flat. Most attacks didn’t deal any damage because of his armor and its deadly spiked club easily killed some men. Sean looked to his right and saw the boy earlier, crashed into the Bakery lying down unconscious.
“Mervin. I’ll go and heal the wounds of that guy. You’ll try to kill the Ogre. Its weak spot is the head!” Sean ran towards the boy who was lying down.
“Sean! I can’t take down that Ogre on my own!” Mervin shouted, but Sean didn’t listen. She growled and gone inside the shop and grabbed her bow.
Sean knelt down and saw that they boy had many deep wounds. It probably came from the glass and from the Ogre’s spiked club. He took his bag and opened it. He grabbed a red potion and poured it over the boy’s wounds. The boy slowly opened his eyes and coughed.
“Hey are you O.K. now?”
The boy put his hand on his head and looked at Sean.
“Oh…Wha? What happened?”
“You obviously had fought that Ogre and was thrown towards in this Bakery. Your lucky to be alive.”
“Oh…Right, right. I fought that Ogre because he was destroying the town.”
Sean smiled and helped the boy get up. He looked at the Ogre as Mervin was battling it.
“When I’m thru with you, I’m gonna kick your but and send you flying to sky high!” She boasted
Mervin took her pose in front of the Ogre. She pulled the string and let go when she was sure she had a good aim. The arrow flew straight until, the wind changed and instead for the head, the arrow went straight to its armor, the arrow broke. Mervin was shocked, her mouth was wide opened and a big sweat drop appeared on top of her head.
“What the?!”
Everyone was silent and stopped what they were doing and stared at Mervin. Kael sighed and covered his face with his hand, feeling ashamed for his daughter.
“Uhh…Do you know her?” The boy asked
“Yes…that’s pretty embarrassing…”Sean replied
The Ogre chuckled and tried to stomp Mervin. But she was quick enough to dodge his attack. Meanwhile Sean analyzed the situation and got a strategy to beat the monster. He looked at the boy.
“Hey lets team up to beat that monster. I have a plan…Mervin will distract the monster by taunting and teasing it. I’ll support by using my ability to use nature, while you attack when it can’t move. I call it strategy 245030.”
Peter agreed and nodded his head. But he was confused at the way he calls his strategy; he can’t help but ask Sean about the funny name.
“Uh…what’s with the numbers?” Peter tilted his head.
“I’ll tell you later c’mon!” Sean shouted and ran outside the Bakery.
“Mervin! We’ll do strategy 245030!” Sean yelled as he searched his bag for Green Seeds.
Mervin nodded and walked straight to the Ogre. She waved her arms hoping to get its attention.
“Hey Big Fat and Ugly! Over here! Try hitting me you dumb fat bozo!”
The Ogre got angry and flailed his spiked mace and attacked Mervin.
Mervin sidestepped and avoided the Ogre’s attack. She laughed and taunted the Ogre again.
“You can’t hit me with those big fat arms of yours!” Mervin boasted.
The Ogre growled angrily and held his mace up high and smashed it on the ground.
Mervin back-flipped and dodged the attack again. This time she was near the door of the Equipment Shop.
“Oh my I’m getting really sleeping with playing with a slow, unintelligent, smelly, ugly and big fat monster like you!”
The Ogre’s face got really red and was very angry; it held the mace up high, with its two hands and swung it towards Mervin.
Mervin ducked and evaded the attack.
But Kael screamed before it attacked and hid inside the store. After the devastating attack he saw that the roof was gone and most of the shop was destroyed. He stood up angrily and pointed at the Ogre.
“Hey I’ll expect you to clean up this mess fat guy!” Kael shouted.
The Ogre tried to stomp Kael, but Kael ran away, screaming and hide behind a rock.
Meanwhile Sean has finally found the seeds he needed and he threw them up high towards the Ogre’s feet. Sean closed his eyes and began to chant.
“Oh Blessed Goddess of Nature. Make these vines grow big and strong, to entangle my enemies and make them fall!”
The seeds sprouted and grew into long thick vines. Seconds later the vines grew bigger and bigger, it entangled the Ogre; although the Ogre tried attacking the vines to get free, but the vines kept on growing by the second.
Sean looked at Peter and nodded his head. The boy knew right away what to do, he dashed towards the Ogre and unsheathed his sword and attacked the Ogre by the lower limb where there was less armor. The Ogre grunted with pain and became violent, now it started to swing his spiked club around.
Now Sean looked at Mervin, who was ready to use a blue, sticky potion with a label, Sleeping Potion on it. Mervin threw it up high and the potion landed on the Ogre’s head. The glass broke and the Ogre started to feel drowsy. After awhile it feel asleep and dropped to the ground. The whole village saw what they done and cheered for them.
“All hail our heroes!” The villagers shouted.
Sean blushed and scratched his head as the villagers cheered, the boy put both his hands on his waists and had a hearty laugh and Mervin sighed and looked around the town, she saw wrecked houses and stores.
“Look at what that fat guy did to our town!” Mervin said in an angry voice.
“Yeah…. Its such a mess…we have to repair everything before I’ll leave…” Sean sighed.
Kael put his hand on Sean’s shoulder and patted him.
“Its not such a big mess…we can rebuild everything again easily. You should go to Shadlehyde Castle now.”
The whole village nodded their head and cheered again.
Sean almost forgot about the boy they met, he saw him near the Ogre and he went closer to him, Sean extended his arm and smiled.
“Hey I almost forgot to introduce myself. My name is Sean Luigi Sistoso, but you can call me Sean. The girl over there is Mervin Sinalist.” Sean pointed to the girl who was coming closer to them.
Mervin waved her hand and smiled. Sean turned his attention back to the boy.
“May I know what’s your name?”
The boy shook Sean’s hand and smiled.
“Oh…My name is Peter Magcaling…But you can call me by my codename Scarface.” Peter said as he scratched his head.
Sean smiled and chuckled.
“Nice to meet you Peter. So are you new here?”
Peter scratched his head again and looked up in the sky.
“Actually…I don’t remember anything…”
Sean was a bit confused at what Peter said; he tilted his head and crossed his arms.
“What do you mean?”
Mervin overheard their conversation and put her hand on her waist.
Peter sighed and looked at Mervin.
“I think so…the only thing I remembered is that, this sword was with me all the times and I woke up in the forest near that crystal clear lake.”
Mervin looked at Sean with an evil glance.
“Sean…your not practicing witch craft…are you?”
Sean was shocked at what Mervin said.
“Mervin! You know I hate Black Magic and or Witch Craft! And if your asking if I have any song’s or music that erases someone’s mind, then your wasting your breath.”
Everyone sighed and looked down, with a big sweat drop on top of their heads.
Suddenly, Knights appeared and were carrying a huge cage; it was big enough to put 2 Ogres in it. Sean looked at the Knight with Heavy and fortified armor. The Knight looked around and saw the Ogre down and asleep. He called to one of the villagers and talked to them. Sean didn’t know what they were talking about, but the villager suddenly pointed to them. The Knight looked at them and slowly walked closer. Mervin and Peter looked at the Knight, as he stood in front of them.
“Excuse me. Did the three of you really beat this foul beast?”
“Yes Mr. Knight sir. We did.” Sean answered nervously.
“Well, well isn’t that you Sean? You’ve have grown!” The Knight patted Sean’s head.
“Um…Have we met before?” Sean said he looked at the Knight trying to recognize his face.
“I wont blame you if you don’t recognized me. You were still about 2 years old when your father brought you to the castle. He scolded you when you tried to hold my sword.” The Knight had a hearty laugh.
Then the Knight coughed and cleared his throat.
“Well, lets get to business…me and my men had been searching for this Ogre…We will exterminate him tomorrow morning.”
“On what charges?” Mervin asked.
“He killed four women, six children, eight of my men and tried killing one of the sacred legendary Poke’ Mon, Entei.” The Knight said as he closed his eyes.
Sean was shocked at what he heard, not only did it took many human lives, but it also tried to kill his idol and favorite Poke’ Mon. He looked up at the Knight with a worried look.
“Tell me how’s Entei?”
“Don’t worry he only had a little scratch, luckily we were there and chased the Ogre away. We cured his wounds and let him go.” The Knight said.
Sean gave out a sigh of relief and put his hand on his chest.
“Well…anyway there is a reward money for the capture of this monstrosity. Here take this” The Knight got a purse from his belt and gave it to Sean.
Sean took the purse and opened it; he saw lots of jewels and gold, he looked at Peter then to Mervin, and finally back to the Knight.
“Wow thanks!” Sean smiled
“No…thank you for giving us an easy job.” The Knight chuckled.
After that the Knight whistled and the other soldiers carried the Ogre into the cage, even though they just threw it inside the cage the Ogre didn’t wake up. Sean was surprised to see how deep its sleep is.
“Wow Mervin…that’s one strong potion”
“You know my Dad sells the best and effective items.” Mervin smiled as she looked at Sean.
It was late in the afternoon when the Knights took the Ogre and left. Sean looked at Mervin and sighed.
“Oh well Mervin…I think this is were I have to go now.”
Mervin smiled and looked at the sky.
“You better take Peter with you. Both of you should try buying a potion or a spell to cure Peter’s amnesia…But…why don’t both of you go tomorrow early morning?” Mervin put her hands on her waists.
Sean shook his head and looked at Mervin again.
“No…I have to go and look at Entei…I want to know if he is really O.K.”
Mervin gave out a big sigh and closed her eyes.
“Your always such a softy when it comes to animals and Poke’ Mon’s aren’t you? Well, if that’s what you want then I wont stop you…but you should be careful because there are more monsters roaming around in the night than there are on the day.”
Sean nodded and looked at Peter. A soft breeze blew through his hair as he thinks on how will they overcome every obstacle on their own.
“I wonder if we will be alive if we are ever given a mission by the King of Adlehyde…but I think he called other people as well…so I shouldn’t worry.” Sean thought.
Mervin put her hand on Sean’s shoulder.
“What’s wrong? You shouldn’t worry, both of you will be O.K!” She chuckled.
Peter sighed and looked at the sky, as the sun went down.
“We should go now…it’s getting late.”
Sean nodded and looked at Mervin.
“Mervin…Protect our hometown O.K? You should protect yourself too…When I come back I hope to see you again safe.” Sean smiled.
Mervin blushed and looked down. Sean started to walk towards Peter, and then Peter smiled and started to tease Sean. Mervin looked at Sean and saw them slowly disappear in the forest, and then she looked up in the sky and smiled.
Don’t worry Sean…I promise…I’ll be waiting for you…
Mervin thought to herself and go back to their shop.
An hour later, Sean and Peter were lost in the forest. Sean was getting worried as they kept walking. He held his guitar close. Peter on the other hand acted like nothing happened and kept walking forward. Sean poked Peter’s back.
“Hey, Peter? Do you even know where we are going?” Sean asked in a worried voice.
Peter looked behind him and turned around him.
“What? I thought you were the one who’s leading the way…”
“How could I be leading when you’re in front of me?” Sean sighed.
“Oh…I thought it’s included with your strategy to keep me in front…” Peter said as he looked up in the sky.
Sean’s mouth was wide opened and a big sweat drop came out at the back of his head.
“You mean we have been lost ever since we entered this forest?!”
“I guess so! Wow! I never got lost before! This is so exciting!” Peter laughed.
Sean fell down and turned pale. Then he stood up quickly and fixed his clothes. He went up to Peter and gave him an evil look, then started to walk ahead and lead the way.
Peter followed Sean and was still smiling even though they were lost. Peter started to hum happily as he followed Sean.
“We are lost in the forest! Yes we are! We are going to live, or die so far! Oh yeah! We are lost in the forest filled with um…Jaguars!”
Sean had enough and looked at Peter. He was angry for letting Peter lead the way, and now Peter is making him feel uneasy because of the song he just made.
“Would you please…Keep Quiet?”
Suddenly they heard something rustle behind the bushes. Sean and Peter looked to their right and they saw the bush moving. Sean and Peter got out their weapon and were ready to retaliate. Then a little creature appeared, it had brown fur and a red mask, and Sean knew what it was. It was a Baby Entei. Sean put back his weapon and smiled, he walked towards it, and he knelt down and gently stroked the cub’s head.
“Hey there cute one. You gave us quite a scare”
The baby Entei purred and moved closer to Sean, as he stroked its head.
Suddenly, Peter saw something else move in the forest and it sounds like a big one. He looked around and looked at Sean, H tried to call Sean, but as soon as he opened his mouth the creature appeared in front of him as it looked down at Sean.
“How dare you touch my son?”
Sean heard a big voice behind him. He turned around and saw another Entei, but this time it was bigger and angrier. Sean’s mouth was wide open as he stared at the large beast. He felt both scared and admiration to really see Entei up close and personal.
Entei growled as he saw Sean’s face, he looked down and saw that his son was wondering about near Sean.
“This is my territory and I let you humans go by unharmed, but when you try and capture my son…I wont let you leave here alive!”
Peter crouched and jumped towards Entei, he held his blade and was ready to stab him from behind. Entei sensed him move and try to attack. He lifted his right hind leg and kicked Peter with little force. Peter got thrown away and landed back first on a tree. He coughed and was unconscious.
Sean saw how strong Entei is, and was amazed at his strength. Entei turned his attention back to Sean, he saw that Sean wasn’t moving and he can see it on his eyes that he was shocked to see his power. Entei growled again and raised his paw, to stomp him flat.
Sean knew he wouldn’t survive if Entei will stomp him, but he couldn’t move his legs and body. He covered his face and leaned a bit as he closed his eyes, knowing that this will be his end.
Entei was about to attack, but he saw something on Sean’s chest, He stops his paw, as it was about to hit Sean’s body. Entei slowly put down his paw gently pressing Sean’s body to the ground; and took a closer look on the necklace that Sean wore. He recognized the necklace and he stared at Sean.
[/i]Is this really the boy I’ve been looking forEntei thought to himself.
“Tell me were did you get this?” Entei pressed hard on Sean’s body.
Sean grunted with pain and looked at Entei.
“Wh, what? Y, you mean this necklace?
Entei pressed harder on Sean’s body, to squeeze out the answer he wants.
“Yes! Tell me!” Entei shouted.
Sean can barely breathe now and he had trouble talking.
“I…it w…w…was f…foun…found…ded b…be…beside me w…w…when m…my p…p…pa…parents f…f…founded me…” Sean coughed
Entei released him and sat down, in front of him. Sean coughed and rolled over to his side, the baby Entei saw how his father treated his new friend. He came closer to Sean and gently licked his face, hoping that he is all right.
Entei sighed and looked down at Sean.
“So…you are the one I’ve been looking for all these years…”
Sean slowly got up and looked up at Entei with a confused look. He didn’t know what Entei was talking about, nor he didn’t know that Entei was looking for him. But he thought it over, he didn’t have anything that would interest Entei or he did something to let Entei look for him. He coughed again, put his hand on top of his head and shook head.
“What do you mean?”
Entei sighed and looked at him with tears coming out of his eyes. Sean doesn’t know what’s happening, but he can feel that Entei was very happy in some sort of way. Entei gently nuzzled Sean on the side of his neck and then gently licked his forehead. Entei took a deep breath to get Sean’s scent and lay down in front of him.
“I was suppose to take care of you, but it was better if you were with humans…Your chance of survival is very high at that time…Finally for all these years…Your in my care…My beloved grandson…” Entei said in a sad tone.
Sean was dumbfounded to what he heard. He doesn’t know what Entei was talking about.
How am I his grandson? I’m not a Poke’ Mon…and that’s pretty impossible for me to look like this if I had Entei’s blood…But then again…anything is possible…Still I shouldn’t jump to conclusions. Sean thought to himself.
“Um…Mr. Entei sir? I don’t understand…”
Entei smiled and licked Sean’s face; he put his left paw behind Sean’s back and pulled him closer to him.
“Please…call me Dad or maybe Daddy Entei…It’s been a long time ever since someone call me that…” Entei chuckled and rested his head on Sean’s head.
Sean closed his eyes as Entei gently licked him. Then when he opened his eyes again he noticed that he was closer to Entei. He rested his head on Entei’s chest and hugged him. He never felt a father’s love, even when he was a baby, but now he felt safe, loved and right at home. He always wanted this feeling and now he finally had it.
Entei sighed and hugged Sean tightly; then he gently stroked Sean’s head with his left paw.
“My grandson…this is the real story… First of all your real name …Its really Gabrieal Enfreet…”
Sean opened his eye and rubbed his cheek on Entei’s chest, but then he was shocked when he knew his name isn’t Sean. His whole world became dark, but he realizes that his last name was Enfreet; it was very familiar to him.
Wait…Enfreet? I know someone with that family name…now I remember…it was Sean Luigi Enfreet…one of the caretakers, uncle Kael told me about them. Gabrieal thought
Gabrieal looked up to Entei and asked him in a sad tone.
“Daddy Entei? The name Enfreet…you mean like Sean Luigi Enfreet, the leader of the Caretakers?”
Entei looked down on Sean gently nuzzled him with care.
“Yes…your real father and mother are Sean Luigi Enfreet and Lorili Cherish Aquasea.”
Gabrieal eyes widen and his mouth opened, when he heard about his real parents. He heard stories about a child of the Caretakers who will be the next hero, he didn’t know that he was that child was him. He was stunned to think about it.
Entei chuckled and gently blew on his face to let Gabrieal blink.
“Hey…are you still with me?”
Gabrieal shook his head from left to right and looked up at Entei; his face turning red.
“Oh Sorry Daddy Entei…”
Entei stared at Gabrieal and remembered Sean Luigi Enfreet, Gabrieal and Sean both have similar face and eyes, although Sean has red colored eyes, while Gabrieal has brown. Many people would ask; why does their child have brown eyes while his or her parents both have red eyes? But Entei knows better, Gabrieal hasn’t been acknowledged as a Caretaker, plus he was still to young to perform the test of the Caretaker hood.
Gabrieal looked at Entei and saw that he was not himself, and was thinking about something. Gabrieal gently stroked Entei’s neck and smiled. Entei closed his eyes as Gabrieal stroked his neck. Entei purred like a kitten and he started to lick Gabrieal across the face. He opened his eyes and looked at Gabrieal kindly.
“You wouldn’t mind if I groom you, right?” Entei gently whispered on Gabrieal’s ear in a very soft fatherly voice.
Gabrieal turned red and closed his eyes as Entei licked him. He felt love and comfort from Entei; he really loved it, Entei’s attention and fatherly love, he couldn’t ask for more. Gabrieal then heard Entei whisper to him gently.
“Sure Daddy Entei…” Gabrieal said as he yawned.
Entei chuckled and gently nuzzled Gabrieal.
“Awww…is my son sleepy? Go to sleep my beloved son…I’ll wake you up early tomorrow morning…” Entei said as he started grooming Sean’s face.
Sean slowly closed his eyes as Entei’s wet tongue gently touched his face. After a few strokes, Gabrieal was fast asleep. The baby Entei looked to his left and saw that Peter wasn’t moving. He went towards Peter, curious whether if his alive or dead. He sat on his hunches a he was beside Peter; he tilted his head and saw Peter’s mouth was a bit open. It stood up on his hind legs and tries to take a better look, suddenly Peter snored loudly and the baby Entei ran towards Sean and Entei surprised. It jumps on Sean and landed on his chest, shaking with fear. Entei laughed as he saw his other son ran with fear, and then he continued to groom Gabrieal.
Gabrieal unconsciously hugged the baby Entei and held him close to his chin. It looked at Gabrieal a he slept peacefully while his father was grooming him. It smiled and gave Gabrieal a little lick on his neck, as he slowly rested his head on Gabrieal’s neck, and went to sleep. Entei saw how Gabrieal and his son care for each other, he smiled and decided to let his son go with Gabrieal.
“Enseer…Gabrieal…my two of my most prized treasures…they are safer when both of them are together, rather than staying with me…”Entei thought to himself.
After Entei finished grooming Gabrieal, he looked up on the sky and sighed. He knows he would have to leave Gabrieal again, and this time, along with his son Enseer. But he never let the thought of making a sacrifice get him down, he knows that one day he will be together with all the ones whom he love. After that Entei yawned and gently put his head on top of Enseer’s back and went to sleep.
Next morning everyone was up and ready to go. Peter kept on looking around like nothing happened, while Gabrieal was almost done grooming Entei and Enseer with the use of a hairbrush he made. Entei looked at Peter as he looked around the forest, then he turned his attention back at Gabrieal.
“Son? Does your friend remember what happened last night? I did a sharp blow to his chest, an all he said, that it must be muscle pain.”
Gabrieal chuckled and looked at Entei.
“Don’t mind him…he really is like that…Well…that’s what I know, since he had an amnesia…I guess it got worse when you hit him…”
Entei looked down and felt sorry for Peter. Gabrieal smiled and gently put his hand on Entei’s paw.
“You know, I envy him…He got an autograph from you, saying love from Entei…” Gabrieal chuckled.
Entei looked at Gabrieal and chuckled. He playfully bit Gabrieal’s neck and using his right paw, pin Gabrieal down on the ground.
“Hey…at least I groomed you…No autograph can beat, showing how much you love your son.”
Gabrieal chuckled and looked up on Enseer as he started licking his face.
“Stop your tickling me!” Gabrieal chuckled as Enseer playfully bite Gabrieal’s ear and lick his face.
Entei had hearty laugh as he kept Gabrieal pinned down to let Enseer have his fun with him.
“That’s right Enseer…Torture your prey before eating him.” Entei chuckled.
Enseer nodded and sat in front of him and lie down, he kept on licking Gabrieal trying to find his ticklish spot. Gabrieal tried to move but since Entei’s paw is on top of the back of his neck, he can only move his head. Not long after that Enseer gently licked the side of his neck. Gabrieal noticed that he was laughing louder; he saw that Enseer found his weak spot.
Entei just looked at Sean as he suffers from Enseer. He remembered the times when he was with Sean Luigi Enfreet. He always wants to torture him by tickling him continuously, until he says the word mercy. But sometimes he overdoes it and may let Sean pee on his pants. Entei smiled when Gabrieal laughed louder, he knew that Enseer has found Gabrieal’s weak spot, he then lifted his paw a bit and pushed Gabrieal, so that he will roll over, then put his paw over his chest pinning him, and now Enseer wouldn’t have a problem letting him beg for mercy.
“There…now Enseer, don’t stop until he asks for your mercy, and then that’s were you do your finishing touch, so that you can eat him in peace.” Entei chuckled.
Enseer nodded, put his paw and pushed Gabrieal’s head, now Gabrieal’s neck was very vulnerable and he can’t do anything. He kept on kicking as Enseer tickled him, but that didn’t help one bit. Entei couldn’t resist but join and started playfully biting Gabrieal’s ear.
Gabrieal’s eyes started to have tears, he laughed louder and he can barely breathe from laughing. He had no other choice to ask for mercy, or else he will pee on his pants.
“Mercy please! I c…can’t take it anymore! Please spare me! Please!” Gabrieal begged as he laughed.
Entei chuckled and stopped, he slowly lifted his paw and putting it near Sean’s face, gently rubbing it on the side of Sean’s face, then he looked down at Enseer and nuzzles him gently.
“C’mon son. We don’t want your older brother Gabrieal to pee on his pants.”
Enseer nodded and rested his muzzle on Gabrieal’s head. He was always a shy and timid Entei; he rarely goes near anyone or anything, aside from his father, but now he feels very safe and calm with Gabrieal, even though they just got to know each other.
Gabrieal sighed and gently carry Enseer as he slowly sat up, then he put Enseer on his lap and stroked his head. Enseer purred as he lifted his head to feel Gabrieal’s hand touching his head.
Peter walked towards Gabrieal and smiled, as he looked at Gabrieal stroke Enseer head. He knelt down and sighed.
“Hey Sean, where are gonna go again?”
Gabrieal remembered about the real reason why he had gone out of his town. He looked up on Entei and put his hand Enseer’s back.
“Dad I remembered that I have to go to Shadlehyde Castle. I received a letter from the King, that I have to help with the crisis that’s happening today.”
Entei closed his eyes and sighed, and then he looked back to Gabrieal, with a worried look.
“O.K. then, take Enseer with you…you will need his help. The bond of two different creatures is the strongest weapon, on this planet…Oh before I forget…you should use your name Sean Luigi for the mean time…if any of the enemy demons knew that Gabrieal Enfreet is alive…They would come for you, and try killing the ones you hold very dear…Understand my son?”
Gabrieal nodded and got up; he gently put Enseer on the ground and kissed Entei on the forehead and on his right paw. He started to walk with Peter and Enseer, but he decided to take one last look on his father before leaving him. He saw that Entei was looking at them as they slowly walk away. Gabrieal’s felt pain when he had to leave Entei behind, for his safety. But he knows he will meet up with him again.
When Entei was sure they were far away, he ran towards on top of the cliff and looked down, to see Gabrieal slowly fading in the forest. Entei looked up on the sky and closed his eyes.
Be careful my most beloved sons…I cant be seen with you, but I will follow you, to lead both of you to the right way… Entei thought to himself.
Entei then opened his eyes and saw Sean Luigi Enfreet beside him. Sean smiled and rested his head on Entei’s shoulder.
“Sean? What are you doing here my son?”
Sean smiled and looked at Entei, gently stroking his head.
“I’m just watching over Gabrieal and you Dad…”
Entei sighed and looked over the horizon.
“You don’t have to worry about me, my beloved son…”
Entei paused for a while then looked at Sean.
“…Gabrieal is still not ready…”
“I can wait Dad…Just please be careful O.K.?”
Entei chuckled and closed his eyes.
“You already know me…you don’t have to wait for to long my son…its almost time…”
Sean smiled and hugged Entei as he slowly disappeared. Entei sighed and jumped over the cliff and disappear into the forest following Gabrieal…
--------------End of Chapter 1------------------
The Tales of the Caretakers
Folklore of Heros’Heves
Folklore of Heros’Heves
Chapter 1: Battle Song
The world was at its knees when the Four Powers of Darkness were at their peek powers. They spread chaos and destruction throughout the land, everywhere they go people fled in fear even at the mere sight of them, but nothing last forever...
After 3 years, they had weakened by distrust amongst themselves and started to take different paths. Finally, peace was renown and everyone was happy, but it seems that fate is mischievous…
The Castle of Shadlehyde was attacked killing forty men and women along with Prince Ferirs, The King’s most beloved son. Two months later the King sent letters to three special town and village. Milma, Crane, and Bar’Ruzeken…
This is where the story begins, of a young boy, who is innocent and pure along with his allies, will become the greatest heroes of all time…
It was peaceful and quiet in Milma town, the sun was up and everyone was friendly. They greeted each other good morning every time they meet with other people. There was a peaceful music that was heard all over the town, it came from the forest. Every villager knew who played the music it was from only one person who spends his day singing or playing his guitar near the calm and clear Crystal Lake.
He is a shy boy who barely speaks to anyone, he rarely go outside with other people except for a girl whom he knows well. She always leaves him alone when he plays hi song, but this time its different.
“Sean! Sean! A letter! A letter from Shadlehyde!” The girl shouted as she ran towards a boy who was sitting on top of a rock.
The boy looked stopped playing and looked at the girl as she stopped near his right side, panting.
“Mervin? What’s the fuss all about? You know your disturbing the trees and the other living things.” Sean said in a worried voice.
Mervin caught her breath and looked at Sean, she handed Sean the letter.
“Weren’t you listening? I have been shouting, a letter from Shadlehyde Castle for the last five minutes!”
Sean took the letter from Mervin’s hand and looked at it.
“Oh...Sorry I wasn’t...”
Sean slowly opened the letter and read it...
Dear Sean Luigi Sistoso
I King Of Shadlehyde Castle need your immediate help
My son Prince Ferirs have been slain by monsters
Who rarely attacks our kingdom.
We heard as well that they started to make camp near
Villages and towns, we are concerned that they
Might start attacking people.
Please we need you to come to our castle to take immediate
Actions. We will explain the rest of your
Work when you get there.
This note is your invitation and to go inside the castle. Please DO NOT lose this note. We are hoping for your cooperation.
I King Of Shadlehyde Castle need your immediate help
My son Prince Ferirs have been slain by monsters
Who rarely attacks our kingdom.
We heard as well that they started to make camp near
Villages and towns, we are concerned that they
Might start attacking people.
Please we need you to come to our castle to take immediate
Actions. We will explain the rest of your
Work when you get there.
This note is your invitation and to go inside the castle. Please DO NOT lose this note. We are hoping for your cooperation.
Sean stared at the letter and closed his eyes. He was thinking of whether to go or not. He doesn’t want to die early, but he doesn’t want to let the monsters to hurt anyone anymore.
Mervin looked at him and sighed.
“Sean? Are you going or not?”
Sean looked at Mervin and sighed.
“I...I don’t want to go...”
Mervin was shocked at what Sean said. She became angry and shouted at Sean.
“What are you talking about?! You should go! You’re not weak! What’s stopping you?!”
Sean covered his ear as she shouted. He sighed and looked up in the sky.
“Its because my Brother...I cant really forget what happened. I don’t want to die... ”Sean said.
“Oh brother! You shouldn’t be a coward! All of us dies...No one lives forever! Do you want your late parents and brother be ashamed of you?! They gave up their lives to protect you and our country! You should live on their work or everything they lost will be in vain!” Mervin shouted.
Sean never thought of that before. He closed his eyes and thought it over, after a few seconds he opened his eyes, then looked at Mervin and smiled.
“Your right...I should go...But...There is on last problem.”
Sean looked down and took his bag; he opened it and showed it to Mervin.
Mervin looked at his bag as he showed it. She saw nothing but Sean’s most prized necklace, that his father given him. She then looked up to Sean and smiled.
“You silly boy! Did you forget? My Dad owns the equipment shop Felonry remember?” Mervin giggled
After that she grabbed Sean’s hand and pulled him down. Sean nearly fell off the rock, but he was quick enough to land on his feet. Mervin pulled his hand and started to dash out of the forest and into the town. Everyone looked at them as they both ran towards in the equipment shop. The door rang as they came in and a middle-aged man with long yellow hair, and clear blue eyes, he was carrying heavy boxes; he looked at them and greeted them.
“Good Morning!” The clerk said
Before they could answer back, they noticed a teenage boy just about the same age as Sean, looked around the shop. He doesn’t seem to buy anything, but it looks like he just first saw everything, just like a newborn baby. Mervin looked back at her father and smiled.
“Good Morning Dad! I have something to tell you! Seany here will go to Adlehyde Castle and serve the King! I bet his going to do missions about the Monster Crisis.”
Kael put down the load he was carrying and looked at Sean with a worried look.
“Are you sure Sean? Fighting with monsters is a dangerous job.”
“I’m sure Uncle Kael...I’m ready to fight monsters.” Sean smiled
Mervin was proud that Sean was brave enough to say that, without hesitation. Kael on the other hand scratched his head and sighed.
“Well...If you already have decided, then I wont stop you. Will give me your bag? I’ll stuff it with useful equipments, you will need for your journey.”
Sean took his bag and gave it to Kael. Kael took it and saw that Sean is still keeping the necklace he found laying next to Sean when he found him as a baby, 15 years ago. Kael smiled and took the amulet and held it up high.
“Sean do you still remember this amulet? I read about this amulet in the Battle Accessory Book. It said that whoever wears this necklace, will be guarded and protected by the Legendary Poke’ Mon Entei.”
Sean was shocked to hear about it. He always loved Entei, he also admires the great Poke’ Mon. Kael smiled and gave it to Sean. Sean shook his head and took the necklace and wore it. He stared at the necklace and knows now that the paw print logo on the necklace is Entei’s. He kept on saying Entei’s name over and over in his mind. Kael started to put items on his bag, while Mervin looked around the shop and noticed that the boy they saw earlier was gone. A minute later Kael handed Sean’s bag. Sean took his bag and opened it; he noticed that his bag was filled with potions, antidotes and some Poke’ Mon equipments like Poke Balls and healing items. Sean looked up to Kael and smiled.
“Thanks Uncle Kael...But I really don’t think I’ll need too many Poke Balls. I think I only need three. Since I don’t like catching and putting them in a tight spot.”
Kael chuckled and put his hands on his waists.
“Never mind Sean. I know you’re not like other trainers. I gave you those Poke’ Balls so that if any your allies need to capture more Poke’ Mon’s you’ll be able to give them those. Or maybe sell if you need money.”
Sean nodded and smiled.
“O.K. Uncle Kael I think I should be...”
Suddenly they heard a glass break right outside. Kael, Sean and Mervin rushed outside the door. They saw everyone running, women screaming and children crying. They look to the left of them they saw an Ogre with fortified armor and a very big sharp spiked club attacking the village. The guards started attacking and some men took any weapon they find and charged at the Ogre. While some trainers called out their Poke’ Mon’s to attack, but it was useless the Ogre just either kick them or stomp them flat. Most attacks didn’t deal any damage because of his armor and its deadly spiked club easily killed some men. Sean looked to his right and saw the boy earlier, crashed into the Bakery lying down unconscious.
“Mervin. I’ll go and heal the wounds of that guy. You’ll try to kill the Ogre. Its weak spot is the head!” Sean ran towards the boy who was lying down.
“Sean! I can’t take down that Ogre on my own!” Mervin shouted, but Sean didn’t listen. She growled and gone inside the shop and grabbed her bow.
Sean knelt down and saw that they boy had many deep wounds. It probably came from the glass and from the Ogre’s spiked club. He took his bag and opened it. He grabbed a red potion and poured it over the boy’s wounds. The boy slowly opened his eyes and coughed.
“Hey are you O.K. now?”
The boy put his hand on his head and looked at Sean.
“Oh…Wha? What happened?”
“You obviously had fought that Ogre and was thrown towards in this Bakery. Your lucky to be alive.”
“Oh…Right, right. I fought that Ogre because he was destroying the town.”
Sean smiled and helped the boy get up. He looked at the Ogre as Mervin was battling it.
“When I’m thru with you, I’m gonna kick your but and send you flying to sky high!” She boasted
Mervin took her pose in front of the Ogre. She pulled the string and let go when she was sure she had a good aim. The arrow flew straight until, the wind changed and instead for the head, the arrow went straight to its armor, the arrow broke. Mervin was shocked, her mouth was wide opened and a big sweat drop appeared on top of her head.
“What the?!”
Everyone was silent and stopped what they were doing and stared at Mervin. Kael sighed and covered his face with his hand, feeling ashamed for his daughter.
“Uhh…Do you know her?” The boy asked
“Yes…that’s pretty embarrassing…”Sean replied
The Ogre chuckled and tried to stomp Mervin. But she was quick enough to dodge his attack. Meanwhile Sean analyzed the situation and got a strategy to beat the monster. He looked at the boy.
“Hey lets team up to beat that monster. I have a plan…Mervin will distract the monster by taunting and teasing it. I’ll support by using my ability to use nature, while you attack when it can’t move. I call it strategy 245030.”
Peter agreed and nodded his head. But he was confused at the way he calls his strategy; he can’t help but ask Sean about the funny name.
“Uh…what’s with the numbers?” Peter tilted his head.
“I’ll tell you later c’mon!” Sean shouted and ran outside the Bakery.
“Mervin! We’ll do strategy 245030!” Sean yelled as he searched his bag for Green Seeds.
Mervin nodded and walked straight to the Ogre. She waved her arms hoping to get its attention.
“Hey Big Fat and Ugly! Over here! Try hitting me you dumb fat bozo!”
The Ogre got angry and flailed his spiked mace and attacked Mervin.
Mervin sidestepped and avoided the Ogre’s attack. She laughed and taunted the Ogre again.
“You can’t hit me with those big fat arms of yours!” Mervin boasted.
The Ogre growled angrily and held his mace up high and smashed it on the ground.
Mervin back-flipped and dodged the attack again. This time she was near the door of the Equipment Shop.
“Oh my I’m getting really sleeping with playing with a slow, unintelligent, smelly, ugly and big fat monster like you!”
The Ogre’s face got really red and was very angry; it held the mace up high, with its two hands and swung it towards Mervin.
Mervin ducked and evaded the attack.
But Kael screamed before it attacked and hid inside the store. After the devastating attack he saw that the roof was gone and most of the shop was destroyed. He stood up angrily and pointed at the Ogre.
“Hey I’ll expect you to clean up this mess fat guy!” Kael shouted.
The Ogre tried to stomp Kael, but Kael ran away, screaming and hide behind a rock.
Meanwhile Sean has finally found the seeds he needed and he threw them up high towards the Ogre’s feet. Sean closed his eyes and began to chant.
“Oh Blessed Goddess of Nature. Make these vines grow big and strong, to entangle my enemies and make them fall!”
The seeds sprouted and grew into long thick vines. Seconds later the vines grew bigger and bigger, it entangled the Ogre; although the Ogre tried attacking the vines to get free, but the vines kept on growing by the second.
Sean looked at Peter and nodded his head. The boy knew right away what to do, he dashed towards the Ogre and unsheathed his sword and attacked the Ogre by the lower limb where there was less armor. The Ogre grunted with pain and became violent, now it started to swing his spiked club around.
Now Sean looked at Mervin, who was ready to use a blue, sticky potion with a label, Sleeping Potion on it. Mervin threw it up high and the potion landed on the Ogre’s head. The glass broke and the Ogre started to feel drowsy. After awhile it feel asleep and dropped to the ground. The whole village saw what they done and cheered for them.
“All hail our heroes!” The villagers shouted.
Sean blushed and scratched his head as the villagers cheered, the boy put both his hands on his waists and had a hearty laugh and Mervin sighed and looked around the town, she saw wrecked houses and stores.
“Look at what that fat guy did to our town!” Mervin said in an angry voice.
“Yeah…. Its such a mess…we have to repair everything before I’ll leave…” Sean sighed.
Kael put his hand on Sean’s shoulder and patted him.
“Its not such a big mess…we can rebuild everything again easily. You should go to Shadlehyde Castle now.”
The whole village nodded their head and cheered again.
Sean almost forgot about the boy they met, he saw him near the Ogre and he went closer to him, Sean extended his arm and smiled.
“Hey I almost forgot to introduce myself. My name is Sean Luigi Sistoso, but you can call me Sean. The girl over there is Mervin Sinalist.” Sean pointed to the girl who was coming closer to them.
Mervin waved her hand and smiled. Sean turned his attention back to the boy.
“May I know what’s your name?”
The boy shook Sean’s hand and smiled.
“Oh…My name is Peter Magcaling…But you can call me by my codename Scarface.” Peter said as he scratched his head.
Sean smiled and chuckled.
“Nice to meet you Peter. So are you new here?”
Peter scratched his head again and looked up in the sky.
“Actually…I don’t remember anything…”
Sean was a bit confused at what Peter said; he tilted his head and crossed his arms.
“What do you mean?”
Mervin overheard their conversation and put her hand on her waist.
Peter sighed and looked at Mervin.
“I think so…the only thing I remembered is that, this sword was with me all the times and I woke up in the forest near that crystal clear lake.”
Mervin looked at Sean with an evil glance.
“Sean…your not practicing witch craft…are you?”
Sean was shocked at what Mervin said.
“Mervin! You know I hate Black Magic and or Witch Craft! And if your asking if I have any song’s or music that erases someone’s mind, then your wasting your breath.”
Everyone sighed and looked down, with a big sweat drop on top of their heads.
Suddenly, Knights appeared and were carrying a huge cage; it was big enough to put 2 Ogres in it. Sean looked at the Knight with Heavy and fortified armor. The Knight looked around and saw the Ogre down and asleep. He called to one of the villagers and talked to them. Sean didn’t know what they were talking about, but the villager suddenly pointed to them. The Knight looked at them and slowly walked closer. Mervin and Peter looked at the Knight, as he stood in front of them.
“Excuse me. Did the three of you really beat this foul beast?”
“Yes Mr. Knight sir. We did.” Sean answered nervously.
“Well, well isn’t that you Sean? You’ve have grown!” The Knight patted Sean’s head.
“Um…Have we met before?” Sean said he looked at the Knight trying to recognize his face.
“I wont blame you if you don’t recognized me. You were still about 2 years old when your father brought you to the castle. He scolded you when you tried to hold my sword.” The Knight had a hearty laugh.
Then the Knight coughed and cleared his throat.
“Well, lets get to business…me and my men had been searching for this Ogre…We will exterminate him tomorrow morning.”
“On what charges?” Mervin asked.
“He killed four women, six children, eight of my men and tried killing one of the sacred legendary Poke’ Mon, Entei.” The Knight said as he closed his eyes.
Sean was shocked at what he heard, not only did it took many human lives, but it also tried to kill his idol and favorite Poke’ Mon. He looked up at the Knight with a worried look.
“Tell me how’s Entei?”
“Don’t worry he only had a little scratch, luckily we were there and chased the Ogre away. We cured his wounds and let him go.” The Knight said.
Sean gave out a sigh of relief and put his hand on his chest.
“Well…anyway there is a reward money for the capture of this monstrosity. Here take this” The Knight got a purse from his belt and gave it to Sean.
Sean took the purse and opened it; he saw lots of jewels and gold, he looked at Peter then to Mervin, and finally back to the Knight.
“Wow thanks!” Sean smiled
“No…thank you for giving us an easy job.” The Knight chuckled.
After that the Knight whistled and the other soldiers carried the Ogre into the cage, even though they just threw it inside the cage the Ogre didn’t wake up. Sean was surprised to see how deep its sleep is.
“Wow Mervin…that’s one strong potion”
“You know my Dad sells the best and effective items.” Mervin smiled as she looked at Sean.
It was late in the afternoon when the Knights took the Ogre and left. Sean looked at Mervin and sighed.
“Oh well Mervin…I think this is were I have to go now.”
Mervin smiled and looked at the sky.
“You better take Peter with you. Both of you should try buying a potion or a spell to cure Peter’s amnesia…But…why don’t both of you go tomorrow early morning?” Mervin put her hands on her waists.
Sean shook his head and looked at Mervin again.
“No…I have to go and look at Entei…I want to know if he is really O.K.”
Mervin gave out a big sigh and closed her eyes.
“Your always such a softy when it comes to animals and Poke’ Mon’s aren’t you? Well, if that’s what you want then I wont stop you…but you should be careful because there are more monsters roaming around in the night than there are on the day.”
Sean nodded and looked at Peter. A soft breeze blew through his hair as he thinks on how will they overcome every obstacle on their own.
“I wonder if we will be alive if we are ever given a mission by the King of Adlehyde…but I think he called other people as well…so I shouldn’t worry.” Sean thought.
Mervin put her hand on Sean’s shoulder.
“What’s wrong? You shouldn’t worry, both of you will be O.K!” She chuckled.
Peter sighed and looked at the sky, as the sun went down.
“We should go now…it’s getting late.”
Sean nodded and looked at Mervin.
“Mervin…Protect our hometown O.K? You should protect yourself too…When I come back I hope to see you again safe.” Sean smiled.
Mervin blushed and looked down. Sean started to walk towards Peter, and then Peter smiled and started to tease Sean. Mervin looked at Sean and saw them slowly disappear in the forest, and then she looked up in the sky and smiled.
Don’t worry Sean…I promise…I’ll be waiting for you…
Mervin thought to herself and go back to their shop.
An hour later, Sean and Peter were lost in the forest. Sean was getting worried as they kept walking. He held his guitar close. Peter on the other hand acted like nothing happened and kept walking forward. Sean poked Peter’s back.
“Hey, Peter? Do you even know where we are going?” Sean asked in a worried voice.
Peter looked behind him and turned around him.
“What? I thought you were the one who’s leading the way…”
“How could I be leading when you’re in front of me?” Sean sighed.
“Oh…I thought it’s included with your strategy to keep me in front…” Peter said as he looked up in the sky.
Sean’s mouth was wide opened and a big sweat drop came out at the back of his head.
“You mean we have been lost ever since we entered this forest?!”
“I guess so! Wow! I never got lost before! This is so exciting!” Peter laughed.
Sean fell down and turned pale. Then he stood up quickly and fixed his clothes. He went up to Peter and gave him an evil look, then started to walk ahead and lead the way.
Peter followed Sean and was still smiling even though they were lost. Peter started to hum happily as he followed Sean.
“We are lost in the forest! Yes we are! We are going to live, or die so far! Oh yeah! We are lost in the forest filled with um…Jaguars!”
Sean had enough and looked at Peter. He was angry for letting Peter lead the way, and now Peter is making him feel uneasy because of the song he just made.
“Would you please…Keep Quiet?”
Suddenly they heard something rustle behind the bushes. Sean and Peter looked to their right and they saw the bush moving. Sean and Peter got out their weapon and were ready to retaliate. Then a little creature appeared, it had brown fur and a red mask, and Sean knew what it was. It was a Baby Entei. Sean put back his weapon and smiled, he walked towards it, and he knelt down and gently stroked the cub’s head.
“Hey there cute one. You gave us quite a scare”
The baby Entei purred and moved closer to Sean, as he stroked its head.
Suddenly, Peter saw something else move in the forest and it sounds like a big one. He looked around and looked at Sean, H tried to call Sean, but as soon as he opened his mouth the creature appeared in front of him as it looked down at Sean.
“How dare you touch my son?”
Sean heard a big voice behind him. He turned around and saw another Entei, but this time it was bigger and angrier. Sean’s mouth was wide open as he stared at the large beast. He felt both scared and admiration to really see Entei up close and personal.
Entei growled as he saw Sean’s face, he looked down and saw that his son was wondering about near Sean.
“This is my territory and I let you humans go by unharmed, but when you try and capture my son…I wont let you leave here alive!”
Peter crouched and jumped towards Entei, he held his blade and was ready to stab him from behind. Entei sensed him move and try to attack. He lifted his right hind leg and kicked Peter with little force. Peter got thrown away and landed back first on a tree. He coughed and was unconscious.
Sean saw how strong Entei is, and was amazed at his strength. Entei turned his attention back to Sean, he saw that Sean wasn’t moving and he can see it on his eyes that he was shocked to see his power. Entei growled again and raised his paw, to stomp him flat.
Sean knew he wouldn’t survive if Entei will stomp him, but he couldn’t move his legs and body. He covered his face and leaned a bit as he closed his eyes, knowing that this will be his end.
Entei was about to attack, but he saw something on Sean’s chest, He stops his paw, as it was about to hit Sean’s body. Entei slowly put down his paw gently pressing Sean’s body to the ground; and took a closer look on the necklace that Sean wore. He recognized the necklace and he stared at Sean.
[/i]Is this really the boy I’ve been looking forEntei thought to himself.
“Tell me were did you get this?” Entei pressed hard on Sean’s body.
Sean grunted with pain and looked at Entei.
“Wh, what? Y, you mean this necklace?
Entei pressed harder on Sean’s body, to squeeze out the answer he wants.
“Yes! Tell me!” Entei shouted.
Sean can barely breathe now and he had trouble talking.
“I…it w…w…was f…foun…found…ded b…be…beside me w…w…when m…my p…p…pa…parents f…f…founded me…” Sean coughed
Entei released him and sat down, in front of him. Sean coughed and rolled over to his side, the baby Entei saw how his father treated his new friend. He came closer to Sean and gently licked his face, hoping that he is all right.
Entei sighed and looked down at Sean.
“So…you are the one I’ve been looking for all these years…”
Sean slowly got up and looked up at Entei with a confused look. He didn’t know what Entei was talking about, nor he didn’t know that Entei was looking for him. But he thought it over, he didn’t have anything that would interest Entei or he did something to let Entei look for him. He coughed again, put his hand on top of his head and shook head.
“What do you mean?”
Entei sighed and looked at him with tears coming out of his eyes. Sean doesn’t know what’s happening, but he can feel that Entei was very happy in some sort of way. Entei gently nuzzled Sean on the side of his neck and then gently licked his forehead. Entei took a deep breath to get Sean’s scent and lay down in front of him.
“I was suppose to take care of you, but it was better if you were with humans…Your chance of survival is very high at that time…Finally for all these years…Your in my care…My beloved grandson…” Entei said in a sad tone.
Sean was dumbfounded to what he heard. He doesn’t know what Entei was talking about.
How am I his grandson? I’m not a Poke’ Mon…and that’s pretty impossible for me to look like this if I had Entei’s blood…But then again…anything is possible…Still I shouldn’t jump to conclusions. Sean thought to himself.
“Um…Mr. Entei sir? I don’t understand…”
Entei smiled and licked Sean’s face; he put his left paw behind Sean’s back and pulled him closer to him.
“Please…call me Dad or maybe Daddy Entei…It’s been a long time ever since someone call me that…” Entei chuckled and rested his head on Sean’s head.
Sean closed his eyes as Entei gently licked him. Then when he opened his eyes again he noticed that he was closer to Entei. He rested his head on Entei’s chest and hugged him. He never felt a father’s love, even when he was a baby, but now he felt safe, loved and right at home. He always wanted this feeling and now he finally had it.
Entei sighed and hugged Sean tightly; then he gently stroked Sean’s head with his left paw.
“My grandson…this is the real story… First of all your real name …Its really Gabrieal Enfreet…”
Sean opened his eye and rubbed his cheek on Entei’s chest, but then he was shocked when he knew his name isn’t Sean. His whole world became dark, but he realizes that his last name was Enfreet; it was very familiar to him.
Wait…Enfreet? I know someone with that family name…now I remember…it was Sean Luigi Enfreet…one of the caretakers, uncle Kael told me about them. Gabrieal thought
Gabrieal looked up to Entei and asked him in a sad tone.
“Daddy Entei? The name Enfreet…you mean like Sean Luigi Enfreet, the leader of the Caretakers?”
Entei looked down on Sean gently nuzzled him with care.
“Yes…your real father and mother are Sean Luigi Enfreet and Lorili Cherish Aquasea.”
Gabrieal eyes widen and his mouth opened, when he heard about his real parents. He heard stories about a child of the Caretakers who will be the next hero, he didn’t know that he was that child was him. He was stunned to think about it.
Entei chuckled and gently blew on his face to let Gabrieal blink.
“Hey…are you still with me?”
Gabrieal shook his head from left to right and looked up at Entei; his face turning red.
“Oh Sorry Daddy Entei…”
Entei stared at Gabrieal and remembered Sean Luigi Enfreet, Gabrieal and Sean both have similar face and eyes, although Sean has red colored eyes, while Gabrieal has brown. Many people would ask; why does their child have brown eyes while his or her parents both have red eyes? But Entei knows better, Gabrieal hasn’t been acknowledged as a Caretaker, plus he was still to young to perform the test of the Caretaker hood.
Gabrieal looked at Entei and saw that he was not himself, and was thinking about something. Gabrieal gently stroked Entei’s neck and smiled. Entei closed his eyes as Gabrieal stroked his neck. Entei purred like a kitten and he started to lick Gabrieal across the face. He opened his eyes and looked at Gabrieal kindly.
“You wouldn’t mind if I groom you, right?” Entei gently whispered on Gabrieal’s ear in a very soft fatherly voice.
Gabrieal turned red and closed his eyes as Entei licked him. He felt love and comfort from Entei; he really loved it, Entei’s attention and fatherly love, he couldn’t ask for more. Gabrieal then heard Entei whisper to him gently.
“Sure Daddy Entei…” Gabrieal said as he yawned.
Entei chuckled and gently nuzzled Gabrieal.
“Awww…is my son sleepy? Go to sleep my beloved son…I’ll wake you up early tomorrow morning…” Entei said as he started grooming Sean’s face.
Sean slowly closed his eyes as Entei’s wet tongue gently touched his face. After a few strokes, Gabrieal was fast asleep. The baby Entei looked to his left and saw that Peter wasn’t moving. He went towards Peter, curious whether if his alive or dead. He sat on his hunches a he was beside Peter; he tilted his head and saw Peter’s mouth was a bit open. It stood up on his hind legs and tries to take a better look, suddenly Peter snored loudly and the baby Entei ran towards Sean and Entei surprised. It jumps on Sean and landed on his chest, shaking with fear. Entei laughed as he saw his other son ran with fear, and then he continued to groom Gabrieal.
Gabrieal unconsciously hugged the baby Entei and held him close to his chin. It looked at Gabrieal a he slept peacefully while his father was grooming him. It smiled and gave Gabrieal a little lick on his neck, as he slowly rested his head on Gabrieal’s neck, and went to sleep. Entei saw how Gabrieal and his son care for each other, he smiled and decided to let his son go with Gabrieal.
“Enseer…Gabrieal…my two of my most prized treasures…they are safer when both of them are together, rather than staying with me…”Entei thought to himself.
After Entei finished grooming Gabrieal, he looked up on the sky and sighed. He knows he would have to leave Gabrieal again, and this time, along with his son Enseer. But he never let the thought of making a sacrifice get him down, he knows that one day he will be together with all the ones whom he love. After that Entei yawned and gently put his head on top of Enseer’s back and went to sleep.
Next morning everyone was up and ready to go. Peter kept on looking around like nothing happened, while Gabrieal was almost done grooming Entei and Enseer with the use of a hairbrush he made. Entei looked at Peter as he looked around the forest, then he turned his attention back at Gabrieal.
“Son? Does your friend remember what happened last night? I did a sharp blow to his chest, an all he said, that it must be muscle pain.”
Gabrieal chuckled and looked at Entei.
“Don’t mind him…he really is like that…Well…that’s what I know, since he had an amnesia…I guess it got worse when you hit him…”
Entei looked down and felt sorry for Peter. Gabrieal smiled and gently put his hand on Entei’s paw.
“You know, I envy him…He got an autograph from you, saying love from Entei…” Gabrieal chuckled.
Entei looked at Gabrieal and chuckled. He playfully bit Gabrieal’s neck and using his right paw, pin Gabrieal down on the ground.
“Hey…at least I groomed you…No autograph can beat, showing how much you love your son.”
Gabrieal chuckled and looked up on Enseer as he started licking his face.
“Stop your tickling me!” Gabrieal chuckled as Enseer playfully bite Gabrieal’s ear and lick his face.
Entei had hearty laugh as he kept Gabrieal pinned down to let Enseer have his fun with him.
“That’s right Enseer…Torture your prey before eating him.” Entei chuckled.
Enseer nodded and sat in front of him and lie down, he kept on licking Gabrieal trying to find his ticklish spot. Gabrieal tried to move but since Entei’s paw is on top of the back of his neck, he can only move his head. Not long after that Enseer gently licked the side of his neck. Gabrieal noticed that he was laughing louder; he saw that Enseer found his weak spot.
Entei just looked at Sean as he suffers from Enseer. He remembered the times when he was with Sean Luigi Enfreet. He always wants to torture him by tickling him continuously, until he says the word mercy. But sometimes he overdoes it and may let Sean pee on his pants. Entei smiled when Gabrieal laughed louder, he knew that Enseer has found Gabrieal’s weak spot, he then lifted his paw a bit and pushed Gabrieal, so that he will roll over, then put his paw over his chest pinning him, and now Enseer wouldn’t have a problem letting him beg for mercy.
“There…now Enseer, don’t stop until he asks for your mercy, and then that’s were you do your finishing touch, so that you can eat him in peace.” Entei chuckled.
Enseer nodded, put his paw and pushed Gabrieal’s head, now Gabrieal’s neck was very vulnerable and he can’t do anything. He kept on kicking as Enseer tickled him, but that didn’t help one bit. Entei couldn’t resist but join and started playfully biting Gabrieal’s ear.
Gabrieal’s eyes started to have tears, he laughed louder and he can barely breathe from laughing. He had no other choice to ask for mercy, or else he will pee on his pants.
“Mercy please! I c…can’t take it anymore! Please spare me! Please!” Gabrieal begged as he laughed.
Entei chuckled and stopped, he slowly lifted his paw and putting it near Sean’s face, gently rubbing it on the side of Sean’s face, then he looked down at Enseer and nuzzles him gently.
“C’mon son. We don’t want your older brother Gabrieal to pee on his pants.”
Enseer nodded and rested his muzzle on Gabrieal’s head. He was always a shy and timid Entei; he rarely goes near anyone or anything, aside from his father, but now he feels very safe and calm with Gabrieal, even though they just got to know each other.
Gabrieal sighed and gently carry Enseer as he slowly sat up, then he put Enseer on his lap and stroked his head. Enseer purred as he lifted his head to feel Gabrieal’s hand touching his head.
Peter walked towards Gabrieal and smiled, as he looked at Gabrieal stroke Enseer head. He knelt down and sighed.
“Hey Sean, where are gonna go again?”
Gabrieal remembered about the real reason why he had gone out of his town. He looked up on Entei and put his hand Enseer’s back.
“Dad I remembered that I have to go to Shadlehyde Castle. I received a letter from the King, that I have to help with the crisis that’s happening today.”
Entei closed his eyes and sighed, and then he looked back to Gabrieal, with a worried look.
“O.K. then, take Enseer with you…you will need his help. The bond of two different creatures is the strongest weapon, on this planet…Oh before I forget…you should use your name Sean Luigi for the mean time…if any of the enemy demons knew that Gabrieal Enfreet is alive…They would come for you, and try killing the ones you hold very dear…Understand my son?”
Gabrieal nodded and got up; he gently put Enseer on the ground and kissed Entei on the forehead and on his right paw. He started to walk with Peter and Enseer, but he decided to take one last look on his father before leaving him. He saw that Entei was looking at them as they slowly walk away. Gabrieal’s felt pain when he had to leave Entei behind, for his safety. But he knows he will meet up with him again.
When Entei was sure they were far away, he ran towards on top of the cliff and looked down, to see Gabrieal slowly fading in the forest. Entei looked up on the sky and closed his eyes.
Be careful my most beloved sons…I cant be seen with you, but I will follow you, to lead both of you to the right way… Entei thought to himself.
Entei then opened his eyes and saw Sean Luigi Enfreet beside him. Sean smiled and rested his head on Entei’s shoulder.
“Sean? What are you doing here my son?”
Sean smiled and looked at Entei, gently stroking his head.
“I’m just watching over Gabrieal and you Dad…”
Entei sighed and looked over the horizon.
“You don’t have to worry about me, my beloved son…”
Entei paused for a while then looked at Sean.
“…Gabrieal is still not ready…”
“I can wait Dad…Just please be careful O.K.?”
Entei chuckled and closed his eyes.
“You already know me…you don’t have to wait for to long my son…its almost time…”
Sean smiled and hugged Entei as he slowly disappeared. Entei sighed and jumped over the cliff and disappear into the forest following Gabrieal…
--------------End of Chapter 1------------------
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