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The trophy request shop of Booma Bomb!

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booma bomb

So hello. This is my trophy request shop. Do you by any chance require something to brighten up your signature? Well what better than a shiny trophy of your favourite pokemon! It's very simple really. all you need to do is ask me to make a trophy (keep it within the size of the Pokemon on the games) and you'll get it. But remember, give credit. I don't like theifs, they tick me off BIG TIME! Sound easy? It is. No really, it is. All you have to do is type in whatever the hell you want, and I'll PM it to you. Ok, I'm kinda going off the point here, so...
Request, I'll make, you get!
Easy. Very damn easy. Sooooooo easy. Cool.
Well here is one I made earlier:

Well, request away. Plz.
Also requestable: Different colour sapphire base thingies!
Can do Trainers (but crap at it, you've been warned)!
And small parts with different colours e.g. red eyes!
That is really it.

booma bomb

Roy_the_Rukario said:
do you do 4th gen? if you do then can i get a trophy of....guess who. (points to name)
Oh, I'd be happy to! It'll be coming right away!


You know in your examples how you made all those haunter? Well can you do that but make a army of charizard instead? Thanks! ^____^

booma bomb

chary888 said:
You know in your examples how you made all those haunter? Well can you do that but make a army of charizard instead? Thanks! ^____^
Do you want them in trophy form or something? Those Haunter aren't in my examples, they're in a link in my sig (still my sprites like).
Take note that only 1 trophy is adoptable per day.
Oh, and read the title... This is a TROPHY request shop, not a request shop for my sprites of mixes etc.

booma bomb

Okay to both of you. Thanks for asking!
any more requests?
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Mud the Ivysaur

Hi there. Could I have a Ivysaur trophy withlight purple eyes please.


God of Fusions
Could you please do a UNANIMATED TROPHY of the "mew-x" in my signiture?

Arcanine Apocolipse

Hi! Can I have an Arcanine trophy, please?


Mew Master

jiggillypuff trophey please with blue eyes

booma bomb

Yes to both of you~!
Oh, and be on the lookout, after 20 trophies have been made I'm taking a 6 day break. Sorry!
I'm still open for requests, though. For now.
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Night Avenger

Rust In Peace
Hello may I have a Masterball trophy? Oh, and with a pedestal that says:
For Having Completed the Jaken League
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