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The true way on how to get Mew.

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Active Member
I know, I know. You can't get Mew, you can only get the cute little pokemon that can learn any attack through sponsered events or through gameshark.
I have found a way though, I might add though I am in the process of trying to find it so I can share it all with you.
I was looking around for codes/cheats without needing a gameshark (just for the fun of it) and I came across a title saying 'The true way of getting Mew' I read it through, and I thought. Why not? So I did and surprisingly it worked. The mew was level 5 and extremely easy to catch, I then transferred it to my Crystal version & now have a level 17 Mew that knows Pound and Transform.
I later read that it's a glitch, so try it at your OWN RISK!!
I assure you if you do it right, you will get a level 5 Mew.


Active Member

"This is a glitch. Mew has not been meant to be obtained in this manner, so if you use this trick, proceed at your own risk."

"Do not fight the gambler facing the house in between Lavender Town and Saffron City. Go to the door of the house and save your game. (You cannot save your game once you have started this or else it will undo the glitch that will give you Mew.) Step towards the gambler and immediatly press start. If done correctly you will bring up the start menu before the gambler sees you. Go to your flying pokemon and fly to Cerulean City. The gambler will then see you but you will fly away. (Your Start, A, and B buttons will not work during this point.) Walk up Nugget Bridge and then go to the 5th trainer after Nugget Bridge. (He will be facing up.) He is a youngster with a slowpoke. Defeat his slowpoke, and then your Start, A, and B buttons will function again. Fly back to Lavender Town and walk towards Saffron City. Your menu should pop up by itself. Hit B to exit it, and then you will enter a battle with a Mew, where you can try to capture it."


Active Member
I would like to thank Mike, because I have read multiple sites where you has typed up on how to get Mew. I appreciate that since there A LOT of people convinced that you cannot get Mew.


Active Member
If your still having troubles, I suggest you to look around google yourself and find something along those lines.
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