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The twisting game!

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Adam and the Ants
Hello, in this game what you have to do is twist the words around of the Prevoius Poster (PP) as long as it makes sence and it is apropriate for example, this is allowed:

1st poster: I really like cheese, it is a delightful snack
2nd poster:I think cheese is the best meal in the world
3rd poster: I would die if i didnt have cheese
4th: I want to die
5th: Everyday i want to slit my wrists
6th: I wish i wasnt alive anymore!

This isnt allowed:
1st:I really like cheese, it is a delightful snack
2nd: I hate Cheese!
The above one doesnt work because you are changing the PP's words around compleatly and you are not sticking with the subject.

So have fun!

(my scentence)

My favourite pokemon are Celebi, Mew and Riouru!


i said plain cheese!
I Like Pokemon So No Death Will Occur For Me Or Any other Fan.

Is That Right?


Adam and the Ants
holly is Celebi's Nickname


Adam and the Ants
Our leader lives in the grasses of Ilexi Forest


Adam and the Ants
Farfetched lives in all forests


Adam and the Ants
BUg pokemon host parties in forests
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