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The Unreal Card Tournament



This is my first comic so please rate and give feedback so i can inproove my comic, If you stumble on a Typo (Type Error) please PM it to me so it can be fixed directly.

Test Comic 1 [Yup the first 3 pannels are saved wrong on purpose]
Test Comic 2 [That's right a Background test! Note: this has nothing to do with the storyline!]

Comic001 - The Duelists Part1. [Problems reading the txt? read above!]
Comic002 - The Duelists Part2. [Problems fixed...Enjoy]
Comic003 - Evil has arrived! [Roboffet by Blueray, used without asking, please don't sue me!]
Comic004 - a Growing Collection. [Sprite Sprite ^_^ from google]
Comic005 - Inpossible Teamwork? [Hey look its Neopolis and the silent guy driving Formula cars...i don't think they have an licence to do that do they?]
Comic006 - No more Comics! [Nightmares based on posts in the Unreal Card Tournament topic on The Sprite Comics]
Comic007 - Evil at its peak. NEW! [This is sooooo wrong!]

Special1 - 50 Posts. NEW! [StarTrek and StarWars Ship sprites from google]

Fan Stuff

Excuses and Complaints
Last edited by a moderator:


Trinx said:
Hmm, not bad, however, I would put some action when the duel pokemon:)P) get destroyed, like for example maybe a thundershock looking thingymajigger? o_O.

That's one thing i had planned already.


Silver Ryu

~Aqua Dragon~
XD dueling with Pokemon! Make more, these are funny!


45 Views and 3 posts...Ok im going to start the comic and ofcource it has a storyline :D



~*!Mystical Chaos!*~
not bad, cant wait for the next part

Waterfall Gym

This is a pretty inspired comic from what has been shown. It took me a bit to figure out your format, which honestly is something I've never seen.

But hey, at least you didn't do it manga style.


as long as sonic is in this comic i will not let this comic die.


Sorry for not updating but because of a sickness i was not able to update or even make the comic but i am close to recovering fully and starting to make the comic.



Battle Pyramid Champion
Hmm, this could be fun :p But how can you summon monsters with 2000+ ATK without tributes?


neopolis3 said:
Hmm, this could be fun :p But how can you summon monsters with 2000+ ATK without tributes?

Its a random test don't worry about it i know the rules perfectly fine ^_^


Battle Pyramid Champion
Lol, Mr. Game and Watch is a duelist. Absol fits him, black and white... And Alladin and Aipom, lol!

Deoxys Trainer

Nice comic! And don't worry, you'll have a spot on my show! :D


Deoxys Trainer

Ooh! A striped Charizard........ *drools*

Can I have a spot on here? My fav is Tyranitar and Deoxys....



Wario = PWN
Nice comic!
I mean this kicks big Butt!
Was the code that mr.game and watch the exact quote from fgamily guy?