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The Wacky Watcher! (111)


And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member
The Wacky Watcher!

On Rhind Island, Tracey meets Dr. Quackenpoker...a noted Pokémon Watcher who is doing a study on the Magikarp that climb up Waterfalls and how they evolve into Gyarados. However Team Rocket Appear to steal the Magikarp and get them to evolve...can they be stopped?

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Team Awesome
Dr. Quackenpoker! If ever there was a greater one-time guest character, I can't think of any offhand. This Groucho Marx lookalike was just a fountain of great one-liners. I love that Tracey got to play a major role in the episode too.


I think that doctor was funny and it was an overall good episode.
Dr. Quackenpoker is rivaling the Trick Master for the funniest one-time character(with Prof. Westwood close behind).^_^ I also liked that Tracey played the main role today; as I'm a Tracey fan...reminds me of myself with all those drawings in his sketchbook! The Magikarp were cute(admit it; they were kawaii!); and the Gyarados were just plain cool! Overall; 9/10 for an awesome filler!

The Big Al

I just keeping Octo
It true they made him the most unusual character in the Orange Islands. At least he didn't scare the crap out of me like the trick master. (I swear, that dude's on something heavy.)


Team Awesome
Pika Hikari KT said:
Dr. Quackenpoker is rivaling the Trick Master for the funniest one-time character(with Prof. Westwood close behind).^_^ I also liked that Tracey played the main role today; as I'm a Tracey fan...reminds me of myself with all those drawings in his sketchbook! The Magikarp were cute(admit it; they were kawaii!); and the Gyarados were just plain cool! Overall; 9/10 for an awesome filler!

*slaps forehead* OMG, I forgot about Professor Westwood! Shows how much I've gotten the chance to watch "The Evolution Solution". :p You're right, he's one of the funniest characters too. :D


to tell the truth this episode would have bean completly boring if it wasn't for Dr.Quackenpoker.


I didn't like this episode one little bit >.< It was very boring to me.


I didn't enjoy this episode much, it was rather boring, nothing much in it...and Dr. Quackenpoker was a weird person IMO...


Well-Known Member
Quackenpoker: "Just what I was looking for. Non-union labor."

Quackenpoker: "One for you, one for you, one for you, and one for 'chu."

Tracey: "I see. It's a machine that records the number of Magikarp as they pass by."
Quackenpoker: "It does much more than that! It measures and analyzes thirty-two factors, including fin length, bone structure, muscle density, not to mention size/weight ratios and oxygen efficiency quotients."
Ash: "Size/weight ratios and oxygen efficiency quotients?"
Quackenpoker: "I asked you not to mention those, didn't I?"

Quackenpoker: "Everything takes time, Magikarp. Took me three years to grow this moustache."


Well-Known Member
a really funny epi. The Watcher was funny and all the Magikarp evolving was kool. 8/10 for being a good epi


Well-Known Member
Very Nice episode nice to see that Pokemon exhibt some of the traits that actual fish have. I also like how Quackenpoker is based off of Groucho Marx.
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LOL, Dr. Quackenpoker is funny, but it was cool to see the life of a Magikarp


Well-Known Member
This episode still stands up today as a excellent filler, Dr. Quackenpoker is funny, and we get to see a beautiful evolution of Gyarados from Magikarp.


Active Member
"SAY, now that the plot's come to a screeching halt, why don't I take a look at your sketchbook?"
"Oh, sure, go ahead!"
"Ahh, excellent! I see a great future ahead of you, young man!"
"Do...do you really think so?"
"Well, you certainly don't have a future behind you."

I never expected a combination as incongruous as Pokémon and Groucho Marx! The characters of the day are usually so forgettable and mostly indistinguishable from each other, and Quackenpoker was so vibrant and quirky. I'm curious to see what Pokemopolis says about it...hmm, the site's not working...oh well, very quick sophisticated jokes really make this episode stand out! It's great to see a one-off character that's so unusual. Very fun episode :)


kiss my greens
"SAY, now that the plot's come to a screeching halt, why don't I take a look at your sketchbook?"
"Oh, sure, go ahead!"
"Ahh, excellent! I see a great future ahead of you, young man!"
"Do...do you really think so?"
"Well, you certainly don't have a future behind you."

That is awesome!

Rather a forgettable episode for me. The only reason the name "Dr. Quackenpoker" rings a bell is cuz he made a recent cameo in a fic I'm reading :p