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The water warrior


*The Water Warrior*
(( first attempt, stayed up late last night writing it, hope it's not complete crap;444; ))

Chapter One: A corsola connection

Christopher sat anxiously in front of a small black computer monitor, green eyes locked on the screen. The excited twelve year old pushed his small blue rimmed glasses higher on the bridge of his nose. He had been patiently awaiting the download to finish.

Ninety eight, ninety nine, one hundred percent, “it’s finally finished." He was referring to the upgrades he had been downloading to his Navtec device. Dextec was a wonderful program that acted just like the pokedex item new trainers received before starting their journeys. Christopher unhooked the gray USB cord, and flipped open the pearly white handheld device. It featured two touch screens, e-mail compatibility, radio, and was able to download many programs from the featured website. He touched the newly added poke ball icon, and it indeed brought up the newly added software. There was just one slight problem; he had no pokemon to scan. The twelve year old had yet to receive a pokemon.

That was all about to change, for his older sister was out at this very second, capturing him a pokemon. He had longed to start his own pokemon journey ever since he watched his sister in the Johto league finals five years ago. She was a great trainer in her own right, only retiring to take care of Christopher. His parents had gone missing when he was eight years old. After two years of no leads, the police ruled it as a cold case. Christopher sat up on many restless nights wondering if his parents were still alive, if they still cared about him. He kept hope alive that he would one day meet back with his mother and father.

Christopher began wondering what type of pokemon his sister would bring him. Maybe a feisty Growlithe, or a fluffy Marreep, or even a tough Machop. Whatever pokemon he received he knew he would be happy. His sister favored water types, so most likely he’ll receive a pokemon that falls under that category.

Christopher heard the distinct sound of the old oak door open, and then close immediately after. He knew this must be his older sister returning with his pokemon. It felt like butterflies were flying around in his stomach, as his nerves began to get the best of him.

Just then he heard a soft voice call out from the other end of their small, two bedroom home. “Christopher, I’m home.” “Would you mind coming in the kitchen? I have something for you.”

“Just a minute, I need to get dressed.” He said as he glanced down at his baggy lounge pants. He slid on the hardwood floors, coming to an abrupt stop in front of his open closet door. He snatched a dark green hooded sweatshirt and pulled it over his slender frame, as well as a pair of khaki cargo shorts that were resting on the end of his unmade twin sized bed. Messy jet black hair was quickly covered by a navy blue cadet hair that bore a Starmie pin as he rushed out of his bedroom door.

He made his way down the long, narrow hallway, line with family portraits as well as a stand alone of his mother with her very first pokemon, which happened to be a Squirtle. It seemed that the family specialty was indeed water types. He quickly entered the large open dining room, and immediately it caught his eye. There sat a red and white sphere, in plain view. This had to be it. This was indefinitely his first pokemon. Once more he had the utter feeling of butterflies flying freely in his stomach.

“Well don’t just stand there, go on check it out.” said a woman in her mid twenties. She wiped her flour stained hands on her apron, as she directed him with her piercing blue eyes towards the small poke ball. She was what most young men would think of as attractive, yet she never let it get to her head.

Christopher stared at his older sister for a minute as she stood next to the stove. This was a rare sight indeed, for his sister usually left all the cooking to the microwave, and he had the memories of bitter soups and stiff fish sticks to prove it. He shook the thought out of his head and once more focused on the poke ball.

“So…is this…for….me?” he began as he took a seat in the small wooden chair directly across from the poke ball.

“Yep it’s all yours, caught it this morning just for you.” She pulled the apron off, revealing a periwinkle colored sun dress, and took the seat nearest her younger brother at the small table meant for two. “Now go on, check it out already, or I might just keep it for myself.” She let out a small chuckle before placing the small sphere into her brother’s hand.

Christopher accepted the sphere, and attempted to release the inhabitant, but nothing happened. “What the deuce.” He immediately tossed the poke ball into the air and was surprised to see a silhouette of white light materialize from the ball. He knew immediately upon release what type of pokemon this was. It was a small, pink, coral shaped pokemon with a whit underbelly scattered in a unique pattern.

“Cors, corsa, Cor so la…” the small pokemon began.

Christopher reached into his back pocket, pulling out the small Navtec device. His hands were shaking out of excitement as he scanned his new pokemon.

“Corsola, the coral pokemon. The points on its head absorb nutrients from clean water; they cannot survive in polluted waters. If one of its branches falls off, it will grow back over night.” Said the small device.

Christopher knew his sister would come through for him never letting him down in the past. He turned towards his sister and smiled a toothy smile. “Thank you so much, I love you Lillian.”

He knelt on one knee and looked into the eyes of the excited pokemon. “Hi there, I’m Christopher, and I guess I’m your new trainer.”

The small pokemon let out a cry of happiness before jumping into his arms. “Corsa, Cor so la.” It began as if singing.

He once more offered praise towards his older sister, “I really don’t know what to say.”

She smiled, “Just say you’ll take care of Corsola, and you’ll treat her with love and respect.”

“Oh you just wait, were going to win so many battles together.” He smiled towards his new pal before returning her into the poke ball. The same white light that released her immediately sucked the pokemon into the small sphere. “I wonder what it’s like in there.” He thought to himself before placing the ball on the wooden table.

“Well I guess it’s time I get going. Violet City is a good ways away.” He grabbed his small tan messenger bag and threw it over his right shoulder, attaching his poke ball to the strap. He grabbed his blue and white moccasins off the small welcome mat in front of the large front door before returning to the kitchen.

“Well you better head to the poke mart before leaving town, and I packed you enough food for a day or so, oh and one more thing.” She reached into a small drawer next to the stove and pulled out a white envelope, as well as oddly colored poke ball. It was blue with two red circles on the top and white on the bottom. “This is enough money to last you a week or so, and this is something special to me.” She was referring to the lure ball that occupied her right hand. “Mom gave this to me before she went missing, and I know you’ll use it well.” She handed the items towards her younger brother and immediately began to tear up. “I’m going to miss you, you better e-mail me, and I know you’ll make it to the Johto league.”

Christopher embraced his sister in a brief hug before stuffing both the envelope and lure ball into his bag. He waved once more to his sister and walked the short distance to the oak door. He pushed the heavy door open and exited into the bright and sunny atmosphere of Cherrygrove City. He glanced once more towards the home he knew for twelve years, it was time for him to make a name for himself. He knew he would do big things, no longer was he just Christopher McKinnon from Cherrygrove city, he was Christopher McKinnon, pokemon trainer.

He walked down the dusty dirt road towards the large blue skyscraper on the other side of town. It was about a fifteen minute walk from his house to the poke mart. He was yearning for some company, and took this opportunity to release Corsola. He tossed the poke ball into the air and out cam Corsola in a fulmination of bright white light.

“Cor so Cor so la.” The young pokemon said as she skipped next to her tall trainer. She was just as happy to be with Christopher, as he was to be with her.

Christopher couldn’t be happier. He knew he and Corsola would be a great team. He turned towards the small spiny pokemon and smiled, “You know you need a good nickname. What do you think about Barb?”

The small pink pokemon jumped up and down as if giving her approval. ”Corsa, Corsola.”

Christopher smiled as both he and his new pal headed off in the bright sunlight towards the poke mart.


Hmm... Well, This is pretty well written, aside from a couple of spelling and grammar errors. Definately not complete crap, that's for sure, but...

One eensy problem. This appears to be a journey fic... I.e. Young trainer gets pokemon, fights gym battles, wins league. Frankly, most readers don't like reading that, as it is so overdone.


Characters: Kinda flat so far, but it is the first chapter. Just make sure they get more personality later on.

Plot: None, but I'm guessing you have one, otherwise posting this would have been quite pointless.

Descriptions: They're alright. Nothing too fancy. Perhaps you could spice things up with a metaphor or two?


Ninety eight, ninety nine, one hundred percent, “it’s finally finished."
This would probably flow better if it read,
Ninety eight, ninety nine, one hundred percent.It’s finally finished!"


“Well don’t just stand there, go on check it out.”
You're just missing a comma in there, after "on". Nothing big, just kinda picked it up while reading.


So, overall, you did a good job with grammar and such in this, and I hope to see the next chapter even more improved.

-flies away-

;196; ~Chareon


Well-Known Member
yeaa nice writing


*The Water Warrior*
Thanks I'll definately take all your ideas into consideration while writing the second chapter. Yes i have a plot in mind, It's not gonna focus on the typical trainer fic aspects..... gym battles, journey, ect, though they will play into the story. I should have the next chapter up sometime monday. I have lots of homework this weekend.

Once more thanks, especially Chareon.


I'm Back
“Christopher, I’m home.” “Would you mind coming in the kitchen? I have something for you.”

Messy jet black hair was quickly covered by a navy blue cadet hair that bore a Starmie pin as he rushed out of his bedroom door.

Christopher heard the distinct sound of the old oak door open, and then close immediately after
She wiped her flour stained hands on her apron

If she just arrived how could she be baking already, in the time it takes him to rush downstairs?

whit underbelly scattered in a unique pattern.
You must mean White

“Oh you just wait, were going to win so many battles together.”

Should be we're

“Well I guess it’s time I get going. Violet City is a good ways away.”

WHAT!? He's not even going to stay to enjoy his sisters fine cooking? He had his bag packed and everything? Why wouldn't he wait until the next morning?

as well as oddly colored poke ball.

Should be: as well as an oddly colored poke ball

and this is something special to me.”
I think you mean: Special for you OR Special from me OR something special for you from me...

He tossed the poke ball into the air and out cam Corsola

came Corsola

Ok here's the good news:

Clever choice for starting pokemon.

Clever mysterious family who are quite obviously going to make a return but still quite clever.

Bad News:...

How can a pokemon who just met a human pracitcally love him?

typical Cherrygrove/pallet town/city without a gym from the game starting city...

Christopher=too Gary Stuish

Lillian=typical sister who takes the maternal role and never cooks.


Read the Rulesand ADvice for aspiring authors Both of which are very helpful.

Also read some other fan fictions that are five star rated or journey fics it'll be helpful to see how others do it.


Thanks I'll definately take all your ideas into consideration while writing the second chapter. Yes i have a plot in mind, It's not gonna focus on the typical trainer fic aspects..... gym battles, journey, ect, though they will play into the story. I should have the next chapter up sometime monday. I have lots of homework this weekend.

Once more thanks, especially Chareon.

You're quite welcome. Just one more thought, though... Don't post too many chapters too fast. I'm not really sure why, but my cousin told me this when I started my first fic (Price of Freedom), and it worked... (Obviously worked for her, too. Look at Chibi Pika's Legendarian Chronicles!)

Read the Rulesand ADvice for aspiring authors Both of which are very helpful.

Also read some other fan fictions that are five star rated or journey fics it'll be helpful to see how others do it.
I think I must dissagree with you, here. I think mrbrightside gets how it works, but hasn't quite done it much before... Perhaps I am right?

Well, anyways, good luck, and stay away from writer's block!

-flies away-

;196; ~Chareon


*The Water Warrior*
((OK so i had a pretty uneverntful day and thought i would finish ch 2, so here it is, enjoy the chapterage.))

Ch2: A Snubbly situation
Christopher glanced anxiously from item to item on the crowded shelves. Out of all the buildings in Cherrygrove City the Poke mart had to be the biggest next to the Pokemon Center. His eager eyes darted back and forth, from label to label. “Ah ha, just what we need.” He was referring to the special blend of pokemon food made especially for water and normal types. He read the nutritional facts carefully before placing the small teal box into his hand basket. He picked up a small electric pot made especially for boiling water, it was aluminum and had a special burner device built in for heating water. This would definitely come in handy for all the quick pack noodles he would be feasting on the next couple of months. He grabbed a couple potions, some fruit and a canteen that could hold thirty two ounces of water before making his way down the narrow aisles and towards the counter. He placed his haul of items onto the small checkout counter and pulled out his money making sure he had enough. It turned out he had more then enough, and decided he should buy a couple poke balls as well. He turned his attention towards the teenage, acne ridden sales clerk and began to speak, “HI there, yes I would like four poke balls as well.”

The sales clerk rung up the items, including the poke balls, and gave him a total. Christopher handed the young man the exact change and swooped up his brown paper bag full of essential items. “Have a great day dude.” The sales clerk added as he made his way out the large, sliding glass doors.

Christopher began searching through his newly purchased items, making sure he had everything. Just as he turned the corner he noticed a strange young man lurking in front of the Pokemon Center across the street. He looked to be around the same age as himself. The young man wore a big pair of tinted sun glasses, a long black trench coat with a high collar came up over his neck, just reaching his long turquoise hair and black combat boots. He looks rather suspicious as he talked on a small silver and black communication device. “Look I told you I’d have them by tomorrow, show some faith in me, their in the process of being captured as we speak.” Just then the young man noticed Christopher had taken interest in his conversation and headed his way.

Christopher clenched the paper bag tighter as the intimidating figure walked closer. He was a rather passive individual and tried to evade fights if at all possible. “You got a problem minding your own business?” the young man asked as he took his shades off revealing intense dark amber colored eyes.

Christopher stepped back a few feet for he thought this kid might try a cheap shot before speaking. “Actually there’s no problem here, I was just looking through my bag.” He began searching once more through the paper bag, trying to look busy, praying this guy wouldn’t cause any trouble. Just then the Youngman grabbed the paper bag out of his hands and ripped it furiously, scattering all the items on the ground. “Mind your own business if you know what’s good for ya.” He began as he took off in a hasty pace towards Route 30.

“What an arrogant jerk, he thought to himself.” As he began picking up the items that lay scattered on the dusty dirt road. “Next time I won’t be so nice.” He spent the next five minutes or so thinking of witty comebacks as he headed off in the same direction towards Route 30. His older sister stressed the fact that he needed to stick up for himself on many occasions, but Christopher just wasn’t that type of person. He always avoided arguments as he thought them to be quite pointless. Just then he felt a sharp pain in his stomach as he walked along the beaten path. He had just remembered the fact that he left home without even having breakfast, and if he was this hungry then Barb was sure to be starving as well. He trotted along until he saw the perfect spot to set up shop. It was right underneath the shade of a rather large pine tree. “Perfect.”

Just as he laid his bag on the mossy green earth he saw a small spider like pokemon come down from the tree. It had six small yellow and black striped les, three on each side of its small body. On its lower back was what resembled somewhat of a sad face, it was clear this pokemon wanted a battle. He scanned the pokemon quickly with his Navtec device: Spinarak, the string spit pokemon. The web it spins can be considered its second nervous system; it poisons foes on contact with its poison sting attack.

It was clear this pokemon wanted a battle, and he was more then happy to deliver one. He reached for the small red and white sphere that sat attached to the strap of his small bag. “C’mon out Barb.” He said as he tossed the small ball into the air.

The small pink pokemon materialized in a spurt of white light, hopping up and down upon release. “Corsa…..Corsola.” He was glad to see his new friend in high spirits even under these circumstances.

“C’mon Corsola, lets start off with a tackle attack” “Show that bug what your made of!”

Barb launched herself with all her might and connected with the small arachnid, knocking it off its web. “Corsa.” She said as if rubbing it in.

Just as quickly as it was knocked down, the small Spinarak launched a batch of tiny white stingers towards Barb.

“Look out Barb!” “Quickly, use Harden before the stingers reach you, then follow up with a Bubble attack.” Both fists remain clenched at Christopher’s side, he was nervous. This was indeed the first battle he had ever participated in. Even if his opponent was a Spinarak

Barb immediately regained her composure as her skin shined in the bright sun for a bit. It had turned as hard as a Rhydon’s underbelly. She launched herself high into the air, disappearing behind the bright sun, opening her mouth to release a shower of fierce clear, translucent bubbles all around the arachnid. The bubble attack hit hard rendering the Spinarak unconscious. “Cor...So...La!”

Christopher ran towards his loyal partner, clutching her in his arms. “We did it, we actually won!” He was on cloud nine, they were unstoppable, and nothing would stand in their way. Just then both their stomachs let out a loud gurgling sound, well nothing except hunger.

“I don’t know about you but I’m as hungry as a Snorlax.” He began as he filled a small, oval shaped red dish with the newly purchased poke chow. “Enjoy.” Just as he began to fill the small aluminum device with water he heard a rather loud rustling coming from the bushes to the left of where he sat. “Not again.” Thinking it was the same Spinarak hoping for a rematch. It was not the Spinarak and far from it.

A small, pink dog like pokemon came running from the bushes looking rather distraught. It had two large ears, both pink with black tips, as well as two large fangs protruding from its lower jaw. It looked as though it was wearing a blue, polka dotted dress with a blue collar, but it was actually the pokemon’s lower body. Christopher immediately grabbed his Navtec and scanned the mysterious pokemon.

“Snubbull, the fairy pokemon. By baring its fangs and making a scary face, it sends smaller pokemon scurrying in terror.” Christopher scrolled over to the attack section out of curiosity. “Snubbull’s attacks are: Ice fang, metronome, scary face, tackle and bite.”

Just as Christopher placed the Navtec back in his bag the small fairy pokemon started tugging on his shoe lace as if telling him to follow it. “What you want me to follow you?” he began as he walked casually behind the determined pokemon.

Snubbull ran through the bushes and came to a complete stop in front of a large field. It began to growl furiously. Obviously something or someone has rubbed this pokemon the wrong way. Christopher turned his attention to the scene at hand. He noticed a strange sight indeed.

At just about fifty meters ahead he noticed the same mysterious figure he had saw earlier in front of the poke mart, but wait he wasn’t alone this time. From where he was standing he could make out the figure as that of a female, but she seemed to be struggling with the Youngman. He heard her yelling as he ran closer. “Stop, pokemon are not to be captured like this! I already called for Officer Jenny.” The young girl yelled, as if trying to scare the man off.

Christopher immediately noticed a large, steel cage latched onto what seemed to be a small motorcycle. What resided in the cage was about ten Snubbull. So this is why the Snubbull wanted me to come here, to help her friends, to free them from this criminal.” He began thinking to himself as he neared the two young lads. He grabbed for his poke ball and released Barb in an array of shimmering white light. Christopher thought he disliked this young man before, but this really set him off. He believed strongly that pokemon deserved better then to be taken out of their natural environments against their will.

“Barb stay close.” He started as he approached the Youngman. He stared the boy up and down, from his shoulder length turquoise hair to the heavy duty combat boots that covered his feet. He turned his attention to the young girl. This guy had obviously rustled her feathers, for her soft face was turning as red as the ribbon that tied back her natural blonde hair. She had her fists clenched against her pink sundress, her red Mary Janes digging up the dirt as she dug her small feet firmly into the ground. She had the temper of a much larger woman, not that of a petite young lady.

Christopher trotted nearer the small diesel run motorcycle and attempted to pull the latch off of the cage. It was placed on tightly, and he was sure the one key was with the motorbike’s occupant. “Let these pokemon go right this instant!” shouted the usually calm and quiet young man. He began to clench his fists as he got in the face of the long haired boy.

The young girl stepped forward and swung her small pink bag violently towards the long haired boy. “Let them go, you filthy, no good, jerk off!” she shouted. Much to her surprise the bag was caught mid swing, as he pushed her to the ground.

“Ha ha ha, don’t make me laugh!” the boy shouted as he pushed Christopher back. “It’s going to take a lot more then some whiny girl and some sissy to stop Aden Wells, that’s for sure.” He grabbed for his own poke ball, quickly tossing it into the air and releasing a fierce, angry look purple snake like pokemon, it had a yellow ring circling its neck right below it’s rather large jaw. It stared on with piercing red eyes, just as evil as its trainer.

“Ekans.” The pokemon shouted as it shook its yellow rattle abruptly.

“I see how it is, well if it’s a battle you want then you got it!” Christopher jumped back a few feet before shouting his commands towards his loyal pokemon. “Barb we need to show these losers what we think of thief’s.” He glanced towards the stray Snubbull, making sure she hadn’t been hurt. “Hey, make sure that Snubbull is safe.” He was talking to the blonde haired young lady. “Barb use Harden, then hit that garden snake with your strongest tackle!”

“Corsa!” said the coral pokemon as her skin shimmered once more, becoming hard as stones, raising her defense significantly. “Cor…sola!” she shouted as she launched herself forward in a burst of speed, hoping to make contact.

“Don’t even think about it, Ekans use Leer attack, and then follow up with a wrap attack!”

The snakelike pokemon took immediate action, opening its large red eyes, stopping Corsola dead in its tracks. The snake pokemon began wrapping its long body around the small coral pokemon, constricting tighter and tighter. “Ekans.”

“C’mon Barb we have to get out of that constrict attack! Use bubble!” Christopher was heated as he spoke, he knew he had to win, these pokemon were counting on him, and Barb was counting on him.

Barb took action immediately spraying Ekans with translucent bubbles. They made direct contact with the snake’s purple face, causing him to gradually loosen his grip, and eventually let go all together.

“Alright, Barb lets give it all we’ve got! Hit him with a tackle now!”

Barb gave a small nod and took off once more towards the Ekans. There was no doubt about it, Barb had knocked the living daylights out of the poor Ekans. Two black xs now occupying the place his eyes normally resided. “Cor,so la,Cor!”

“Good job Barb.” Christopher shouted as he neared the fallen trainer. “Now I won’t say it again, release those pokemon!” He walked swiftly to the fallen young lady and helped her to her feet, making sure she was ok.

“This is not the last time you’ll hear from Team Dasick, or the last time you’ll hear from me. I may have fallen this time, but believe me next time we meet I’ll be much stronger.” He reached in the deep pockets of his trench coat, and pulled out a small silver key, inserting into the large pad lock. A small click reassured them it was indeed the corresponding key. The padlock hit the floor as the Youngman walked towards his tired pokemon. “It’s okay Ekans, you did your best.” The pokemon was returned in a spurt of white light to the poke ball it knew all to well.

Christopher immediately opened the iron gates, releasing the once captured Snubbull. They ran across the fields, and scattered about the bushes. “Snubbull, snub, snub bull.” They were once again free to roam the streets, no longer cramped in the small cage. Before Christopher could turn around he heard the small motorbike flare up. He realized that the boy known as Aden was making his escape. He turned around fiercely, the smell of diesel fuel catching his nose. “Damn it!” he shouted as he watched the small bike disappear into the late afternoon landscape. He let out a flustered yell, disappointed in himself.

Just then the young girl walked up to him and placed a small had on his shoulder, “It’s ok, I mean you saved all those Snubbull and well, you kind of rescued me as well.” She smiled a bit as she turned on her heel picking up her torn purse and the papers that had scattered about.

“Well that’s true.” He began as he turned to the small Snubbull he was helping; he picked her up and smiled. “Well at least you friends are safe.” He turned once again towards the young lady, letting a small laugh escape his mouth, “By the way I’m Christopher, and you are?” Amsted all the confusion he had yet to learn the girl’s name, he felt rather awkward as he watched the attractive young girl pick up the rest of her belongings. He directed his attention once more towards the Snubbull “Well everything’s safe now, go ahead and get back to you friends.” He smiled as he placed the small pokemon on the ground, assuming she had run off into the bushes she had come from.

“Oh that’s right, we haven’t properly met, I’m Mandy, and that guy back there was a member of team Dasick. My parents have been researching them as well as every other crime organization in the Johto region for that matter.” She smiled as she zipped up her torn purse. “You see I’m bringing back some important information to my parent’s lab in Goldenrod City. They trusted I would get it there safe, seeing as I want to follow in their footsteps and become a pokemon researcher as well, but just as I was leaving town I spotted that boy, um what was his name, oh yes Aden, and decided to follow him. I basically saw what he was doing and tried my best to stop him, but I failed and then you showed up.” She was very bubbly and seemed to be excited.

“Well nice to meet you Mandy.” “So you’re going back to Goldenrod? I’m heading that way myself, well not directly I have to stop in a couple towns along the way, but yeah I wouldn’t mind some company.” He sat on the luscious green grass as he stared in her cerulean blue eyes. “So what do you say, we travel together, you cook, clean up, and I’ll protect you.”

“Oh really?” the girl began to blush at his attempts to make her laugh. “You know you really should learn some new jokes, but on the other hand it would beat traveling by myself, so yeah it’s a deal. Well the traveling part, you can cook your own food.” She let out a small laugh as she joined him on the ground. “So aren’t you going to call your Snubbull back?”

Christopher was puzzled, he didn’t have a Snubbull. He looked to his right and realized that the small Snubbull had indeed been standing by him the whole time, peering up at him with big brown eyes. A small sweat drop appeared on the back of his head. “Aren’t you going to go back with your friends?”

“Snub, snub, Sunubbull.” It began as a small tear fell down its cheek. It was obvious the Snubbull wanted to stay with her hero, Christopher.

“Well I guess it couldn’t hurt to have another member on my team, what do you say huh? Do you want to travel with me and Barb?” he smiled as hugged the small pokemon, it was surprisingly soft.

“Snub, snub!”

“Well then that settles it, were officially partners.” He got up and began doing a slight dance of excitement, reaching into his bad, he pulled out a small red and white sphere. “Well this poke ball has your name written all over it. He tossed the small ball into the air and Snubbull leaped up, making contact. A burst of white light surrounded Snubbull and sucked up its new inhabitant. “Yes I got a Snubbull!”

Christopher added the poke ball on his bag write next to Barb’s, smiling as he pulled out his kettle and once more attempted to make noodles. “What an eventful day” he thought to himself, “I met Mandy, foiled a crook’s plans, and got a new friend along the way.” Things were starting to go in his favor; hopefully this good luck streak would stay with him. “Lets rest for a little while, I am pooped after all that battling.” He leaned back on the comfortable grass, dosing off as he watched the clouds roll by.


*The Water Warrior*
Attention: due to lack of interest in my fic, Sadly the time has come to end it. Yeah I'm sure most people wont mind, but maybe i shall return, sometime in the future. Until then you can find me behind Publix, eating tuna fish out of the can.