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The Wayward Wobbuffet! (194)


And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member
The Wayward Wobbuffet!

After trapping Pikachu in a ball, Team Rocket send Wobbuffet off with the only key to the Ball. Ash decides to head after Wobbuffet but it keeps getting away. Can Ash get to Wobbuffet before Team Rocket do?

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Factory Head Noland

This is one of my favourite episodes, it's one of the funniest episodes ever aswell. I can't believe that Jessie gave Wobbuffet the key (what was she thinking?!?)
Wobbuffet was all over that town and everyone was chasing it.
The man with the Golem called Ash's Totodile "Totodiddle" lol!


Team Awesome
I LOVE this episode! It has so many great moments, definitely more than I can name. All I can say is I love the episode from start to finish, Wobbuffet definitely rules in this episode (especially when he successfully counters twice), and Goniff is definitely one of the more interesting villains the series has ever had. :D


Dull Manga Avatar
This is one of the few episodes where the dub changes are a definite improvement. Goniff's entire personality and way of speaking were added to what was originally actually a fairly boring character.


Wobbuffet was good in this! Always getting the best of Goniff whenever he tired to grab it. It was also interesting seeing what Quagsire and Wobbuffet looked like compared to each other.


to bad i never saw this episode..yet it sounds pretty good.
OMG, possibly the funniest Johto Champions episode, LOL, I love Wobbuffet
I cracked up all throughout this episode. But Jessie giving Wobbufet the key, that was rather stupid. And I thought Gonith was pretty funny as well.


Another episode I never got 2 see until 2day and it was off the chain! I read several posts from people that this was a funny episode and I agree right along with them!



Well-Known Member
A very good and very funny filler episode, watching Wobbuffet continue to be out of reach was very funny, also another good TR plan at the beginning to bad it went awry.


Well-Known Member
This episode, is so stupid it's funny. With the constant losing of Wobbufet, plus the side plot with Gonsu (or whatever his name was) it was very well done.


Well-Known Member
I love a good chase scene, and this episode was almost non-stop chase. Can't beat that.


kiss my greens
Giving Wobbuffet the key... not one of Team Rocket's best ideas. Still, it was funny seeing a chase episode, especially with Wobbuffet being the target XDDD

Strange, strange episode...


Palette Professor
I loved this episode, mainly because wobbuffet was kind of clueless as to what was going on XD


Palette Professor
I loved this episode, mainly because wobbuffet was kind of clueless as to what was going on XD