New shinies weeek of 1/24-1/31: Ralts x3 (evolved one into Gallade), Eevee, Tympole, Unova Darumaka x2 (Pokemon Go)
New shinies week of 1/31-2/7: Absol (Pokemon Go)
New shinies week of 2/7-2/14: Shelmet x2 (evolved one into Accelgor), Karrablast (evolved into Escavalier) (Pokemon Go)
Currently playing Pokemon Go and Pokemon Sword
Pokemon Go shiny wishlist: Wobbuffet (male), sentret, torchic, magmar, carvanha, shroomish
Friend codes: 5924 9374 4573
Please PM me so I can add friends to Pokemon Go! I have 116 and could always use more.
I still need some codes! Please add me and PM me, I'd appreciate it.