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The weardest evolutions!!!


GHoST Master
Pokemon's are evolving to be togher or better... and this is the basic pokemon rule.....like in nature... for example... poliwhirl (todpole) evoloves into poletoed (a frog) ...amd the same thing with caterpie..metapod and batterfree...etc..(that make sence)

BUT!! there are vere strange evolutions chains ... for example : remoraid- the blue fish that evolves into a red octopos !! this i think is the weardest evolution...!!


i need to see yor posts..
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Boom. Alex. End of.
Magikarp and Garydos, not AS weird but still, you did ask!


Rook to A3
WTF?!?!? That is one of the weird ones Shelgon to Salamence...


GHoST Master
shelgon is a dragon in a pod or a big shell that covers it's bodey ... it does make sense for me...to evolve into winged dragon (it's almost like metapod-->batterfree)


[Insert Wacky Title]
Feebas to Milotic, Magikarp to Gyarados. I was surprised the first time I heard of the Magikarp -> Gyarados evolution.

Whismur -> Loudred -> Exploud is another weird one. It starts cute, then it's loud and ugly? Just weird.


Bug pokémon have weird ways of evolving.

Nincada turns into Ninjask AND shedinja at the same time.

Wurmple can either turn into Silcoon and into Beautifly or turn into a Cascoon and then into a Dustox.

Only female Mitsuhoney can evolve into Beequeen.

but Minomucchi's way of evolving is just too gimmicky, being dependant on gender AND what it's wearing.


The weirdest evo I can think of is sheddinga I mean a bug--->a flying bug

What is left over if you have a free space--->sheddinja. The pokemon is dead but it lives at the same time in two diferent places with two diferent souls.

IMO What is left over is trash, not something with one HP that can only be beat with something superfective 0.O

I have however seen that in nature in the case of an insect that sheds its skin but the shed thingy can stay put where it left it for months since it is quite sturdy.

Also hunter to gengar. IMO it should be gengar THEN hunter. Hunter is scarier plus it has levitating hands that can atack from faraway thus making hunter the better evolution in terms of wich can do more. Think of shadow punch, does it make more scence on hunter or on gengar?


Oooh, is it?
Slakoth --> Vigaroth --> Slaking Chain seems a bit of a strange one, by looking at the Vigaroth especially.

Also hunter to gengar. IMO it should be gengar THEN hunter. Hunter is scarier plus it has levitating hands that can atack from faraway thus making hunter the better evolution in terms of wich can do more. Think of shadow punch, does it make more scence on hunter or on gengar?
I think the idea is of it gaining Limbs (No Limbs to Hands then to Hands and Legs)


Storm of Fire
The Magikarp line and the Feebas line does make sense. I think there's an old Chinese Legend about a Carp who turned into a dragon.

Anyway wierd for me.

Remoraid to Octillery.


Well-Known Member
How about...Geodude --> Golem

It's a rock that evolves into a tortoise. Made of rock, but..


Minomucchi's way of evolving is just too gimmicky, being dependant on gender AND what it's wearing.

Can someone elaborate?

Also milotic makes scence cuz of the ugly duckling 0.O?


GHoST Master
Bug pokémon have weird ways of evolving.

Nincada turns into Ninjask AND shedinja at the same time.

Wurmple can either turn into Silcoon and into Beautifly or turn into a Cascoon and then into a Dustox.

Only female Mitsuhoney can evolve into Beequeen.

but Minomucchi's way of evolving is just too gimmicky, being dependant on gender AND what it's wearing.

wooooooooooow ... no ...!! i think that the bug pokemons are the most making sense pokemons... nincada evolves into ninjask but shedinja is nincada's "skin" .. it's a resault of the changing into a new form and it is based on a real insect that when it evovles it leaves a full shape skin...
and mitsuhoney... it's clear that the bee queens are only feamale and the males are just...bees


Well-Known Member
Some strange creature evolving into a frozen rock.
I find Snorunt -> Yukinemoko weirder than Glalie, personally. I also find Magby -> Magmar weird, because Magby's cute, and yet Magmar is not. D: Pichu -> Pikachu should've never been invented, imo. ):

Manaphy Master

It's Dot Com!
my is:
;019; ---> ;020;
purple rat into brown chipmunk?
what the heck....

;458; ---> ;226;
they pretty much look the same, besides the remoraid and the size....

they look the same besides the crystal!!!