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The Weird Slogan Game!

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Goodness Gravy Me

<How about dat?
Hello there, all you happy people.

This Game works like this. What you do is post a weird slogan like "Unowns can't spell. Live with it" or "Who died and made you Serebii?" or even "If you don't eat, you can't have a free Misdreavus." Anything weird, but it has to be Pokémon-related and nothing rude. I cannot stress this enough.

Don't infringe various copyrights or make people angry by posting a slogan that someone else already thought up.
If you do there shall be dire consequences.

Also, every Wednesday, I will judge who made the best slogan in the past week.

So, what are you waiting for? Get going!
Oh, I see. You want me to start you off.-_- Okay, how about
"No-one escapes the Aggron, so don't even try."

P. S. Don't copy any of the slogans above.

List of winners so far:

1st November 2006 woot21 Just because you're a noob doesn't mean Magikarp;129;loves you.
8th November 2006 enyaz11 Always look both ways before eating a piece of fried chicken when you are in the natural habitat of wild chicken eating milotics.
15th November 2006 Ludicodaniel A magikarp isn't for christmas. It's for christmas dinner!
22nd November 2006 Chancellor Hivemind Rayquaza flies in the ozone layer, but does it know why kids love Rare Candies?
1st December 2006 Parasectdude A Leppa a day keeps the Blissey away.

List of people disqualified for ever:

pokeman4ever-using an already-existing slogan
crobatman-posting a non-pokémon related slogan
zezrex-same as crobatman
Some fan of pokémon-same as zezrex TWICE OVER
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super noob
"Just because your a noob doesn't mean Magikarp loves you."

Goodness Gravy Me

<How about dat?
And the first ever winner of The Tacky Slogan game iiissss...

with "Just because your a noob doesn't mean Magikarp loves you."

The contest continues...


Well-Known Member
THis is a contest >_>. I just thought it was somewhere to post weird slogans XD... o well...

"All bad things aside everything is swellow in Sinnoh"


Well-Known Member
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snorunt!
thats just the tip of the Glalie, erm, iceberg.
so you say you want an eeveelotion?
a pokemon who falls in a vat of molten glass will soon make a spectacle of themselves.
All these strange slogan's are very 'Mew' to me... harharhar!
My Gym Partner's a Mankey


super noob
Wow, I am honored.

"When things are bad, blame it on Ledian."


blaziken trainer
"if you buy 1 torchicken burger you'll get a free holy oreo cheesecake!"

Goodness Gravy Me

<How about dat?
Excuse me, but may I make a few points?

Tolneir, Only one slogan at a time!
Fat<3cat, of course this is a contest, that is why it is in the Games forum.
Everyone else, well done, keep sloganning (if that's a word).

The most likely winner at the moment is probably Omega Weavile, but anything could happen before Wednesday!

Goodness Gravy Me

<How about dat?
Well, Fat<3Cat, fair enough, this is The Tacky Slogan game, but in the first post I did say I would judge the winners every week, so I guess that makes it a contest.
Also, every Wednesday, I will judge who made the best slogan in the past week.

But I suppose you're right, it doesn't matter.

The most likely winner so far is enyaz11, but anything could happen before Wednesday!
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Goodness Gravy Me

<How about dat?
Pokéman4ever, you are disqualified for ever by using a slogan that the good people that make the Pokémon TV show have already thought up.

Episode #425: A Chip off the Old Brock

Check the game rules!
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