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The "what's the point of ____, all it brings is ____" game

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you cannot resist.
All you have to do is type some random words to say for example: What's the point of posting, all it brings is pain" or "What's the point of typing, all it brings is sore fingers"

So, start away :D!


super noob
What's the point of amusement, all it brings is anger


super noob
What's the point of 42, all it brings is 43.


super noob
What's the point of trying, all it brings is rain.


super noob
What's the point of Pokemon, all it brings is obsession.

ΩOmega WeavileΩ

Skinning every bears
(O,o ......*moment of total astonishment* You...you posted EXACTLY what I was going to post...O,o)

Whats the point of monkeys, all it brings is bernaners.
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