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The whole "Missingno." fiasco...

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...Was pretty awesome. The first gen of Pokemon was by far the best, it was pretty fun uncovering glitches and trying out these insane "cheats" to get PokeGods. 'Course, it didn't at all work, but it was still fun.

It's not just the odd cheats and lies that were cool, but the entire atmosphere of the world at the time - When you saw a kid walking down the street, he/she would, more often than not, have a copy of Pokemon with him/her.

I personally love the glitches of the game because they were the only things that kept me playing after I had finished. I was actually one of the first (not the very first) people to find the glitches out and post them on the interwebs. 'Course, I was young and stupid at the time, and I posted some real crap to make Missingno. sound more interesting (I claimed that it was the missing link to Mew - That if you caught it, Mew would lurk around Kanto. Thank God I'm not that stupid now).

So, what did you like about Missingno.? And Glitch City? Or perhaps that "Charcolt/Sapsaur/Raineer" Sh*t that spread about back in the day. Discuss.


Well-Known Member
Hey thanks for posting this, you saved me the trouble. :) When I encountered Missigno on pkmn Blue, it sounded like Articuno (no joke) and it had flying attacks. I caught it, gave it a rare candy, and it evolved into Kangaskhan, with sky attack! I also gave it fly,surf,and strength. I transferred it to pkmn silver, it was an awesome teamate!


Well-Known Member
Missingno. is one thing that puts me off the games, to be honest. I usually feel uncomfortable playing a glitchy game.


I always found it fun with glitches, because they were an entirely separate adventure after you had beaten the game.

And the mew glitch, giving me Lv7 Nidoqueens and such to trade to Silver.

RaZoR LeAf

Night Terror
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