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THe wishing stone :D


ooo, what's cooking?
I have the wish stone, and when i get mew, i gonna do the wish cave and beat jirachi ez...
problem is, is it gonna be worth it to wish.
For money, i have all i need (over 30000)
For Items, we have wm for that
For friend Areas, I have all of them
For the Something good, I'll be doing this after Lucario rank provbably, and new pokemon don sound that awesome.

Is wishing worth it, and what should I get if it is. Other wise, should i just get Jirachi. PLz feel free to ask this urself in this thread too :D


I was desperate to get Jirachi, so I didn't bother to make wishes. :p


ooo, what's cooking?
that is why I'm asking people for advice of whether it's worth it to "wish upon the psychic"
I am desperate to have 1 of the 3 little legendaries, so I'll probably gonna let it join and forget the wish...