Katsu Koneko
Um..I hope this isn't a repeat thread if so, please direct me to the original one and close this thread.
So that's the worst anime ending IMO.
What's yours?
For me: Alien Nine
[I'm not going to spoiler the series so yeah no worries.]
I was enjoying the series throughout episodes 1 - 3 and halfway through episode 4-the last episode-I thought that, there was going to be a continuation to the series since the characters were developing very well. I thought that well..there might be a second volume or more since it can't just end with four episodes.
Though, I was wrong.
I heard the ending song during the last few minutes of the anime, just like a typical Anime ending. Then these questionable scenes played out and suddenly, the most suspenseful part transpired and suddenly..
The credits roll.
I was so frustrated and found out the manga went further. I tried looking for any scans online, but no such luck. I couldn't find the English manga release either since they were hard to find. Central Park Media released them back in 2002-3 I think.
Even the director or producer..I forget at the moment said, in an interview included in the DVD, that the anime ended abruptly and wanted to continue it. Though that was back in 2003 and there's a slim chance that it'll come true. *sighs*
[I'm not going to spoiler the series so yeah no worries.]
I was enjoying the series throughout episodes 1 - 3 and halfway through episode 4-the last episode-I thought that, there was going to be a continuation to the series since the characters were developing very well. I thought that well..there might be a second volume or more since it can't just end with four episodes.
Though, I was wrong.
I heard the ending song during the last few minutes of the anime, just like a typical Anime ending. Then these questionable scenes played out and suddenly, the most suspenseful part transpired and suddenly..
The credits roll.
I was so frustrated and found out the manga went further. I tried looking for any scans online, but no such luck. I couldn't find the English manga release either since they were hard to find. Central Park Media released them back in 2002-3 I think.
Even the director or producer..I forget at the moment said, in an interview included in the DVD, that the anime ended abruptly and wanted to continue it. Though that was back in 2003 and there's a slim chance that it'll come true. *sighs*
So that's the worst anime ending IMO.
What's yours?