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The Worst Anime Ending(s)...

Katsu Koneko

Um..I hope this isn't a repeat thread if so, please direct me to the original one and close this thread.

For me: Alien Nine



[I'm not going to spoiler the series so yeah no worries.]

I was enjoying the series throughout episodes 1 - 3 and halfway through episode 4-the last episode-I thought that, there was going to be a continuation to the series since the characters were developing very well. I thought that well..there might be a second volume or more since it can't just end with four episodes.

Though, I was wrong.

I heard the ending song during the last few minutes of the anime, just like a typical Anime ending. Then these questionable scenes played out and suddenly, the most suspenseful part transpired and suddenly..

The credits roll.

I was so frustrated and found out the manga went further. I tried looking for any scans online, but no such luck. I couldn't find the English manga release either since they were hard to find. Central Park Media released them back in 2002-3 I think.

Even the director or producer..I forget at the moment said, in an interview included in the DVD, that the anime ended abruptly and wanted to continue it. Though that was back in 2003 and there's a slim chance that it'll come true. *sighs*

So that's the worst anime ending IMO.

What's yours?


Old Coot
InuYasha. Ends like your average episode.

Blackjack Gabbiani

Clearly we're great!
The epilogue to Digimon Adventure 02. Talk about coming out of nowhere!

Plus, I keep hearing that they only had Myotismon return because they didn't want to have a human as the final enemy.


Property of Jesus
Spiral and Higurashi no Naku Koro ni.

With Spiral it just sucked because, although all the mysteries and junk leading up to it were good, the finale really didn't have anything to offer.
You don't find out why the blade children are cursed or what cursed them at all. It just goes off rambling about things that don't seem to matter.

With Higurashi it's not so bad, but it still pretty crappy. You're given many clues throughout the show that help, but unless you have the last two chapters of the story you're screwed. No way in heck could you figure out the mystery without reading the visual novel. I think what ticks me off more about Higurashi though was, each chapter only took about 4 episodes to complete. The most episodes they would have had to add on to the anime was ten...and even then they could probably condense it into nine or eight if they really wanted to. :/

Prime Wolf

I got a Wii!
InuYasha. Ends like your average episode.

I agree, massive dissapointment, but leaves it open for a next series..........


Natsu no Maboroshi
Jigoku Sensei Nube. It was lame =/


InuYasha and Sailor Moon

In the great words of Charlie Brown..."UUUGGGHHH!"


Turnabout Pokemon
I agree with everyone who put Inuyasha. I never liked the show, but I happened to catch it on Adult Swim a while back and...I had no idea it even was the last episode. It seemed like any other episode. It brought no resolution to anything in the series.

I understand that the manga series is still running in Japan but...other shows like Full metal Alchemist broke away from the original source and continued the storyline and brought it to their own conclusion.

Rex Kamex

Well-Known Member
About endings like InuYasha, I hate it when cartoons in general do that. I mean, if a cartoon is going to end, they might as well make the last episode a "conclusion" episode. I know most American cartoons don't have that much continuivity, but still...

Tetsusaigas WindScar! said:
I agree, massive dissapointment, but leaves it open for a next series..........

But there's still no point in ending the first one abruptly in the first place.


Turnabout Pokemon
About endings like InuYasha, I hate it when cartoons in general do that. I mean, if a cartoon is going to end, they might as well make the last episode a "conclusion" episode.

Yeah. There needs to be some sort of resolution to at least one plot, even if there is to be a second series. I mean, the series just left too many loose ends. I'm not really sure what they could have done to give it a more proper ending since I'm not a fan of it, but it could have been something a helluva lot better than what they did in the show itself.

Oh well.

Rex Kamex

Well-Known Member
And apparently it went into a bunch of filler before it ended.

And to think, the Japanese Naruto is doing the exact same thing. I wonder if...

Nah, just kidding. Heh heh.


Well-Known Member
I didn't see the Inuyasha ending how did it end? anyway I thought the worst ending ever was Gash Bell(Zatch Bell in America)
The Hellsing TV series. [Crushes glass, grows a mustache, and grins]

What a waste.

That's another one. I also wasn't too fond of RK anime ending thanks to the filler arc.


Well-Known Member
InuYasha, period.

No, Zatch Bell ended pretty bad, too... If you don't want to be spoiled, then don't read the rest of post post, which includes me saying that the whole point of Zatch Bell was the Mamodo Battle, and the Anime ended without a King being crowned.

The ending of Digimon 02 was pretty bad, too. Bringing back Myotismon is like... Well, did any of you watch DragonballZ, and how the characters suddenly came back to life so fast you want to be sick? Sort of like that.

I didn't like Beyblade's ending much either, but I guess I can't help that. Oh yeah, and Digimon Frontier's ending was cut off, and I was a victom of that. I never did see what happened... I never bothered to YouTube it up.

I didn't see the Inuyasha ending how did it end?

Ever watch a InuYasha episode where they almost defeat the main evil bad guy, but they main evil bad guy ends up getting away without a certain jewel being formed back together? Just like that. I'd say that InuYasha is our winner.