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~*The Yoshi Club*~

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The PikaMew Fanatic

Go go Poké-Rangers!
Approved by PsiUmbreon. Thnx! ^__^

This is a club for all you people who love that little green dino, YOSHI!!

1: NO BASHING OR FLAMING!!! Important rule, don't forget it!
2: Stuff in this link. Read it!
3: Have fun!

For joining up, just post here saying that you want to join and why you want to join. If you think that the topic is dying, you may post a new one.

Official club banners, courtesy of ¿Castform? and MistyMix89.


1)The PikaMew Fanatic(owner)
2)Pokeshipping Togetic(co-owner 1)
3)Mr. Bikini Fan(co-owner 2)
7)Soul Dragon
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The PokeDog Fanatic
Yay! First to post! Anyway, I would like to join. Yoshi rules!!!


OMG! A Yoshi club! Yay! *jumps up and down* I <3 Yoshi! His voice is too cute that I want to steal it. XD Anyway, I'll be glad to join. ^^

The PikaMew Fanatic

Go go Poké-Rangers!
YAYNESS! New members! BTW MistyMix89 that's a cute Yoshi banner. Think we could use that for the club?
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The PokeDog Fanatic
Yoshi is my favorite Mario character. I'm glad someone made a club for him. ^_^
As I said in my last post, Yoshi rules!!! :)


May I join?
Yoshi is my favorite mario character, and my nickname too...
Specially I like the blue yoshi.

The PikaMew Fanatic

Go go Poké-Rangers!
Sure you can join! ^__^ Hmmm... Only 4 members... Oh well. Here's a topic:
What's your favorite game starring Yoshi?
I would have to say that mine would be Super Smash Bros.


What's your favorite game starring Yoshi?

Guess Super Smash Bros. Melee

The PikaMew Fanatic

Go go Poké-Rangers!
Yoshi00 said:
What's your favorite game starring Yoshi?

Guess Super Smash Bros. Melee
You've played that game before? No fair...

Valkyrie X

Well-Known Member
I'll join. I LOVE Yoshi. He's always been my favorite Nintendo character. He's just the cutest little dino...And that voice of his is downright adorable. ^_^ *hugs him*



Cat and Snake lover
Hi there,

I'll probably be lurking most of the time, but just wanted to say Yoshi's *cute* and as everyone already said, the voice is just adorable. Awww. I'm not sure I want to actually join, since I don't know much about the games Yoshi's in, but I like him and remember him from the Mario cartoons. :)


Cat and Snake lover
I don't clearly remember now. It's been a while. The plots were pretty simplistic, but it was entertaining at the time. Yoshi was so funny just because he was so obsessed with food and, just like in the games, he's scared of ghosts.


Pachirisu Master
Can I join???

My fave games with Yoshi are:
(Super Smash Bros Melee​
(Mario Kart: Double Dash!!)​
(Yoshi Story)​

The PikaMew Fanatic

Go go Poké-Rangers!
¿Castform? said:
Can I join???

My fave games with Yoshi are:
(Super Smash Bros Melee​
(Mario Kart: Double Dash!!)​
(Yoshi Story)​
Sure you can join! ^__^ I agree, Melee and Double Dash are awesome. Although I've never played Yoshi Story.


Owned Charizard 0_o
Cool Yoshi's my favorate Nintendo charicter,may i join?
And my favorate game is Super smash bros too!
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