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Theory on Rocket Pokemon

Lil Brother

Just kinda there.
I'm not sure if this should go in the "Next TR Pokemon" thread or not. :/

Anyway, I was just randomly thinking about something: why Chimecho had to leave for Manene. Chimecho probably wasn't that popular in Asia, buut whyd did James leave behind his favorite Pokemon? Well, Team Rocket has never had more then six Pokemon. Between the two of them, there are Meowth, Wobbufett, Seviper, Dustox, Manene, and Cacnea. Why I don't know why they just dont give Jessie and James six Pokemon maximum, it seems they are going to stick with it.

Bah... just boredom telling me to type this... :(


Contaminated KFC
I don't think it has anything to do with Chimecho's popularity, nor do I think it has anything to do with the producer's fear of having the bad guys own six pokémon (though they DID have six if you count that one Shellder).

It has more to with with the fact that they (the writers) just didn't know what to do with it, and disposed of it because it was essentially a dead-weight. It didn't really have any gimick nor did it really do much, sorry, any battling.
So they took the easy way out and opted for Manene instead, purely because its new and they actually have something to work with, ie. the mimicry of other characters.
That and the fact that they couldn't be bothered to be creative with what they had I suppose~ :p


the writers probably treat Team Rocket as a single person when it comes to pokemon teams because if both Jessie and James had 6 pokemon each, not only would they be far too powerful, but they would have too many characters to work with:

we already have 4 people on the "good side" (5 if you count Pikachu) and 3 people on the "bad side" (Meowth counts as a person because he can talk and basically acts as a human)

3 people on the "good side" have pokemon (Ash, May and Brock) Max doesn't have any pokemon due to being too young.

currently, Ash has 5 pokemon, May has 3 (with one more on the way) and Brock has 3... at the Maximum, they can have up too 18 pokemon at one time... so it would make it a grand total of 22 characters with separate personalities, and this is only the good side (and I'm not even counting Misty, Tracey, their pokemon, or any of the current group's stored pokemon!)

the "Bad side" would have 3 people (remember, Meowth counts as a person) and currently 5 pokemon (6 if you Meowth was included) totalling the number to 8 bad guys, if Jessie and James were capable of having 6 pokemon each, they would have 15 "bad guys"...

adding the total maximum amounts together would make it 37 characters! very few fandoms are capable of having that many characters and having them equally showcased and having definate personalities... usually its a few while the rest are pushed into the background.

so limiting Team Rocket's Maximum number of pokemon from 12 to 6 is the best so the writers won't have to deal with so many characters.

Jesse GS the II

I was frozen today!
Don't forget, they're also trying to plug the D/P region as much as humanly possible without revealing any more than five members of the fourth generation. Writers are funny like that.


Storm Trainer
Jesse GS the II said:
Don't forget, they're also trying to plug the D/P region as much as humanly possible without revealing any more than five members of the fourth generation. Writers are funny like that.
This is kinda off topic, but I've realized that Ash never gets next generation Pokemon early, though he sees them everywhere. Usually, another main charecter does.
Hints for Gen. 2: Tracy's Marill, Misty's Togepi
Hints for Gen. 3: Johto lasted too long >_<
Hints for Gen. 4: May's Munchlax, James' Manene


The whole series so far has had Jessie and James only carry a couple Pokemon at a team for some reason, but I'm fine with it, I like Manene better then Chimecho better anyway. But did anyone ever notice that Jessie and James always seem like they love their Pokemon more then anyone, especially James?


Well-Known Member
Geki said:
But did anyone ever notice that Jessie and James always seem like they love their Pokemon more then anyone, especially James?

It's pretty much only James... Jessie has shown some occasional affection towards her pokemon (i.e. ekans, wurmple), but most of the time she's very harsh and abusive towards them. I ask you, where is the love?


JazzJazz said:
It's pretty much only James... Jessie has shown some occasional affection towards her pokemon (i.e. ekans, wurmple), but most of the time she's very harsh and abusive towards them. I ask you, where is the love?

only when she's motivated or when she thinks she's going to gain something out of it does she treat her pokemon with respect. As in the case of "Zig zag Zangoose"

She probably developed this abusive personality from her somewhat tragic up bringing.


Kinda off topic...but does anyone else fear the day when Kojirou's Manene evolves into Bariyaado?


;ord of pokebattles
Lil Brother said:
That will probably never happen. I doubt any of the D/P evos will evolve. Although if Brock catches Bonsly, I hope it edventually does. A Sudowoodo would suit him.

Amen to that.


;ord of pokebattles
hmm I wonder if James will get a Sneasal that will evolve into a Manyula and actually be a challenge for Ash and co inspite of being weak against most of their combined poke-arsenal.

well either James or Jessie should get Manyula in the end and while i hope James gut instinct is telling me that it will be Jessie who gets the friggin Dark/ice type pokemon. after all she almost always has more pokemon than James.


Well-Known Member
hmm I wonder if James will get a Sneasal that will evolve into a Manyula and actually be a challenge for Ash and co inspite of being weak against most of their combined poke-arsenal.

well either James or Jessie should get Manyula in the end and while i hope James gut instinct is telling me that it will be Jessie who gets the friggin Dark/ice type pokemon. after all she almost always has more pokemon than James.

Given that manyula has been taken out of the intro the chances of anyone getting it now have been somewhat reduced...
hi please chimecco weny ro promore sinnor