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There is a "Pokedex" in PMD! Wootage!

Ho-oh Master

Well-Known Member
PMD is no longer a game that lacks none 100% awesomeness :D

Well I went to the wigglytuff club, I clicked "check" and it showed ALL the pokes I have seen, and it highlights the pokes I own :D

so now we have our own lil pokedex :)

Sailor Merury

Butterflys rock!
I noticed that along time ago.


fredfredburger yes!
yay! pokedex!


fredfredburger yes!
yes mew is hard for me to recruit.

Sailor Merury

Butterflys rock!
I recrutid it on the first try. No friend bow.

Sailor Merury

Butterflys rock!
Oh well. Go back!


Well-Known Member
I never thought of that as a Pokedex, I just use the guide book from Nintendo.


Come at me bro.
its not really a pokedex


Beginning Trainer
I recruited Mew the third time I went to the dungeon, at floor 39 and when I had a level 54 Septile and a level 55 Charizard, with no friend bow :) . I think I'm just lucky......

And yeah... I hate the fact that you have to get three Mudkips to evolve two of them, and two Sandshrews... yah you get the point