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There is No Requiem for the Wicked

Eternal Daydreamer

Surrender to the Sea
*sigh* I'm up to it again. Now it's just a poem. I'm not going to tell you what it means. Although if you are wondering, just PM me. Or if you rather, just post your question.

I might write a one-shot that goes along with this, later. But I doubt it.

Here it is!
There is No Requiem for the Wicked

Who says they should cry
When someone wicked would die?
The fools who wouldn’t listen
Their blood would glisten...

What were their names those
Who could stain a sire’s clothes?
Some might not remember them
If it was not for the master, him.

The first one went into the soup,
And became a mere pile of goop,
He was a fellow who would stoop,
One would laugh when he became gloop.

Next came a young lass who blew hard,
She should have been on her guard,
But her pride made her wait a yard,
Now her sire is now battle scarred.

The third lass had a sire that was at fault,
She kept her desires in a loose vault,
When she took a dive he would exalt,
But alas she had a last assault.

The last had a Ma that would plea,
Looking after him to see,
That he wouldn’t be hurt in the lee,
Can’t they see, that now he can’t ski?

These fools now are dead,
No one should now dread,
The ones who were dead in the head,
Their secrets are now loose as thread.

In this final raid,
All debts are paid,
They will fade,
Time is a sharp blade.​
Well, what do you guys think?


No avatard plz
Oh.. My.. Gosh... That is so good![thinking of crying]Wow...It's great...
nothing funny... OOOOOOOOOO...

Eternal Daydreamer

Surrender to the Sea
Oh.. My.. Gosh... That is so good![thinking of crying]Wow...It's great...
nothing funny... OOOOOOOOOO...
It was supposed to be a horror/morbid poem. But I'm glad I almost made you cry. I guess. But that means you liked it so I guess that's a good thing.


I liked it. I know who all it's about, but I want to see if people get it.

You really good at poems, lol, great job. I adored it.

As always, be kind to the mime.
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No. I said it almost made me cry because it was perfict.
I'm sorry to be rude...but nothing is perfect. You can try, but you will only be really, really awsome. Also, I think the poem was good.