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These are sprites, if not junk.

ø®ΑпGЗ ♠

Well-Known Member
Please give me "These are excelent sprites! 8/10" style ratings only(!).
If it's the same, without the number rating, don't post then either.
Um, click the following link for sprites.
I'm lazy, so a formal front page will be put up later.
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Aloha wau ia 'oe<3

your sprites are always the best, and will be, keep up the good work!!

I love all of them!



The Pokémon Weaver
Some of the revamps are very nice. Consider the Johto revamp thread for these.

The Mudkip-Quilava mix is nice. Quilava is a great base PKMN. Tauros and Houndoom mix name: "Toradow": it's nice.

ø®ΑпGЗ ♠

Well-Known Member
kuro mizu: Everyone comments on the fairly old ones, thinking they are better. It looks like a headswap. I can't really think of how to really make it better, though.
~Kitty~: No comment. Really.
KingBoo1: The Johto revamp project is of poor quality ATM. The cheek seems odd on that one. I don't see why people like that one. I like Taurdoom though, it could use some minor edits though.

Please wait a second or ten for an unfinished sprite or two.

EDIT: I decided I should just finish the other sprite tomorrow, as I don't like it.

I like this one, though, yet this seem somewhat off. Please only comment on the head, you should know why. It's like my chikorita/sunflora mix in a way, as the head was edited to fit on. However, this one will have more stuff. in the end.
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ø®ΑпGЗ ♠

Well-Known Member

I'm just kidding, but the reason I have posted that sprite here is to learn how to improve it, not that it could be improved on. I of could easily told myself that. Anyway, what about the shading is bad? I will badger you otherwise. >:)
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I will give you an example-

See how the shading is very umm...how do I describe it..
You see how you tried to blend the colours so you have all these jumbled colours. Hard to explain. Just study the shading and you'll see what I mean.
Your Sprite-
Real Sprite-

ø®ΑпGЗ ♠

Well-Known Member
Oh. I want you to only comment on the Sandshew sprite, or the newest sprite at the moment, otherwise I would become confused, like right now.

Do you mean the checkerboard pattern? I tried to reduce that, but I wanted to dither at that time, and I don't want to change a style drasticly like that.

Chaotic Pink

Let the zephyr blow.
Orange, I consider you one of the best spriters on this forum, no I'm not joking!

With this sprite:
the shading is like that of the G/S/C style, only with more shades.

Well done :) Everything I would have C&C'ed on has already been brought to light :(


Well-Known Member
On your RECENT sprite, it seems like there is little shading. But zoomed in It has quite abit of shading.

The problem? The colors blend to much.
Solution? Try to distingush the colors from each other. Usualy when i make custom colors, I pick one that is simulair to what i want, then i distingush them from each other. Usualy a few shades apart.

Um what is that yellow tail above it's head? A hat, a tail? Please forgive my poor scence of creativity.

Hoped it helped Orange! *coughnowreplyinmydeadthreadchough*


Well-Known Member
aw no thanks for ACTUAL crit? ;_; *craws in shadows* BUT i do have to say that it does look like a tail *nod* but maybe it's just me? *dodges bullet* So any new sprite ideas you have in mind? How about trying to do pixel-overs?

ø®ΑпGЗ ♠

Well-Known Member
I have this Kirlia sprite that I have been doing for a while. I've always considered it incomplete. I'll post it when I feel like it's done. I don't really like making pixel overs. They're so hard to clean up.


This is what I thought would be a complete version. Are there any other comments until I change the colours?


Well-Known Member
OH that's what it is. Is it me or did ya fix the colors?

But if you have GIMP, or another program that supports layers, then pixelovering is easier then it looks ;) expect a guid for that real soon ;)

Uh the sprite... It seems like you should move the body down a few pixels. It looks like it's wearing a hat. I hate it when other ppl point out dumb things like that too. >.< but that's how it really looks from my point of view. And is the whole sprite custom? It seems like you used the official sprite (I dunno it's name) and used it as a reference. Gee i wish i could do customs, but sadly, all i can do is practice and practice ;_;.

ø®ΑпGЗ ♠

Well-Known Member
It's either just you, or I somehow reshaded it. It doesn't matter.

I have GIMP, but I only use it for transparency.

Erm, no. I just edited alot. The wierd thing is, I moved the body down, but then I moved it back up again. x_x I should be no problem moving it back though. I'm going to wait for more oppinions though.
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Well-Known Member
OKey dokey then. So you only use Gimp for transparensizing? aww come on *nudges* you might like pixel-overing. But i don't want to agrivate more on that subject, so i'll let it go. BUT I do have to say that do you mind if i can see what you have of your Kirlia sprite? please? *is hit on the head with a mallet*

Emo Saria

Be my Penguin <3
I have this Kirlia sprite that I have been doing for a while. I've always considered it incomplete. I'll post it when I feel like it's done. I don't really like making pixel overs. They're so hard to clean up.


This is what I thought would be a complete version. Are there any other comments until I change the colours?
Well, they're not junk, so they might just be sprites!
I can say this much.. Cute! I don't think I could find very many people that can do better, good job ^^.
I love all of your sprites overall, the newer ones atleast.. I really don't have anything to say, so keep up the good spriting ^^